Meet Our Tutors

Check out our tutor profiles and get to know which subjects our tutors enjoy tutoring, which days and times they tutor, and fun facts about them! 

Sarah Fazekas: Student Writing Tutor

Fine Arts: Illustration major 

Favorite subjects to tutor: Art history

Writing Strengths: MLA Format, APA format, idea development, research

Fun Fact: I have been drawing for over a decade!

Jaden White Castano: Student Writing Tutor

Liberal Arts & Sciences major 

Favorite subjects to tutor: ENG 09X, ENG101 & 102, History 

Writing Strengths: MLA format, structure and organization, analysis 

Fun Fact: I’m fluent in Spanish! 

Picture: This is one of my four cats, named Croquette. 

Rachell Williams: Educational Assistant

AS, Psychology, HCC

Current SCSU student

Favorite subjects to tutor:  ENG 101 & ENG 102.

Writing Strengths: MLA formatting and grammar. 

Fun Fact: I love anime and have cosplayed at three conventions so far! 

Karyn Smith: Writing Center Coordinator, Faculty

Favorite subjects to tutor: English, because that's what I teach! But I also love tutoring for writing assignments in other classes because students end up teaching me new things about other subjects.

Writing Strengths: MLA format, responding to sources, working within the rhetorical situation

Fun Fact: I am obsessed with finding giant states of things when I go on vacation.