Workshop Request Form

To request a workshop, fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

On-Site Writing Center Workshops

Workshops offered in the Writing Center will be advertised on campus via flyers, email, social media, and campus television screens. Interested students may also email Professor Smith ( to inquire about upcoming dates.

Current Workshop Offerings:

Understanding Assignment Instructions (30 minutes)

This presentation focuses on the importance of thoroughly understanding assignment instructions as an important step of the writing process. This presentation includes annotation techniques, defining common terms in assignment instructions, identifying technical details stated in instructions, and the need for assessing a finished product against the instructions. During the presentation, students will work through a few sets of assignment instructions to practice the given techniques.

Thesis Statements Workshop (30 minutes)

Students start by using guiding questions to brainstorm anything they know about thesis statements. A powerpoint presentation is used to guide through the interactive lesson, which includes characteristics of strong thesis statements, characteristics of weak thesis statements, refining techniques, and other basic information. This workshop also includes practice examples, handouts for future reference, and resources.

Introduction Paragraphs Workshop (30 minutes)

Students brainstorm ideas on what an introduction paragraph is, where it is used, why it is used, and the components. The presentation addresses each of these areas, with strong emphasis on what the different components are and how to achieve them. After the presentation, students are given the opportunity to draft an introduction paragraph based off a simple assignment. Students are also given handouts and references for future use.

Outlines (30 minutes)

Students brainstorm what components are important to include in an outline. The presentation includes what an outline is, why it is important, and how to create an outline. The presentation focuses on outlining as essential for organization and structure issues in the writing process. Students are given the opportunity to create some basic outlines in the workshop, as well as different types of outlines that can be done. Students are given a selection of handouts and a blank template for creating future outlines.

MLA Formatting (60 minutes)

This presentation is very interactive and collaborative. The workshop is broken down into two parts: Works Cited pages and in-text citations. Students are given a presentation about MLA formatting basics. After the presentation, students are given a variety of sources to create citations for, as well as, practice the in-text citations. Students are given handouts, templates, and online resources that can be used to facilitate proper citing.

APA Formatting (60 minutes)

This presentation is interactive and collaborative. This workshop is broken down into three parts: formatting, in-text citations and reference page. Students are given a presentation about APA formatting basics. After the presentation, students are given a variety of sources to create citations for, as well as, practice the in-text citations. Students are given handouts, templates, and online resources that can be used to facilitate proper citing.

In-Class Writing Center Workshops

Any of our on-site workshops may be offered in classrooms by faculty request; email Karyn Smith, Writing Center Coordinator:

Need us to develop a workshop just for your class/students? We can do that, too! Contact the Writing Center Coordinator.

Please keep in mind that scheduling of in-class workshops is dependent on available staffing. Please give 2 week notice when requesting an in-class workshop.

Current In-Class Writing Center Workshop Offerings:

Peer Review Support

Peer Review Support is a popular option for in-class writing tutor support. During scheduled in-class peer review sessions, the tutor can assist with whatever the professor feels would be most beneficial. For example, the tutor may work with individual groups, supporting them through the peer review process, including guiding students through questions, explaining concepts, and guiding conversation to ensure peer review is as constructive as possible. Another option is for the tutor to work with individual students, answering any questions they may have had. Some professors give tutors specific tasks, such as working with students who didn’t bring in a paper, revising thesis statements, or checking citations. The tutor will contact faculty to get rubrics, assignment instructions, and other useful materials in order to familiarize themselves with the content before tutoring in the peer review groups.

Grammar Support

During this in-class workshop, the Writing Center presentation will be informative and collaborative in explaining the basics of your chosen concepts. Students will also be given the opportunity to practice these skills. Grammar workshops can be tailored to your needs. Faculty can customize this workshop to include looking at drafts of papers, commonly seen grammar issues, or introducing new concepts. Common grammar issues include: run-on sentences, fragments, comma usage, and punctuation. The Writing Center presenter will provide handouts and other resources for students to utilize in the future.

Writing Center Introduction

This presentation provides students with basic information about the Writing Center, what to expect from tutoring sessions, and the types of services offered. This presentation is informative and encouraging, with the goal of welcoming students to take advantage of the services that the Writing Center provides. Students will be presented with information and statistics on the importance of writing tutoring and how it can help them improve their writing skills. Faculty may either opt for a generic presentation, or they can ask that it be customized to integrate the course's syllabus/assignments (specifying how the Writing Center can be of use over course of the semester).