Rice Breeder Apply for Honorary DSc

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This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

DSc (Honoris Causa)

Dr. Nadiram Saha

Doctrin de Science Award Honoris Causa


The Pride of India

Recipients of Honorary DSc are recognized as Resource person, Consultants & Advisors of international repute in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to produce Technologists of caliber by imparting quality Education to the students

Mission of Honorary DSc is to promote research and extension among Universities and other research organizations in all aspects of research, extension and training.

Mission of Honorary DSc is to undertake consultancies and studies in Community Development, Education and Management

Mission of Honorary DSc is to provide advisory services for Social Engineering

This is international selection based upon merit. Every year Honorary DSc is awarded to World's 100 Most Influential International Celebrities who have made significant contributions in the transformation of society.

Honorary DSc is awarded by International Agency for Standards and Ratings, it is valid international recognition, recognizing Vice Chancellor, Minister, Judge, Legislative Members, Policy Makers, Professors, Director, Principal, Head of Institutes, Company Owners, Chairman, Advocates, Engineers, Doctors, Patent owners, Editors, Scientists, Civil Servants and many more across all continents of world including America, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia. We are World's Largest Talent Pool with Rank 1.


* This Global program recommends international organizations in identification, selection, recruitment, promotion and retention of World’s Most Influential People.

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Nadiram Saha

Question: What inspired you to enter into Plant Breeding?

Answer: Plant breeder only can develop new varieties which can help directly to the farmers and ultimately helpful for human society. Best example to develop dwarf and semi dwarf cereal varieties like wheat and rice. Dr Borlaug developed dwarf wheat by which green revolution has come in India. Dr Khush has developed many rice varieties IR36, IR 64 etc. which has change the scenario of rice throughout world. These have inspired a lot to me to enter into Plant breeding. This is the only way to meet the recurrently growing food consumption in the globe.

Question: Since how long, you been into this scientific field and in which cities you have been associated for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research, commercial and training programs in Seed Production, Hybrid Development, Rice Research, Plant Breeding, Hybrid Trials, Production Research, Operations Management, Market Research?

Answer: Since my master degree ( Year 1985) I have started the rice breeding activity for the development of new varieties in University of Calcutta. I did research in Calcutta University on rice for varietal development as well as hybrid development. Then I entered in private company SYNGENTA as Rice Breeder in Pune in 1999 and started the commercial hybrid rice activity, hybrid trials throughout India, seed production research in hybrid seed production area , operation management doing in R&D and production area and developing hybrids as per market demand which comes through market research and still I am doing the same work to develop new hybrids for the farmers as per ecological niche in different companies.

Question: What are your future plans for administration, entrepreneurship, teaching, research and training programs in Rice Breeding?

Answer: Future plan is to open an NGO where I will govern research , teach the students on how to develop hybrid seeds and train the farmers who can produce the pure seeds commercially so that farmers will be economically benefited.

Question: What kind of businesses can be started in New hybrid development? What minimum infrastructure would it need?

Answer: For new hybrid development it is very much need a well established Research Station with a very good knowledgeable plant breeder including adequate modern and sophisticated instrumental supports .

Minimum infrastructure:

a) 10 acre well irrigated land with fencing

b) Office cum sitting room

c) Poly house for crossing activity

d) Experienced breeder

e) Field assistant

f) Skilled labour for doing emasculation, clipping and crossing

g) Well controlled store room to keep Germplasm properly for short term and long term.

h) Market management should be there

Question: What are your recommendations to improve the standards of journals publishing research articles on Plant Breeding?

Answer: Main valuable component is the article of genuine workers to enrich the magnitude of any high standart journals with international reputation.

So we have to emphasise those workers with their valued works of article to publish time to time in the journal.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve syllabus of Plant Breeding for more creativity, applications and opportunities? How can colleges and universities generate more entrepreneurs?

Answer: My recommendations to improve syllabus of plant breeding to focus on more practical oriented which will be 100% commercially feasible so that after coming out from college or University students can be absorbed in different private or government organisations.

If Colleges and Universities are very much sure about their courses are more practical oriented then automatically some students will be motivated as entrepreneurs. Further more it should be taken care to look after the syllabus structure to maintain it very much national parity.

Question: What is Plant Breeding? What are the major branches in Plant Breeding?

Answer: Plant Breeding is the art and science of improving agricultural plants for the benefit of human society in respect of high yield, better quality, resistance to different biotic and abiotic stresses.

Major branches in plant breeding:

  1. Quality breeding

  2. Stress breeding

  3. Mutation breeding

  4. Polyploidy breeding

  5. Medicinal Plant breeding

  6. Horticultural plant breeding

  7. Organic farming technology

Question: What are your recommendations to frame guidelines on funding of research projects on Plant Breeding?

Answer: There are ample scope to avail the research funds from different Governmental and nongovernmental organisations. Indeed sponsoring authorities are seeking for genuine workers for funding them.

Question: What improvements would you like to see in hybrid rice in near future?

Answer: Following are the points:

  1. Improvement of cooking quality

  2. Increase the outcrossing ability of existing female lines

  3. Supply the pure hybrid seeds to the farmers in cheaper rate

  4. Concentered on TGMS line for high outcross and pure F1 seeds

Question: What are your views on Pest resistant genetically modified crops? Are they harmful to butterflies, honey bee, our ecosystem?

Answer: Molecular development of particular resistant genes within the plant so that it will protect the plant from particular pests and will not hamper the other insects like butterflies, honey bee as well as our ecosystem.

Question: How can students seek job and career opportunities in Plant Breeding?

Answer: A Good student never bothers to have a good job in nationally and international platform.

Question: What job titles are available in Plant Breeding?

Answer: Job titles are as follows:

  1. Plant breeder

  2. Agriculture officer

  3. Agriculture Extension officer

  4. Sustainable agriculture

  5. Agriculture Research Scientist(ARS)

  6. Seed certification officer

Question: Which are Typical employers in Plant Breeding?

Answer: 80% of breeders are working in private company like.-

  1. Syngenta

  2. Byer

  3. Pioneer

  4. UPL

  5. Corteva Agriscience

  6. Limagrain

  7. Ricetech, etc.

Rest of the breeders are working with Government Institutes like ICAR, Aricultural colleges and Universities ,Research organisations and State Agricultural Department of the country.

Question: Which are the courses available in Plant Breeding?

Answer: Available courses are:

1. Advances in quantitative genetics

2. Plant genetic resources and pre-breeding

3. Genomics in crop improvement

4. Cellular and chromosomal manipulations in crop improvement

5. Advanced plant breeding systems

6. Breeding designer crops

7. Crop evolution

8. Crop propagation through in Vivo and in Vitro techniques

Question: What are your recommendations to write a world class research article in Plant Breeding? What essential components and factors must be there?

Answer: As of now we have established huge quantitative research work but indeed there is a remarkable shortfall of qualitative aspects like sufficient protein values, minimum quantity of essential vitamins, good flavour and other micro and trace nutrients.

Question: How different population growth rate of various communities can change democracy in your country?

Answer: It’s the novel tusk of human resource development of the country. They are trying their utmost level to change the scenario of the nation which we desire. Though it is the matter of spiritual development of various religion of the country which is regulated sometimes in a wrong way due to their illiteracy and ignorance. Still we are very much hopeful to change the scenario in our favour.

Question: What are conflicts between Europe’s NATO and Russia? How does it cause security concerns to Russia?

Answer : It is very critical international foreign affairs which occurs biasly or unbiasly. We, being Indian very peaceful nationalist, do not want any unpeaceful situation for breaking the harmony of internationalism. It is our proud heritage to maintain and to keep peace in the world at the cost of our dedication and sacrifice. Our national leaders are trying to balance the turmoil situation and to maintain the liaso in global society.

Question: What are your recommendations to establish a world class research institute for Plant Breeding?

Answer: I do agree with this item. Once upon a time our Nalanda Viswavidyala was the gate way of the achieving knowledge and learning the better educational hypothesis. Still it is needed to establish an internationally reputed institutes elsewhere in India to teach the world farmers societies and to aware for the betterment of crop production practices. A numbers of experienced scientist throughout the world are to be gathered in an international forum or institutions to monitor the novel role of plant breeding in the world.

Question: What are your views on development of genetically seedless crops?

Answer: Though it is very much helpful to consume the product of various crops like papaya, watermelo , banana etc. , but indeed , pure germplasm restoration is very much needed. To carry out the seedless fruit production program is a recurrent tusk to the plant breeders. We must follow the scientific principles to balance the consumers need as well as scientific restoration of germplasm.

Question: Would you start a campaign to request government to offer free of cost internet to all people of your country as fundamental right, because it plays a significant role in education, awareness, business, implementation of government policies and economic development of country

Answer: It is a need base policy programme. Those who have capability to pay the minimum charges they should pay for it. But those who are not in a position to pay the minimum charges they should be treated as free of cost consumers. Before implementing this program a national survey program is very much needed.

Question: What are your recommendations to authors, who are writing Books on Plant Breeding for more creativity and understanding of the subject?

Answer: Authors should be knowledgeable and highly qualified. Before publishing the books in the market, a strict sensor work should be done by the appropriate government authority.

Question: What according to you are the Top 5 major challenges (research problems) which need to be resolved urgently by world’s scientists in the area of Plant Breeding?

Answer: 5 major challenges are as follows:

  1. Certified levelled of Germplasm (Nationally / Internationally).

  2. Recommendation for crop cultivation should be done according to agro climatic zones of country.

  3. With these rights, the breeder can choose to become the exclusive marketer of the variety, or to license the variety to others.

  4. In order to qualify for this exclusive rights, a variety must be new ,distinct, unifom and stable.

A variety is ;

New if it has not been commercialized for more than one year in the country of protection.

A variety is ;

Disticnt if it differs from all other known varieties by one or more important botanical or agricultural characteristics such as height, maturity, colour, palatability etc.

A variety is ;

Uniform-if the plant characteristics are consistent from plant to plant within the variety.

A variety is ;

Stable- if the plant characteristics are genetically fixed and therefore remain the same from generation to generation, or after a cycle of reproduction in the case of hybrid varieties

  1. The breeder must also give the variety an acceptable “DEMONSTRATION” , which becomes its generic name and must be used by anyone who markets the variety.

Question: What are your recommendations to improve standards of Conferences in Plant Breeding? How can they be brainstorming and more creative?

Answer: In a standard conference , presentations must be organised in a panel discussion in each session to allow results to be presented and future challenges and research needs to be discussed ;

  1. Breeding – selection technologies and strategies

  2. Sustainable soil management

  3. Sustainable resilient horticultural production system

  4. Sustainable and resilient arable farming systems

  5. Sustainable management of permanent and rotational grassland

  6. Sustainable weed and fodder management

  7. Precision and digital agriculture

  8. Organic and regenerative farming system

Question: Which major challenges do you see to establish India as world leader in Plant Breeding?

Answer: Plant breeding is always concept driven and models may help to develop plant phenotypes and genotypes needed for further success. One final area that we need to be considered in any discussion on any crop in any particular agroclimatic zone. Country like India is blessings of nature where more than eight agro climatic zones exists which is not available elsewhere in the world. So it is our first and prime advantage to conduct any locational trials in a particular season throughout all agro climatic zones of the country which seems to be prevailed the world locational trials. The world famous plant breeder Dr Swaminathan has proved all these hypothesis to the world group of scientist.

Question: Any other thing, you would like to share with World?

Answer: In any moment we can confess any problem of any country in the world conducting an experiment in suitable agro climatic zone in the country , India.

Dr. Nadiram Saha

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Nadiram Saha

Preferred Job Location:Hyderabad

Seeking senior/mangement level assignments in Rice Research and Development with a high growth oriented organisation


q A dynamic professional with more than 25years of rich experience in Research & Development, Marketing & Business Development, Customer Relationship Management and Brand Management.

q Currently working with J K Agri Genetics Ltd. as Principal Breeder Rice – R & D based in Hyderabad.

q Career withIndo-American Hybrid Seeds(India) Pvt Ltd., Bangalore as Principal Breeder Rice – R & D based in Hyderabad.

q Career with Metahelix Life Science Pvt Ltd., Bangaloreas Senior Breeder Rice – R & D.

q Career with Syngenta India Limited Seeds Division, Pune as Rice Breeder – R & D

q Commenced Career with M/S. Mukti Seeds & Plants (INDIA) Pvt Ltd., Calcutta as Plant Breeder.

q A keen planner, strategist & implementer with demonstrated abilities.

q Responsible for overall profitability of operations and accountable for strategic utilization and deployment of available resources to achieve organizational objectives.

q Planning and execution of various activities in the market place.

q An effective communicator with excellent relationship building & interpersonal skills.

q Strong analytical, problem solving & organizational abilities.


- Seed Production - Hybrid Development - Rice Research

- Plant Breeding - Hybrid Trials - Production Research

- Operations Management - Market Research


Since 1st February ,2021 working with Ramnagar Seed Farm Pvt Ltd as Vice President and Head R & D – , based in Hyderabad and Burdwan.

Activity started from February 2021-

1.New hybrid development.

2.Development of New A and R lines which will be better than the existing one.

3.Purification of parental lines like A and R.

4.New Varietal paddy development through wide crosses.

5.Purification of varietal paddy which are being sold in market.

6.Quality analysis of all new hybrids and varieties which are in pipe line.

7.Screening of materials in hot spots area for biotic and abiotic stress.

October 26th ,2015 to January ,2021 worked with J K Agri Genetics Ltd. as Principal Breeder Rice – R & D, based in Hyderabad.


Development of TGMS lines and two line hybrids :

  • Developed new TGMS lines in different segments like early, mid early with LS,LB and MB grains. These lines showed very much stable and out crossing ability also is very high. Using this line hybrid seeds can be produced in cheaper rate with high purity level.

Production and evaluation of nucleus and breeder seed for two line hybs.

  • Developed the seed production technique in two line hybrids.

  • Selected some promising two line hybrids which showed better performance as compared to commercial checks regarding yield and tolerance to diseases and pests . All developed hybrids are now in MLT, IHT and OBN.

  • Development of these TGMS lines is a great achievement for me in life because still now in India no any organisation got success on two line breeding. I have been working on two line breeding since 1999 when I was in Syngenta but success came in JK.

Hybrid development:

Developed hybrid JKRH 2609 in medium early duration with LS grain which are in the market from last few years. This hybrid shows tolerance for diseases and pests along with high adaptability.The producibility of this hybrid also very good and it was promoted to AVT from IHRT trials conducted through CAICRIP.The seed production ability of this hybrid is the highest in whole seed industry due to the female which has very high out crossing ability.

Developed hybrid JKRH 2728 for BORO season .This hybrid is in long bold segment which is suitable for East India like Assam, West Bengal and Odissa. The producibility of this hybrid also very good and now it is in AVT-1, ACRIP (IIRR) trial in this BORO season.

Female (A) line development:

Developed early A line with 110 days maturity and a special trait like purple stigma with purple tip in the grain.

Developed A line with extra long slender fine grain and 115 to 120 days maturity .This A line is being used for developing aromatic hybrid like Khushbu (Indo American hybrid seeds), Taja (Shakti seeds), JKRH 10 (JK Agri) and DRH 2366(Dhanya).

Dec. 2009 to October 2015 with Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt Ltd. working as a Principal Breeder Rice - R & D

Project handling on :

a) Medium duration hybrid development:

One hybrid (10-394) is in the market in this year .

b) Mid early hybrid development:

One hybrid ( 10-387) now in the market at Haryana. The duration of this hybrid is 115 to 120 days in Punjab and Haryana and the main competitor of hybrid SWIFT from Byer.

10-412 hybrid marketed in UP, MP and Jharkhand.

10-401 another hybrid is in DEMO and also promoted to AVT 1 in AICRIP Trial DRR in ,Kharif 2013.

c) Early hybrids development:

10-395 has long bold grain suitable for Gujrat, MP , Jharkhand Orissa and Assam in Boro season. It is vry much suitable for Poha (Puffed rice) making also.

Some hybrids were in demo for 2nd year ,2014

d) Late hybrid development:

4 hybrids were in AVT 2 in this season 2014 kharif and next kharif these hybrids will go in MLT 1.

e) Medium slender grain hybrid development:

16 hybrids are in AVT 2 in this season and next kharif (2015) these hybrids will go in MLT.

f) A & R line development for early, medium ,mid early and late hybrids:

New 40 A lines produced through back cross which are now in BC7 and tesing for producibility, outcrossing ability and for heterosis. Some of the lines are being used in this Rabi season for producing hybrids for AVT 1 trials.

New 28 A lines produced through back cross which are now in BC6 and tesing for producibility, outcrossing ability and for heterosis.

New 18 A lines produced through back cross which are now in BC5 and tesing for producibility , outcrossing ability and for heterosis.

R lines also developed in both aromatic and nonaromatic for producing new hybrids which are in different stages of trials . Some of these R lines are resistant to BLB and Blast.

BLB resistance line development on Restorer and Maintainer through MAS (Xa4 xa5 xa13 Xa21 ) and natural screening in hot spot area:

Some lines are being used for commercial hybrids and the hybrids have been tested in hot spot area during kharif 2014 against the competitor’s hybrid and promoted that hybrids on the basis of tolerance against BLB.

Blast resistance line development on Restorer and Maintainer through MAS and natural screening in hot spot area:

Some lines have been developed and are being used to develop for commercial hybrids and simultaneously these lines and hybrids are testing in blast hot spot area.

Production research for hybrid rice.

Purification of R lines and A lines

Aug’05 to Dec. 2009 with Metahelix Life Science Private Limited, Bangalore as Senior Breeder Rice - R & D

  • One hybrid ( DRH 2366) developed in EARLY and AROMATIC segment and launched it in the market in kharif season 2008.This hybrid has been well accepted by the Farmers of Gujrat, UP,Jharkhnd and Haryana.

  • Developed one early hybrid (106-110 days maturity) which was in Hybrid Advanced Trial in the last kharif season 2008 and it will go in DEMO in the forthcoming Kharif season..Now in early market by name MC 13 which is very suitable for making puffed rice( POHA). The male (Restorer) line of the hybrid MC 13 has been developed by me.

  • Responsible for identifying 10 hybrids from 2007 years MLT and these same hybrids had been retested in the kharif season 2008 for competing in the market of PHB-71 and PAG – 6444 and one hybrid has been selected which has been launched in kharif 2009. HYBRID DRH 834 NOW IN THE MARKET IN THE AREA OF UP, JHARKHAND, Chhattishgarh IN MID EARLY SEGMENT.

  • Responsible for identifying 8 hybrids from Station Trial in the 2007 year and these hybrids were in MLT in kharif 2008 and these will be retested in kharif 2009.

  • Responsible for developing one varietal paddy SUVAI (short slender grain) to meet the OP market.

  • Research activity on rice breeding.

  • Establishment of rice research station at Hyderabad.

  • Planning and implementing shuttle breeding programme in rice.

  • Responsible for Bt rice trial.

  • Collection of diversified GP.

  • Started indica japonica crossing programme by using wide compatible aus variety.

Feb’99- July’05 with Syngenta India Limited Seeds Division, Pune as Rice Breeder

  • Started Syngenta hybrid rice breeding programme at Neral, Maharashtra.

  • Establishment of hybrid rice breeding station at Pune.

  • Developed new lines (Restorer lines, TGMS lines etc).

  • Production and evaluation of nucleus and breeder seed for two line hybs.

  • Developed the seed production technique in two line hybrids.

  • Evaluation and utilisation of source nursery lines.

  • Effecting crosses with BxB lines, RxR.

  • Production of large no. of hybs for trials purpose.

  • Conversion and maintenance of CMS & R lines.

  • Analysis and interpretation of trial data.

  • Breeding and handle the MAS segregating population.

  • Production research for hybrid rice.

  • Field staff training.

  • NK 3325 (for early group) and NK 3376 (for ME group) three line hybrids were promoted for AVT from ICAR trial in the year 2003 and 2005. The hybrid NK 3325 is in the market from the year 2003 IN EARLY SEGMENT specially in UP market .

  • NK 2268 two line hybrid was in the 1st position in ICAR trial in the year 2004 and actively involved for the development of above three hybrids in Syngenta.

Collection of various rice GP.

BLB resistance line development on Restorer and Maintainer

Blast resistance line development on Restorer and Maintainer

Country Visited:


International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), in HRDC PROGRAM for 6 times.


  • Sichuan Academy of Agricultural sciences.

  • Liaoning Rice Research Institute.

  • Sanming Agricultural Research Institute.


Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymansing.

Symposium at University of Dhaka

Nov’95-Jan’99 with M/S. Mukti Agricultural Farm M/S. Mukti Seeds & Plants (India) Private Limited, Calcutta as Plant Breeder

  • Started the research activity in the Organisation.

  • Development of infrastructure for research activity.

  • Hybrid (F1) Seed Production

(a)Rice (CHN-3)

(b) Egg. Plant

(c) Water melon

(d) Tomato

  • True Potato Seed (TPS) Production

  • Production of Foundation seed from Breeder Seed.

a) Capsicum. b) Chilli. c) Okra. d) Bitter gourd e) Bottle gourd.

f) Water melon. g) Musk melon. h) Mustard. i) Lentil j) Rice

§ Maintenance of CMS line of Rice.


§ Training on Perspectives in Biotechnology from University of Calcutta in 1989.

§ Training on Microprocessor based Instrumentation Module 1-3 from university service and instrumentation centre, university of Calcutta in 1989.

§ Summer training course on Nematode diseases of Pulses and Oil Seeds Crops & their management from Rajasthan College of Agriculture, Udaipur.

§ Cloining and Analysis of Rice Genome from Molecular Biology Lab, Department of Botany, C.U in 1992.

§ National symposium on Agro forestry in Eastern India problems and perspectives Plant Breeders Association College of Agriculture, University of Calcutta, 19-20 May, 1990.

§ Conferences/Symposia on Seventh All India Congress of Cytology and Genetics, University of Kalyani, 20-26 December, 1990.

§ Golden Jubilee Symposium on Genetic Research and Education: Current Trends and the next fifty years. Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, 12-15 February, 1991.

§ National Symposium on Perspectives of Modern Biology Indian Association of Biological Science, Bose Institute, Calcutta, 1-2 December, 1994.

§ International Symposium on RICE: From Green Revolution to Gene Revolution Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-500030, and AP.Date: October 04-06, 2004.

§ 26th International Rice Research Conference : 2nd International Rice Congress October 9- 13,2006 ,New Delhi ,India

§ Application of Marker Assisted Selection of crop improvement from Barwale Foundation A. GHeights No. 8-2-703 Rd.no12 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad in 2007.

§ Rice group meeting conducted by Directorate of Rice Research every year since 1999.

§ International Botanical Conference on Plant Science and Man: Problems and Prospects, Bangladesh Botanical Society, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, 10-12 January, 1991.

§ Plant Tissue Culture Conference from Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Mymenshingh, Bangladesh.


§ Life member and member of the Executive Committee of Plant Breeder’s Association.

§ Fellow of the Indian Association of Biological Sciences

§ Member - Indian Horticulture, ICAR, New Delhi.

§ Member – Indian Farming, ICAR, New Delhi.

§ Member – Seed Tech News – Indian Society of Seed Technology, IARI, New Delhi.


Fellowship (s) Awarded:

§ Senor Research Fellowship, Adaptive Council from Government of West Bengal, India.

§ Junior Research Fellowship, Adaptive Research Council from Government of West Bengal, India.

§ Research Associateship, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) New Delhi, India.

Citations/ Certificates/ Medals awarded:

  • Medal for poster display at Silver Jubilee symposium of Indian Association for the biological sciences, 1994.


Pre doctoral Research: 1984 – 1986

  • The investigation on ‘experiment on embryo culture in rice and wheat using four media viz. Knob solution, knops solution with some modifications, B5medium and white’s medium partly modified’ and observations revealed that white’s medium partly modified was the suitable one for the desired objectives.

  • The investigation was undertaken to ‘isolate superior cultivars, standardize package of practices and extend the acreage of Niger in the latertic uplands of the state of West Bengal’. The objective of the investigation was to boost up the production of oil seeds in Eastern India, particularly in the state of West Bengal, without disturbing the normal cropping pattern.

Doctoral Research: 1986 – 1990

  • Yield component analysis on Niger.

  • Evaluation of Niger genotypes using Index Score method and identification of promising economically remunerative cultivars.

  • Adaptability studies in niger with reference to the latertic uplands of West Bengal.

  • Studies on the effect of lime treatment for growth and yield of Niger in the lateritic uplands of West Bengal.

  • Determination of optimum level of lime treatment for proper growth and yield of niger crop in the lateritic uplands of West Bengal.

  • Determination of optimum sowing time of niger with reference to the state of West Bengal.

  • Isolation of superior nigerinbreds for development of synthetic variety.

Post Doctoral Research: 1991 – 1995

Research focus on low temperature tolerance capability in rice to ensure particularly a good Boro crop in

Eastern India and more engaged with hybrid seed production of rice.

  • Experiments on embryo culture techniques and evaluation of suitable medium for embryo of different stages.

  • Selection of suitable white’s medium, modified white’s medium, MS medium, modified MS medium and modified SR medium and justify the special importance of the suitable medium for increasing shoot length and root number in the development stages of embryos.

  • Approach to increasing recombination frequency for cold tolerance in indica x japonica rice hybridization to develop improved cold tolerant indica rice varieties utilizing japonica source of tolerance

  • Role of two wide compatible aus varieties (WCVs) has been investigated and results supported the view of abortion of gametes carrying japonica x japonica hybrids and pointed out the difficulty in incorporating cold tolerant genes into indica genetic background in indica x japonica crosses.

  • Study the comparative efficiency of new biochemical screening technique for cold tolerance in rice, evaluate the new biochemical screening technique in terms of its relationship with two field screening techniques viz Standard Evaluation System (SES) and leaf yellowing at early vegetative phase.

  • Investigation proved that the biochemical screening technique is more reliable and easy to employ commercially for screening a large number of germplasm within a very short period of time under laboratory condition.

  • Several experiments have been carried on hybrid rice seed production.

i) To maintain male sterile line.

ii) To develop a new better male sterile line.

  • Adaptive evaluation of Cowpea under West Bengal Agro Environments viz. Bankura, Midnapore and Bribhum.


Saha, N., Majumder, M. K. and Pal, S.K. Yield component analysis if Niger [Guizotiaabyssinica (L.f.) Cass.] Phytobreedon. 6(1&2): 57-62, 1990.

Saha, N., Iyer, J and Majumder, M.K. An investigation on transfer of foreign of DNA in rice (Oryza sativa L.) through pollen-tube pathway. Paper presented at the International Botanical Conference held at Bangladesh, University of Dhaka on January 10-12, 1991.

Saha, N and Majumder, M.K. Evaluation of suitable media for embryo culture in rice (Abstract). Presented at Plant Tissue Culture Conference, held at Mymensingh organized by Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture (BAPTC), on December 7-8, 1991.

Roy, U., Saha N., Banerjee, S.P. and Majumder, M.K. Genetic investigation on sex expression in ridge gourd (Luffa acutangulaRoxb). Perspectives in Cytology and Genetics. 7: 681-692, 1992.

Saha, N. Majumder, M.K. and Pal, S.K. Combining ability in daiallel crosses of niger [Guizotiaabyssinica (L.f.) Cass.]. Phytobreedon. 9(1&2): 63-68, 1993.

Saha, N. Majumder, M.K. and Pal, S.K Adaptability studies in niger under normal and upland latertic condition. Phytobreedon10 (1&2): 1-10, 1994.

Ghosh, B.Saha, N., Majumder, M.K. and Sen, S. Invitro regeneration and flowering in niger. Phytobreedon. 10(1&2): 11-16, 1994.

Bandopadhyay, A.K. Saha, N and Majumder, M.K. Some evolutionary aspects of dioecism in improved of Trichosanthesdiocia and Coccinia indica. Proceedings National Symposium on sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Humid Zone Visva-Bharati Institute of Agriculture, Sriniketan, W.B.: 210-214, 1995.

Majumer, M.K. and Saha N. An approach to increasing recombination frequency for cold tolerance in Indica x Japonica rice hybridization. Genetic Research and Education: Current Trends and the next fifty years, Indian Society of Genetics & Plant Breeding, New Delhi.1: 514-19, 1995.

Manna, B., Saha, N., Bibi, A. and Basu, S. Possibilities of Commercial open field cultivation of Anthurium in Rural South Bengal (Abstract). Presented at National Conference on Impact of Biotechnology and Modern Horticulture on Rural Development, held at, J.U. Organised by Eastern India Horticulture and Biotechnology Centre and Dept. of Life Science and Biotechnology, on November 20-22, 1997.

Majumder, M.K. Saha, N. and Nath, S. on comparative efficiency of a new biochemical screening technique for cold tolerance in rice. Presented at Gregor Johan Mendal Birthday Lecture Series and Symposium International, held at Calicut University, Calicut, and Kerala.


§ Post Doctoral Research (Rice) from University College of Agriculture, Calcutta in 1995

§ Ph. D (Genetics and Breeding of niger) from University College of Agriculture, Calcutta in 1994

§ M. Phil. (Environmental Science) from University of Calcutta, Calcutta in 1988

§ M.Sc Ag (Genetics and Plant Breeding) from University of Calcuttain1986

§ B.Sc (Botany Hons.) from Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College, Rahara Calcutta in 1983

§ HS (Agriculture ,Vocational) Nripendra Narayan Memorial Higher Secondary School , Tufangunj, Coochbehar in 1978


Date of Birth : 10th Oct 1962

Marital Status : Married

Current Address : Royal Residency (Reliance Fresh Building)

301, 3rd Floor, J JNagar , Alwal.

Secunderabad 500010

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