27. Acknowledgements

There are many people to thank for their assistance and input into this website and I apologise if I miss anyone. Undoubtedly, the biggest contributor has been my distant cousin, Robert Russell, in Sydney, who has conducted meticulously research and comprehensively documented his findings on the family's behalf.

Other family members that have contributed are:

Ann Passaportis

Roddie MacDonald

Rae Fether

Dorothy & Tito Claro

Andrew MacGregor

Colin MacGregor

In addition, I should like to thank:

John Macrae

John Ross

Kaye Dobbie (Carna)

Donald MacDonald Ross http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~coigach/genealogy/index.htm

Willie Foulger, Stornoway Historical Society

Dorothy Smith, volunteer researcher, Gairloch Museum

Dr David Iredale

Dr Malcolm Bangor-Jones

Cathy Dagg

Bill Lawson

Donald Fraser Ross (Rosschaser)

Colin Ross (Lagopus)

Roddy Macpherson http://rosscromartyroots.co.uk/

Alastair Macleod (formerly of the Highland Council Genealogical Service)