Happy Customers

We enjoy making artwork and are very happy when we hear back from our customers. Some send us thank you's, others ask for more art, and some send us pictures. We wanted to dedicate a page for our loyal fans. We are glad our pieces have found there way into your hearts and homes. We do appreciate it! Here are some pictures, quotes, etc.

These images are from a couple of San Antonio ladies that have collected our work. They have been steadily adding to their garden over the years. We love what they have done.

This photo on the left is from a lady in Austin who was kind enough to send a picture and requested more flowers for her garden. It looks great, KG!"I love the color of the metal and the purple geode. Beautiful!" - KG This comment was in regards to a custom 3D photography on steel piece we created as a gift for someone: "The piece was perfect! Thank you so much for creating such a lovely memory gift for us to give to 'A'. She loved it! I love my little butterfly! That was so kind of you and it has already found a special place in my home. I look forward to working with you on other gifts for other special people." This customer lives in the Pacific Northwest and was happy to receive a sunshine metal art painting we shipped to her. "Great! Thank you! I'm excited to have the piece of sunshine in my house! The weather here hasn't quite hit summer just yet, there's been a bit more rain than I appreciate for it being almost July! Hopefully you can find ways to stay cool out there in the heat! Thank you again! Best, 'A.N.'

S.C. sent us this lovely picture of her large quartz flower she calls her 'awesome flower'. She put a stained glass hummingbird on the flower. What a lovely addition! Truly a beautiful combination. So inspiring.

We love how the flower sparkles in the sunlight and gives the quartz

crystal a glow. It seems to be alive and growing in this garden. The little hummingbird fits so well with the beautiful hues of gold, blues, and purples. Thank you, S.C. for the wonderful pictures. We love how you combined the hummingbird with the flower to create an even more gorgeous piece! So pretty.

Blush, Blush. Here's what Texas State Arts &Crafts Fair said about us:"Hidden Dragon Art is an artistic collaboration with a beautiful and astounding result! All of these pieces are lovingly made by hand with metal and are sure to please your eye! Stop by their tent this weekend, you are sure to be amazed with what you see!" We appreciate the compliments. Thank you, Texas State Arts & Crafts Fair!If you would like to send us pictures of your 'flower' garden and artwork that is happily hanging in your home, you can send us a pic via our email hiddendragonart@austin.rr.com.We are now also on our Facebook Fan Page at https://www.facebook.com/HiddenDragonArtand Twitter at https://twitter.com/HiddenDragonArt Have a fun and blessed day! HD