Frequently Asked Questions

What is Marching Band?

A marching band is a group of musicians and performers, usually woodwinds, brass, percussionists, and color guard, that mix coordinated movements (called drill) with the playing of music. Modern Marching Bands evolved from military bands, and in fact, march music was often composed for military bands. Most marching bands are connected to high schools and colleges, but there are a few professional marching bands for adults. High school marching bands participate in exhibitions, competitions, parades, and sporting events.

Who can be in Marching Band?

Any high school student! Students who already participate in school band, playing a band instrument, are the most common marching band members, but there is a place for anyone! Students who do not already play an instrument may choose participate in the color guard, or put in the work to learn an instrument. Students who play in orchestra, or out an of school instrument (i.e. piano or guitar) may choose to learn a secondary instrument to be in the marching band. A popular section to learn a secondary instrument is in the pit, especially if you play the piano. The pit is comprised of mallet percussion and auxiliary percussion instruments. With the exception of pit (front ensemble), all instrumentalists must be enrolled in a concert ensemble at HHS.

Will I have enough time to participate?

Marching band is a commitment. We practice every week and play at every football game, with a few Saturday obligations. The expectation is that everyone is at rehearsal, since 100% of our group performs 100% of the time.

However, MANY of the marching band members still hold part-time jobs, play fall sports, are in clubs, do extra-curriculars, and achieve high academics! You will have enough time! If you have a question about how you will fit marching band into your schedule, contact Mr. Buterbaugh!

The scheduled is available for in advance and we do have a conflict form that you can fill out to let us know about previously scheduled vacations, events, etc.

Is it expensive to join?

There are a few financial obligations in joining the marching band. In your first year you will need to purchase your Dinkles (marching shoes) and uniform shirt. This cost is approx. $55. If you are in the color guard there may be additional items that need purchased. Once you have purchased these items, and if you take good care of them, they should last you for four years.

Each season there will also be opportunities to purchase show shirts and marching band swag. This is completely optional.

The cost of marching band should not deter anyone from joining. Our Music Boosters Association provides scholarship and aid to any student wishing to participate, but need financial aid. No one will be turned away!

How do uniforms work? What should I wear under my uniform?

Every marching band member will be issued a uniform. All uniforms are kept at the school; they are distributed and collected for every performance. We are excited about our new uniforms this year!

If you are in the band proper (winds/percussion) of the marching band you will need your uniform shirt (purchased at time of registration), TALL black socks, and navy athletic shorts for under the uniform. The marching shoes you wear are classed Dinkles and must be purchased through the band at time of sign-up.

If you are in color guard, your 'under the uniform' attire changes based on your performance outfit. The color guard staff will make all uniform expectations known at the beginning of the season. All color guard members wear matching jazz shoes and guard gloves that must be purchased through the school at the time of sign-up. See the color guard page for more information.

What should I bring to band camp?

At band camp you will need:

  • Your instrument
  • Your music
  • A Pencil
  • your smart device, i.e. phone (if you have one) - we will be using a app to read and learn marching drill - there is no cost involved
  • a large water container
  • sun screen and a hat
  • snacks

Do I need money at games and exhibitions?

On Friday evenings prior to football games, the band parents feed the entire band before we change into our uniforms. However, if you choose to bring money to eat at concessions, you will have the 3rd quarter off to do so.

For exhibitions, we often take dinner orders ahead of time, for a small cost, that will be fulfilled by the hosting organization. We often practice before going to exhibitions and will ask students to bring a bag lunch to eat.

What if I have to miss a rehearsal?

To request an absence from a rehearsal or performance, students should email Mr. Buterbaugh at least 24 hours in advance. If an absence request is not able to be requested in advance (e.g. illness), students should notify Mr. Buterbaugh that they are ill (or that an emergency has come up). This notification should be done via email or the Remind app. Asking a friend to notify Mr. Buterbaugh is not acceptable.

The following are considered excused absences:

  • Documented conflicts (Submitted with Spring Band Packet)
  • School-sponsored events
  • Recognized religious observances
  • Serious illness accompanied by a doctor’s note

What opportunities are there for parents to become involved?

Parents are encouraged to get involved through the Hershey Music Boosters. The Hershey Music Boosters meets on the first Tuesday of every month and is responsible for organizing Friday night dinners, chaperones, and fundraisers. Parents wishing to participate can sign up to chaperone football games, donate food or money for dinners, and a host of other opportunities. Attending Booster meetings is highly recommended! For more information, visit their webpage!