Outdoor Color Guard

Are you interesting in joining Color Guard?

If you have any questions about the color guard program, contact Heather White at hwhite@hershey.k12.pa.us.

What is color guard?

Color guard is a performance art that consists of members that use a combination of dance, flags, and other props to portray a message to the audience. Specifically, the outdoor color guard performs alongside the wind and percussion players as a part of the marching band.

Do I need prior experience to join color guard?

No! All skills you need to know are taught at rehearsals. Prior music and/or dance experience may come in handy.

Who can join color guard?

Any Hershey High School student from 9th-12th grade can join color guard. Students that reside in Derry Township School District and attend Dauphin County Technical School or participate in a Home Education program are also eligible to join color guard.

What is the schedule like for color guard?

Color guard attends all of the same rehearsals and performances as the marching band/full ensemble. However, there are some additional summer rehearsals for color guard to help fine-tune and focus on learning the skills specific to our section. Generally, color guard rehearses Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-9pm throughout June, July, and the first half of August (with the exception of band camp during the first week of August). From late August through October, we rehearse on Tuesdays from 6-9pm and on Fridays from 2:45pm until the completion of that evening's football game. There are also a few exhibition performances on Saturdays. A full schedule can be found on the Schedule page.

What do color guard members need at rehearsals?

Summer rehearsals:

During and after band camp:

What do I need to purchase for color guard?

***The cost of color guard should not deter anyone from joining. Our Music Boosters Association provides scholarship/aid to any student wishing to participate, but need financial aid***

Required items in the Marching Band Order Form:

Required items in the Online Apparel Order (link sent out during mid-summer):

Other required items:

*= denotes item(s) that can be reused from last season if in reasonable condition

†= denotes item(s) that can be rented out each season OR purchased to personalize and keep forever 

Are there color guard opportunities during the winter/spring?

Yes! We also have an indoor color guard program that runs from early December through early May (auditions are late October/early November). Visit the Indoor Color Guard page for more information!