

I convened the PG module SO819 Analysis of Quantitative Data - running in Spring terms, and gave the quantitative methods lectures for SO602 Methods of Social Research. I ran several methods workshops in the past years, including Multilevel modelling workshops at the University of Kent (as a part of ESRC DTC training), Tilburg University (as a part of EDACwowe) and University of Hamburg. 


The two main modules I teach on are

In addition to this I give a variety of lectures around gender issues, East Asian welfare state and labour market policies: in UG SO337 Fundamentals of Sociology & PG SO877 Comparative Social Policy


I am supervising a number of students including undergraduates, MAs and Ph.Ds. 

Past Ph.Ds include

Current students include

The University of Kent provide a number of PhD bursaries. If you are interested in doing a Ph.D. with me, you can email me. Do note that I only take 1 max 2 students per year.