Chung, H. (2024) Flexible working arrangements and gender equality in Europe, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Chung, H. (2022) The Flexibility Paradox: Why flexible working leads to (self-)exploitation. Bristol: Policy Press.
Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung, H. (eds) (2017) After Austerity: welfare state transformation in Europe after the great recession. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Chung, H. (2009) Flexibility for Whom? Working time flexibility practices of European companies. ReflecT, Tilburg University Ph.D. Dissertation. Ridderkerk; Ridderprint.
** there are other "books" which have been published (with ISBN numbers that are published as reports - see the reports for government for those)
Edited Special Issues in International Journals
Milkie, M., Chung, H., & Jaga, A. (2023). Work-Family Justice - Meanings and Possibilities: Work and Family Researchers Network Special Issue. Community, Work & Family, 26(5).
Chung, H. Jaga, A. & Lambert, S. (eds)(2022) Work and Family Researchers Network Special Issue on Advancing Equality at Work and Home. Community, Work & Family. 25(1).
Chung, H., & Van der Lippe, T (eds) (2020). Flexible working work life balance and gender equality. Social Indicators Research. 151(2)
Chung, H., Taylor-Gooby, P. & Leruth B (eds) (2018) Special Issue on Political Legitimacy and Welfare State Futures. Social Policy & Administration. 52(4)
Chung, H. & Mau, S. (editors) (2014) Special Issue on Subjective Insecurity and the Role of Institutions. Journal of European Social Policy, 24(4) ISSN 0958-9287
Refereed Journal Publications
Russell, E., O’Reilly, J., Blome, C., Bussi, M., Chung, H., Finney, M., ... & Wallace, C. (2024). Moving Away From, Moving Towards and Moving Against Others: An Adaptive Multi-Strategy Approach to Defend and Build Resources in Self-Protection Mode. Journal Of Vocational Behavior.
Chung, H. & Seo, H. (2024) Flexibility Stigma Across Europe: How National Contexts can Shift the Extent to which Flexible Workers are Stigmatised. Social Indicators Research.
Chung, H. (2024). National family policies and the association between flexible working arrangements and work-to-family conflict across Europe. JFR-Journal of Family Research, 36, 229-249.
Milkie, M., Chung, H., & Jaga, A. (2023). Work-Family Justice - Meanings and Possibilities: Introduction to the Work and Family Researchers Network Special Issue. Community, Work & Family, 26(5).
Chung, H. (2023) ‘Reconsidering work’, IPPR Progressive Review. 30(2). doi: 10.1111/newe.12351.
Petts, R., André, S., Carlson, D., Chung, H., Milkie, M., Remery, C., Scheibling, C., Shafer, K. and Yerkes, M. (2023) “Fathers Stepping Up? A Cross-National Comparison of Fathers’ Domestic Labor and Parents’ Satisfaction with the Division of Domestic Labor During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Journal of Family Studies. 29(6): 2650-2679
Yucel, D., & Chung, H. (2023). "Working from home, work–family conflict, and the role of gender and gender role attitudes." Community, Work and Family. 26(2): 190-221.
Chung, H., & Booker, C. (2023). Flexible working and division of housework and childcare: examining the divisions across occupational lines. Work, Employment & Society, 37(1): 157-175. longlisted for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Awards for Excellence in Work-Family Research
Lott, Y., Kelliher, C., & Chung, H. (2023). Reflecting the changing world of work? A critique of existing survey measures and a proposal for capturing new ways of working. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 28(4) 457-473.
Chung, H., Seo, H., Birkett, H. & Forbes, S. (2022) Working from home and the division of housework and childcare among dual-earner parents during the pandemic in the UK. Merits 2(4): 270-292.
Chung, H. (2022) A Social Policy case for a four-day week. Journal of Social Policy. 51(3):551-566. - Short listed for the Cambridge University Press Award for Excellence in Social Policy Scholarship - Journal of Social Policy
Chung, H., Jaga, A. & Lambert, S. (2022) Possibilities for change and new frontiers: Introduction to the Work and Family Researchers Network special issue on advancing equality at work and home, Community, Work & Family, 25(1): 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2022.2008057 (open access)
Rakar, T., Chung, H., Zimmermann, K., Schoyen, M. A., & Hrast, M. F. (2022). What and whom are family policies for? Unpacking the meaning of citizens’ support for family policy across Europe. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 38(1):1-14 - Short listed for the Cambridge University Press Award for Excellence in Social Policy Scholarship - Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
Chung, H., Birkett, H., Forbes, S., & Seo, H. (2021). Covid-19, Flexible Working, and Implications for Gender Equality in the United Kingdom. Gender & Society, 35(2), 218-232. (open access)
Chung, H., & Van der Lippe, T. (2020). Flexible working work life balance and gender equality: Introduction. Social Indicators Research, 151(2):365-381. (open access)
Chung, H., & Van der Horst, M. (2020). Flexible working and unpaid overtime in the UK:The role of gender, parental and occupational status. Social Indicators Research, 151(2):495-520. (open access)
Chung, H. (2020). Gender, flexibility stigma, and the perceived negative consequences of flexible working in the UK. Social Indicators Research, 151(2):521-545. (open access)
Taylor-Gooby, P, Heuer, J-O, Chung, H, Leruth, B, Mau, S, & Zimmerman, K. (2020) Regimes, Social Risks and the Welfare Mix: Unpacking Attitudes to Pensions and Childcare in Germany and the UK Through Deliberative Forums. Journal of Social Policy. 49(1):61-79.
Chung, H. (2019) " Dualization and subjective employment insecurity: Explaining the subjective employment insecurity divide between permanent and temporary workers across 23 European countries" (free access link) Economic and Industrial Democracy. 40(3): 700-729.
Chung, Heejung/정희정 (2019) Why Flexible Working Alone Will Not Fix Pressing Issues of Work-Life Balance and Gender Equality / 일·생활 균형 및 성평등 현안과 유연근로제의 한계. Global Social Security Review 국제사회보장리뷰, 8 . pp. 49-60. (open access)
Chung, H. (2019) 'Women's Work Penalty' in access to flexible working arrangements across Europe. European Journal of Industrial Relations. 25(1): 23-40. (open access)
Chung, H. (2019) "National-level family policies and workers' access to schedule control in a European comparative perspective: Crowding out or in, and for whom?" Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis/ Special Issue on Methodological challenges for comparative welfare state research. 21(1): 25-46. (open access)
Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B., Chung, H. (2019) Identifying attitudes to welfare through deliberate forums: the emergence of reluctant individualism. Policy & Politics. 47(1) 94-117.
Chung, H., Taylor-Gooby, P. & Leruth B. (2018) Political Legitimacy and Welfare State Futures. Social Policy & Administration, 52(4): 835-846 (open access)
Taylor-Gooby, P., Chung, H. and Leruth, B. (2018) The contribution of deliberate forums to studying welfare state attitude: A United Kingdom study. Social Policy & Administration, 52(4): 914-927. (open access)
Chung, H. (2018) 'Dualization and the access to occupational family-friendly working time arrangements across Europe'. Social Policy & Administration. Special Issue on Occupational Welfare - Still divisive in welfare states. 52(2): 491-507 (open access)
Chung, H. & van der Horst, M. (2018) Women’s employment patterns after childbirth and the perceived access to and use of flexitime and teleworking. Human Relations/Special Issue on Flexible Careers. 71(1): 47-72.(Open access) - longlisted for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Awards for Excellence in Work-Family Research
Chung, H. (2017) "Commentary on the paper Social Exclusion in Britian 1991-1995 byTania Burchardt, Julian Le Grand and David Piachaud" Social Policy & Administration 50th Anniversary Virtual Issue.
Chung, H. & Meuleman, M. (2017) "European parent's attitudes towards public childcare provision. The role of current provisions, interests, and ideologies" European Societies. 19(1): 49-68. (open access)
Lott, Y. & Chung, H. (2016) "Gender discrepancies in the outcomes of schedule control on overtime and income in Germany" European Sociological Review. 32(6): 752-765 (open access) - Top 5 finalist for Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research.
Yoon, Y. & Chung, H. (2016) "New forms of dualization? Labour market segmentation patterns in the UK from the late 90s until the post-crisis in the late 2000s" Social Indicators Research. 128(2), 609-631. (free access)
van Oorschot, W. & Chung, H. (2015) "Feelings of dual-insecurity among European workers: A multi-level analysis" European Journal of Industrial Relations. 21(1): 23-37
Chung, H. and Mau, S. (2014) Subjective insecurity and the role of institutions. Journal of European Social Policy, 24 (4): 303-318
Carr, E. and Chung, H. (2014) Employment insecurity and life satisfaction: The moderating influence of labour market policies across Europe. Journal of European Social Policy, 24 (4): 383-389
Chung, H. & Tijdens, K. (2013) "Working time components and working time regimes in Europe: using company-level data across 21 countries" International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(7): 1418-143.
Chung, H., Bekker, S. & Houwing, H. (2012) "Young people and the post-recession labour market in the context of Europe 2020" Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 18(3): 299 - 315.
Chung, H. (2012) "Measuring flexicurity: Precautionary notes, a new framework, and an empirical example" Social Indicators Research, 106(1): 153-171 (open access)
Chung, H. & van Oorschot, W. (2011) “Institutions versus market forces: Explaining the employment insecurity of European individuals during (the beginning of) the financial crisis.” Journal of European Social Policy. 21(4): 287-301
Chung, H. & Thewissen, S. (2011) “Falling back on old habits? A Comparison of the Social and Unemployment Crisis Reactive Policy Strategies in Germany, the UK, and Sweden.” Social Policy and Administration. 45(4): 354–370 (runner up for the 2012 SP&A Early Stage Career Researcher prize)
Kerkhofs, M., Chung, H. & Ester, P. (2008)"Working time flexibility across Europe: a typology using firm-level data." Industrial Relations Journal 39(6): 569–585.
Chung, H. (2007) “From collectivism towards individualisation” Tijdschrift voor HRM,lente 2007.No.1; 71-72. Sassenheim, Van Vliet Uitgevers
김종건, 정희정 (Chung, H. & Kim, J.) (2003) "네덜란드 복지개혁과 노동시장정책의 변화 - "기적"을 넘어 "유연보장"으로" (english title: “Welfare Reform and Labour Market Policy Changes in the Netherlands: beyond ‘Miracle’ to ‘Flexicurity.’”)상황과 복지 14호 177-214.
사회복지학문후속세대 (The Next Generation Scholars of Social Welfare) (2003) "한국 복지국가 성격논쟁 뒤집어 보기" (English title: “Korean Welfare State Regime Argument in a Different Perspective.”) 상황과 복지 14호 217-240.
Book Chapters
Chung, H. (2024) Flexible working and gender equality: evidence and future scenarios and research agendas . in Kaufman, G., Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, M., Roberts, S. & Ralph, B. (eds) Research Handbook on the Sociology of Gender. Edward Elgar. pp.190-202
Chung, H. (2021) How to be a great academic. In Laenen T., Meuleman, B., Otto, A., Roosma, F., & Van Lanker, W. (Eds). Leading Social Policy Analysis from the Front (open access!). Leuven; KU Leuven Press. pp.11-20.
Chung, H. (2020). Company-level family policies: Who has access to it and what are some of its outcomes. In R. Nieuwenhuis & W. van Lanker (Eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Family Policy. (OPEN ACCESS!) Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. pp 535-73.
Chung, H. (2020). Institutions versus Market Forces: Explaining the Employment Insecurity of European Individuals Eight Years after the 2008 Financial Crisis. In T. Laenen, B. Meuleman, & W. Van Oorschot (Eds.), Welfare State Legitimacy in Times of Crisis and Austerity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chung, H. (2019) Part-time working women’saccess to other types of flexible working-time arrangements across Europe. In: Nicolaisen H, Heidi K and Cecilie H (eds) Dualisation of Part-Time Work: The Development of Labour Market Insiders and Outsiders. Bristol: Policy Press, 109-132.
Chung, H., Filipovič Harst, M. and Rakar, T. (2018) Provision of Care, Whose responsibility and Why? in Taylor-Gooby, P. and Leruth, B. eds. Attitudes, Aspirations and Welfare. Palgrave Macmillan.
Zimmerman, K., Chung, H. and Heuer, B. (2018). Labour Market Challenges and the Role of Social Investment. in Taylor-Gooby, P. and Leruth, B. eds. Attitudes, Aspirations and Welfare. Palgrave Macmillan.
Golden, L, Chung, H and Sweet, S. (2018) Positive and Negative Application of Flexible Working Time Arrangements: Comparing the United States and the EU Countries. In: Farndale E, Brewster C and Mayrhofer W (eds) The Handbook of Comparative Human Resource Management. Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 237-256.
Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung H. (2017) Where next for the UK welfare state? in Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung H. (eds) After Austerity: The New Politics of Welfare in Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung, H. (2017). Liberalism, Social Investment, Protection, and Chauvinism: New Directions for the European Welfare State. in: Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung, H. eds. After Austerity: The New Politics of Welfare in Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
Taylor-Gooby, P., Leruth, B. and Chung, H. (2017). The Context: How European Welfare States Have Responded to Post-Industrialism, Ageing Populations, and Populist Nationalism. in: After Austerity: The New Politics of Welfare in Europe. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press 1-27.
Chung, H. (2015) "Subjective employment insecurity gap between occupations: variance across Europe" in Eichhorst, W. and Marx, P. (eds.) Non-Standard Employment in Post-Industrial Markets: An Occupational Perspective. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. pp. 271-297
Chung, H. & Meuleman, B. (2014). Support for Government Intervention in Child Care Across European Countries. In M. León (Ed.), TheTransformation of Care in European Societies: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 104-133
Chung, H. (2014).Work, Alternative/Flexible Arrangements. In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp 7203-7208.
Wilthagen, T. Muffels R. & Chung H. (2013) “The ‘state of affairs’ of flexicurity in industrial relations: assessing country performance using transition indicators” Arrowsmith & Pulignano (eds) The Transformation of Employment Relations in Europe: Institutions and Outcomes in the Age of Globalisation.Routledge. pp. 184-206
Chung, H. & van Oorschot, W. (2012) “The impact of the perceived and actual unemployment benefit generosity and unemployment rates on employment security of workers” in Ervasti, H. et al. (eds.) The Future of the Welfare State: Social Policy Attitudes and Social Capital in Europe. Edward Elgar. pp.46-67
Meuleman, B. & Chung, H. (2012) “Who should care for the children? Support for government intervention in child care” in Ervasti, H. et al. (eds.)The Future of the Welfare State: Social Policy Attitudes and Social Capital in Europe. Edward Elgar . pp.107-133
Chung, H. (2011). 'Work-Family Conflict across 28 European Countries: A Multi-level Approach'. In S. Drobnic & A. Guillén (Eds.), Work-Life Balance in Europe. The role of job quality (pp. 42-68). Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. pp.42-68
Bekker, S. and Chung, H. (2009) “Restructuring Organisations while Striving for Flexicurity: Connecting the European Level to National Contexts” in Moreau, M.A. (ed.) Building Anticipation of Restructuring in Europe. PE Lang Publishers.pp.303~330.
Kerkhofs, M., Chung, H. & Ester, P. (2008) “Working Time Flexibility Across Europe” in Ester, P., Muffels, R., Schippers, J. & Wilthagen, T. (eds.) Innovating European Labour Markets:Dynamics and Perspectives, Edward Elgar. pp.163~189.
Chung, H. (2008) “Provision of Work-life Balance Arrangements in European Companies: Public vs. Private” in Keune, M., Leschke J., & Watt, A. (eds.) Privatisation and liberalisation of public services in Europe: An analysis of economic and labour market impacts. Brussels: ETUI.pp.285-319
Chung, H. (2007) “Flexibility for employers or for employees? A new approach to examining labour market flexibility across Europe using company level data” in Jørgensen, H. & Madsen, P. K. (eds.) Flexicurity and Beyond: Finding a new agenda for the European Social Model, Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing. pp. 243~277.
Reports for government(national and international) organisations+others
Chung, H. (2024). Flexible working: A deep dive into the impact of remote working on gender equity. London; Shape Talent.
Chung, H., Arkwright, A. & Yuan, S (2024) Making hybrid inclusive. Black workers' experience of hybrid working. London; Trades Union Congress.
European Commission (2024) Study exploring the social, economic and legal context and trends of telework and the right to disconnect, in the context of digitalisation and the future of work, during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. VT/2021/030. Report written by Visionary Analytics, Notus, I was the academic expert advisor on this project.
Forbes, S., Birkett, H., Evans, L., & Chung, H. (2023). Managing employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: Flexible working and the future of work (phase 3). University of Birmingham and the University of Kent.
Seo, H., Chung, H., Adewumi, B., Jassal, V., & Emoekabu, D. (2022) The BAME Staff Network All Staff Survey 2020: A report on the findings. University of Kent.
Forbes, S., Birkett, H., Evans, L., & Chung, H. (2021). Managing employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: Flexible working and the future of work (phase 2). University of Birmingham and the University of Kent.
Chung, H. (2021). Shared care, father's involvement in care and family well-being outcomes: Literature review. Report for the Government Equalities Office./UK Cabinet Office.
Walthery, P., & Chung, H. (2021). Sharing of childcare and well-being outcomes: an empirical analysis. Report for the Government Equalities Office, UK Cabinet Office.
Lee, J., Son, D., Seo, H., Chung, H. and Kim, M. (2020) Future Taxation Schemes for the Co-existence of Labour and Technology: Focusing on Digital Tax, Robot Tax and Carbon Tax. Federation of Korean Trade Union. Available at:
Forbes, S., Birkett, H., Evans, L., Chung, H., & Whiteman, J. (2020). Managing employees during the COVID-19 pandemic: Flexible working and the future of work. University of Birmingham and the University of Kent.
Chung, H., Seo, H., Forbes, S., & Birkett, H. (2020). Working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown: Changing preferences and the future of work. University of Kent and the University of Birmingham. Retrieved from Canterbury, UK:
Chung, H. (2019) 영국의 노동시간 단축 켐페인과 한국에의 함의 (4 day week campaigns in the UK and its implication for Korea). 민주노총보고서. Report for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.
Chung, H. and Seo, H. (2019) Parental leave policies across Europe: Comparing France, Sweden, England and Germany (유럽 주요 국가의 보육 육아휴가 정책 : 프랑스 , 스웨덴 , 영국 , 독일을 중심으로). Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.
Chung, H. and Jung, S. (2019) 간접고용 관련 주요선진국의 고용현황 및 보호방식: 영국사례 (Employment Status and Protection Methods in Indirect Employment: The UK Case) - chapter in 간접고용노동자 노동인권 실태조사 (Indirect Employment, Workers’ Rights Survey). 국가인권위원회 (The Korean Human Rights Commission). Available at:
Chung, H. (2018) Future of Work and Flexible Working in Estonia: the case of employee-friendly flexibility. Report for the Estonian Parliament.
Vontz, M., Chung, H., Dennehy, J., Sacks, R., Woodman, P. & Amin, W. (2018). A Blueprint for Balance: Time to fix the broken windows. Chartered Management Institute.
Muffels, R., Wilthagen, T., Chung, H. & Dekker, R. (2010) Towards a Methodology to Monitor and Analyse Flexicurity and Work-Life Balance Policies in the Member States of the EU. Report for the European Commission
Chung, H., Muffels, R., & Wilthagen, T. (2009) Defining and testing flexicurity indicators in Europe: How well performs the Dutch labour market comparably. Report for the Dutch Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs/OSA report A236: OSA: Tilburg.
Wilthagen, T., Bekker, S., Chung, H. & Rabhi, M. (2009) Decent work in the Netherlands. A report for the ILO project on Decent work in Europe. Report for the International Labour Organisation, Geneve.
Klammer, U., Wilthagen, T., Chung, H., & Thiel, A. (2008) “Take it or leave it: flexible working-time arrangements and the synchronization of business cycle and life cycle”, Working Paper of the European Foundation. Office for Official Publications: Luxembourg.
Muffels, R., Chung, H., Fouarge D., Klammer, U., Lijkx, R., Manzoni, A. & Wilthagen, T., (2008) Flexibility and security over the life course, European Foundation, Office for Official Publications: Luxembourg.
Chung, H., Kerkhofs, M. & Ester, P. (2007) Working Time Flexibility in European Companies, European Foundation, Office for Official Publications: Luxembourg.
Discussion/working papers
Chung, H., & Seo, H. (2023). Flexibility stigma - how national contexts can shift the extent to which flexible workers are penalised. TransEuroWorks Working Paper Series, 3/2023.
Leshchenko, O., & Chung, H. (2023). Homeworking and division of domestic work: the role of gender role attitudes in Germany. SocArxiv..
Chung, H., Birkett, H., Forbes, S., & Seo, H. (2020). Working From Home and the Division of Housework and Childcare Among Dual Earner Couples During the Pandemic in the UK. SocArxiv.
Chung, H. and Schober, P. S., (2019) Multidimensionality of Gender Ideology and Relationships With Gendered Practices: An Exploratory Analysis Across Europe in 2002 and 2012. SSRN Working Paper series. Available at SSRN:
Chung, H. (2014) Explaining the provisionof flexitime in companies across Europe (in the pre- and post-crisis Europe):role of national contexts. WAF working paper 1. Canterbury: University of Kent.
Muffels, R., Wilthagen, T., Chung, H. & Dekker, R. (2010) "Towards a Methodology to Monitor and Analyse Flexicurity (FLC) and Work-Life Balance (WLB) Policies in the Member States of the EU." Reflect Research paper series No.11/003. Tilburg University, Tilburg
van Oorschot, W. & Chung, H. (2011) “Feelings of Insecurity Among European Workers in the Context of Flexicurity Policies and Socio-Economics Conditions" ReflecT Research paper series. No.4. Tilburg University: Tilburg.
Chung, H. & van Oorschot, W. (2010) “Employment insecurity of European individuals (during the financial crisis), a multi-level approach” RECwowe working paper series 14/2010. University of Edinburgh: Edinburgh.
Chung, H. & Tijdens, K. (2009) "Working time flexibility components of companies in Europe" AIAS working paper series 09-84. AIAS: Amsterdam.
Chung, H. (2008) “Do institutions matter? Explaining the use of working time flexibility arrangements of companies across 21 European countries using a multilevel model focusing on country level determinants”, WZB Discussion paper 2008-107. WZB: Berlin.
Chung, H. & Muffels, R. (2007) Contract flexibility and working time arrangements: Constructing a typology. Tilburg University working paper. Tilburg University: Tilburg.