Ph.D. : 2009.11 ReflecT, Tilburg University & AIAS/HSI, University of Amsterdam
Thesis: “Flexibility for Whom? Working time flexibility practices of European companies”
Supervisor: Ton Wilthagen, Evert Verhulp, Trudie Schils
M.Sc. Research in Social Policy: 2006.2 School of Social and Political Studies, Edinburgh University
Thesis: “Different Paths Towards Flexibility: deregulated employment protection or temporary employment”
Supervisor: Frank Castles
M.S.W. in Social Policy: 2003.8 School of Social Welfare, Yonsei University
Thesis: “A Study on the Relationship of Employment Protection and Unemployment Benefit of 17 OECD Countries”
Supervisor: Lee, Hye-kyung
B.A. Social Welfare: 2001.2 Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social Science, Yonsei University
Research/Teaching Positions
2024.6 ~ current : Professor of Work and Employment
Department of Human Resource Management & Employment Relations, King's Business School, King's College London
2021.10 ~ 2024.5 : Professor of Sociology and Social Policy
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, Division for the study of Law, Society and Social Justice, University of Kent
2017.10 ~ 2021.9 : Reader in Sociology and Social Policy
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, Division for the study of Law, Society and Social Justice, University of Kent
2014.10 ~ 2017.9 : Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kent
2011.10 ~ 2014.9 : Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy
School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kent
2009.4 ~ 2011.9 : Researcher & Manager
EDACwowe (European Data Centre for Work and Welfare) Department of Sociology, Tilburg University
2007.11 ~ 2010.1 : Visiting researcher
AIAS(Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies), University of Amsterdam
2007.8~11&2008.3 : Visiting Research fellow
Labour Market Policy and Employment Department, WZB (Social Science Research Centre Berlin)
2007.1 ~ 2009.3 : Ph.D. researcher
ReflecT (Research Institute for Flexicurity, Labour Market Dynamics and Social Cohesion at Tilburg University)
Tilburg University
2005.11 ~ 2006.12 : Researcher
OSA(Organisatie voor Strategische Arbeidsmarkt onderzoek: Institute for Labour Studies)
2001~2004 : Research/Teaching Assistant
For various courses and projects at Yonsei University & the Korean Labour Institute
Other related positions
2021.1 ~ current : Academic Adviser for Working Families
2018.1 ~ ended due to Brexit : Expert adviser for the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
2010.3 ~ 2011.10 : Policy Advisor
Policy Think-tank for ABVAKABO(Dutch Public Sector Trade Union)
2008.02 ~ 2008.11 : Advisor for the development of European Establishment Survey 2009
TNS infratest/European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
2004.11 ~ 2008.7 : Foreign Correspondent
Korean Labour Institute(한국노동연구원)
2004.11 ~ 2008.7 : Editor/Coordinator
Bookji Dongin (Welfare Writers Associates: editors of Welfare and Labour) (복지동인)
2001.3 ~2001.12 : Executive Secretary
Korean Social Security Association(한국사회보장학회)
Awards and Prizes
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work/Family Research 2024: longlisted
Award for Excellence in Social Policy Scholarship: 2023 Cambridge University Press / short listed for two papers
Research and Innovation Prize 2022: Advance Research Prize highly commended - University of Kent
EDI awards 2022, 2023 - University of Kent
Above and Beyond Prize for teaching 2021-22 - Kent Union
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work/Family Research 2019: longlisted
Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work/Family Research 2017: top 5 finalist
Academic Champion 2015: University of Kent 50th anniversary award
Early Stage Career Prize 2011 : Social Policy & Administration journal – runner up
Rosemary Crompton Prize 2010: Work Employment Society Conference Best Paper Prize
Research Fellowship grant 2007: Social Science Research Centre Berlin, department of Labour Market Policy and Employment
Social Security Research Prize 1999: Prize given to bachelor students in Social Sciences with research potential
Yonsei University Contribution Scholarship 1998/1999 : Scholarships awarded to student body representatives
Professional Affiliations/Editorial Work
Editorial Board member for the journal Gender & Society (1/2023 - current)
Committee member for the Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research (01/2018 - current)
Co-editor of the Policy Press Book Series ‘Research in Comparative and Global Social Policy’ (06/2016 - current)
Editorial Board member for the journal Journal of Korean Welfare State and Social Policy (11/2016 - current)
Editorial Board member for the journal Social Policy & Administration (06/2015 - current)
Associate Editor of the journal Social Policy & Administration (06/2019 - 12/2022)
Editorial Board member for the journal Work, Employment & Society (01/2014 - 12/2015)
Associate Board member for the journal Work, Employment & Society (01/2011- 12/2013)
I have reviewed papers for several journals including; American Sociological Review, Work & Occupation, European Sociological Review, British Journal of Industrial Relations, ILR Review, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Social Forces, Journal of European Social Policy, Journal of Family Issues, Social Indicators Research and others.
Board membership
Executive board member for the European Social Policy Analysis Network (ESPAnet) (2019- current)
Co-lead for the WFRN network special Interest group Economic and Public Policy (2015 - current)
Executive board member for the Work and Families Researchers Network (WFRN) - International committee liaison (2019 - 2022)
Board member for the Korean Association for Social Policy(사회정책학회) (2013 - 2018)
Foreign advisory board member for Korean Critical Social Welfare Association (비판과 대안을 위한 사회복지학회) (2014-2018)
Project advisory roles
2021.1 ~ current : Project advisor for the Kings College London GIWL project on working conditions of parents
Teaching Reviewing work
External PhD examinations
Chris Clarke - University of York (Social Policy) – April 2015
Patrick Vulkan - University of Gothenburg (Sociology) - February 2016
Juri Kim - University of Bristol (Social Policy) - May 2021
Silvia Guiardi - University of Leuven (sociology) - Jan 2022
Kimberly Seung Goulart' - Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) - Jan 2023
Darya Vanchugova - University of Manchester - May 2023
Zhuofei Lu - University of Manchester - Feb 2024
Degree reviews - I am an external examiner for the University of Sheffield (2018-) and for the University of Tubingen (2019-)
Grant reviews -
Since Jan 2024 I am a part of the ESRC Peer Review College. I've also reviewed several grants for Economic and Social Research Council prior to that - standard & new investigators & secondary data analysis initiative;
European Commission (H2020) - Oct/Nov 2018; European Research Council - May 2017 & July 2021 ;
the FWO(Flemish Science Foundation) - March 2013&&July 2013;
LISER - Feb 2018 etc; ~University of Leuven 2021; Polish National Science Centre 2023
Language skills
Korean & English Bilingual
Dutch Passive: Proficient Active: Conversant (one upon a time it was B2 but now probably B1)
German Passive: Conversant, Active: Basic (expected to be about A2 active, and B1 passive level)
Spanish Passive/Active - A1 level?
(I also know a bit of French, Japanese... enough to order wine or beer!)
Statistical programmes
STATA, MPlus, SPSS, MLWin ...