Policy impact

Here is a list of some of the policy impact I know about. It is not comprehensive, yet gives you a flavour of how my work has shifted policy debates/supported policy work of governments, international government organisations, and policy stake holders across the world. 


July - I gave a talk at the UKHLS/Global Institute for Women's Leadership event on Women, Work and well-being held at the British Academy.

July - With Shape Talent, I wrote a report Flexible working: A deep dive into the impact of remote working on gender equity which was launched to 80+ HR managers/CEOs practitioners. 

June - I wrote a report for the European Commission DG Justice Gender Unit - Flexible working arrangements and gender equality in Europe - and presented it to the Gender Advisory group of the commission. 

March - I took part & gave a presentation in the Eurofound expert workshop on working time flexibility, digitalisation of work, and the future of work

March - I have advised on the European Commission report on Right to disconnect and teleworking which draws heavily around my work around flexible working, flexibility paradox/the gendered paradox, flexibility stigma and others. 

March - My book is cited in the Dutch ESB group's report. Kostwinnersmodel blijft hardnekkig in Nederlands.

March - I spoke in a panel discussion for the OECD, in collaboration with the government of Dubai, on the role of family policies on women and families' engagement at work. 


Dec - I've advised the IPPO on their report on hybrid working and disabled workers - which cites many of my work. Report here

Dec - My work has been used in Public Health Wales report The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, employment and health inequalities

Nov - My book has been used/cited in the Eurofound's report on Right to disconnect. 

Nov - I've contributed to/advised the development of the Economist Impact + Google Workspace report on Flexible working

June - My report on father's involvement in childcare and its impact of family well-being has been cited multiple times in the UK Governments evaluation of the Shared Parental leave report (published 29th June).

June - I have been invited to give the keynote speech for the European Commission and Equinet conference on the reflection on the implementation of the European Directive of Work-Life balance, focusing on how the directive (potentially) impacts discrimination and inequality patterns in the longer run

Feb - My book and the theory of flexibility paradox and 6 other journal articles of mine have been cited/used (12 times!) in the OECD's report on telework and gender "Teleworking through the gender looking glass"


Dec - My book and the theory of flexibility paradox has been cited/used in the Eurofound's report on telework "The rise in telework: Impact on working conditions and regulations"

Nov - My paper on flexible working and how it can exacerbate gender inequality has been cited by the European Commission's report Recovery from COVID-19: The changing structure of employment in the EU

Oct - I gave a presentation as a part of the Barcelona Time Use Week for the Catalan/Spanish Government/Barcelona City Counil on the issues around Work and Time, based on my book.  News coverage of this event and a summary of the day - video of the day (my bit starts in 12:00)

Oct - I gave a presentation for the European Commission (with Visionary Analytics) on the future scenarios of homeworking, and its impact on social inequalities/regional inequalities.

Oct - five of my papers are cited in the UK Parliament POST (Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology) brief The impact of remote and hybrid working on workers and organisations

Oct - Two of my papers are cited in the Scottish Government's policy report Women in agriculture - implementing equality commitments: research report.

Sept - One of my papers has been cited in the Danish Institute of Social Science's report "På job ved køkkenbordet: Fordele og ulemper ved hjemmearbejde under covid-19-pandemien for medarbejdere med sclerose (At work at the kitchen table: Advantages and disadvantages of working from home during the covid-19 pandemic for employees with multiple sclerosis)

Sept - Two of my papers on the role flexible working has on gender equality have been cited by the European Parliament - report Unionisation and the twin transition(digital & green)

July - I have presented for the European Commission (with Visionary Analytics) on Right to Disconnect, on why we need a right to rest/disconnect in the era of flexible working.

Feb - My work on how flexible working enables mothers employment has been used by the OCED report Tackling the Challenges of population aging in Slovak Republic - to highlight the need to promote fleixble working practices in the country.


Dec - My work on the Flexibility Stigma, and the division of housework/childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic has been used in the OECD report OECD policy responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19): Caregiving in crisis: Gender inequality in paid and unpaid work during COVID-19

Nov - Our report on working from home during COVID-19 pandemic is referenced in the Working Families/Flexible working taskforce's practical guidance on hybrid working.

Nov - two of my papers on covid-19 ad flexible working are used for the Commons Library research briefing "Flexible working: remote and hybrid work"

Nov- Two papers on flexible working and gender equality, and flexibility stigma have been cited in the Economic and Social Research Institute's report on Fathers and children from infancy to middle childhood.

Nov - I was invited by the European Foundation as an expert to help revise the European Working Conditions Survey 2024. 

July - I gave a presentation for the OECD/European Commission as a part of their work in reducing the gender employment gap in Hungary.

May - my work on flexible working shaped the Fatherhood Institute's report on Fathers during COVID-19 in the UK

May - my work on flexible working has been cited in the Public Policy Forum's report on New Working Arrangements.

May - My paper on flexible working supporting mother's employment has been cited in the European Commission's report on teleworking impact on workers and society

throughout 2021: I've co-hosted a 4 day week webinar with the Korean Parliament / Transition party which has shaped the policy agendas of the Korean Seoul Mayor Elections - with its main candidate noting 4.5 days as a key policy. some coverage & The Korean Health and Medical Workers' Union has taken this up as one of their key policy agendas./strike demands.  


Dec - Jan 2021: I am hosting with the Korean Parliament a series of webinars on the implementation of a 4 day week in Korea.

Dec: I've worked with Canvas8 and Beaming on their reports looking into the future of labour markets

Dec: I've given a presentation on how institutions shape employment insecurity levels, outcomes and gaps for the UN- Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 

Nov: I've given a presentation as a part of the Oxford Publishing Society on how to decolonise academia.

Nov: My paper on mother's employment and flexible working has been used to inform the European Commissions' report "After parental leave: Incentives for parents with young children to return to the labour market"

Oct: My papers on how mother's employment can be enhanced through flexible working, and its impact on gender inequalities have been used extensively in EIGE's report Gender Equality Index 2020: Digitalisation and the future of work. This work has subsequently been used to support the European Economic and Social Committee's opinion piece on Teleworking and gender equality - conditions so that teleworking does not exacerbate the unequal distribution of unpaid care and domestic work between women and men and for it to be an engine for promoting gender equality. *decision Oct 2020, Adopted March 2021.

Oct: I've given a presentation to advise the UN/IOM on the implementation of flexible working practices as a part of a UN wide agenda. (link to event) (press release from the UN)

April: I've worked with O2 on the future of work/remote working: see report

Feb: The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions have released their 10 policy agenda for the next parliamentary elections. It includes a move to a 35 hour week. My work has been influential in making this change - through two internal workshops+internal report I've written in December 2019. 

Feb: I was invited by the UK DWP to give a talk about welfare legitimacy and attitudes.


December: I gave a presentation in a workshop for the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions on working hours reduction campaigns and the role it has in shaping policies for Korea/and the Trade union strategies. This presentation was written up as a report for the KCTU as a part of their policy strategy for a 4 day week in light of the general elections in Korea in 2020 which has been adapted - see Feb2020 update.

December: I gave a presentation at the Korean Health and Social Affairs Institutes (Korean Ministry of Health and Social Affairs research division) event on social inequalities and role of inclusive (universalistic) welfare state.

October: Several of my work was cited in the UK Cabinet Office Government Equalities Office report "Women Progression in the workplace"

August: I gave a presentation at the Korean Labor Institute (the Korean Ministry of Labor Research division) on the outcomes of my WAF project. I also gave a workshop for the Korean Federation of Trade Unions on how to understand flexible working/strategize policy tools in light of the new working time limit regulations. 

July: My study on how female dominated workplaces lack access to flexible working has been used by the European Institute for Gender Equality's research note "Tackling the gender pay gap: not without better work-life balance"

June: I am giving a plenary speech at the DG Justice event on women's empowerment and will be advising projects on how to take their projects to address issues of gender roles/stereotypes, gender pay gap, and women in leadership roles.

April: my work on mother's employment and flexible working has been cited in the new Australian Work, care & family policies: election benchmarks 2019 document.

April - ongoing: I'm advising the BEIS team on the development of the new wave of the WERS/WLB employee survey focusing issues around flexible working.

March : the Government Equalities Office published a series of action notes for employers on how to tackle the gender pay gap, for which I have provided assistance. I've also sat in the panel discussion to launch the advice in the City of London. 


December : My research on how Flexible working relates to Gender Equality has been cited in the new 2019 Report on Equality between men and women in the EU - by the European Commission. 

December: I've been working with the BEIS team regarding the on going review of the right to request flexible working

November: I've been invited by the UK Cabinet Office to join the Shared Parental Leave evaluation academic advisory panel.

October: I've been invited by the UK Department for Business and Energy & Industrial Strategies (BEIS) as an adviser for redeveloping the new wage of the Maternity & Paternity Leave Survey 2019.

September: I've been invited by the HMTreasury to present during their labour market conference on family friendly policies and women's progression.

August: I've been invited by the Korean Economic, Social & Labor Council (tripartite policy organisation) to present my work on flexicurity and flexible working.

July: I have been invited by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) to speak on working time reduction and issues around wage preservation and flexible working in Seoul, Korea (once as a part of the Special session in the International Labour and Employment Relations Conference, and again in a special presentation/discussion session within KCTU).

June: I have been invited to open the inaugural seminar for the UK Government Equalities Office work programme on gender wage gap where I spoke to GEO and other governmental bodies on how flexible working influences gender inequalities in the labour market. 

May: I've advised the Korean Institute for Health and Social Affairs on their project on maternity leave coverage and routes for policy solutions. This is a project to feed into the president's special group on fertility and ageing society.

March: My ESRC project is used as evidence for the Women & Equalities Select Committee's report on fathers and the workplace to inform policy about the right to request flexible working. More specifically, it touches upon the work regarding flexibility stigma and work cultures. Link to the report here. Based on this report, the department for Business, Energy & Industries Strategies will be conducting a review of the right to request flexible working in 2019.

January: I've been a part of the Future of Work project for the Estonian government/parliament (as a part of their EU presidency). See the full report here, and press coverage below.

January : I've worked as a key policy advisor for the Chartered Management Institute for their report/white paper on gender diversity at the workplace. My work on flexible working has been used extensively for the report. This report will help raise awareness and build capacities for companies/managers in tackling gender inequality issues across the UK. Read the full report here


December 6th: The final report of my ESRC project is used as evidence for the European Economic and Social Committee's opinion supporting the European Commission's proposal on the directive on Work-life balance of working parents and care givers: Read it here

June 15th: the final report from my ESRC project on flexible working is used in the COFACE/Families Europe Response to the European Commissions' social pillar on work-life balance : Read it here

March 30th: The findings from my ESRC project on flexible working was used for the "The Better Work Tool Kit" of the Better Life Lab.

March 22nd: The findings from my ESRC project on flexible working and flexibility stigma were accepted and published as a part of the Women and Equalities Select Committee Inquiry on Fathers and the Workplace (link to the publications)


My paper on flexible working with Yvonne Lott has been cited in the White paper of the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affair on Future of Work (Arbeit 4.0) read it here

September : My paper on flexible working with Yvonne Lott and on working time flexibility in European companies has been cited in the OECD Brief on Flexible working . Read it here


Several of my work (four papers) with the REFLECT team has been used for the European Commissions' final report on the Administrative Agreement on Flexicurity :  JRC N°31962-2010-11 NFP ISP - FLEXICURITY 2. Read it here


My Eurofound report on working time flexibility of European companies has had a 1/2 page coverage in the European Commission's Employment in Europe 2007 report. 

I've worked on the European Commissions' statement on pathways to flexicurity which was the foundation of the European Commissions' communication on flexicurity