Pulsar Links
The links below open a new tab showing various sites or documents of interest on the subject of pulsar detection.
Pulsar References
Pulsar References
ATNF - Vela Pulsar Showing basic details.
Handbook of Pulsar Astronomy - Lorimer & Kramer The pulsar detection 'bible' used at HawkRAO.
Variability, Polarimetry, and Timing Properties of Single Pulses from PSR J1713+0747
JPL Pulsar Timing Observations. Spin Frequency Macro and Micro Jumps in the VELA Pulsar 0833-45 (1998)
Postglitch Relaxation of the VELA Pulsar after its First 8 Large Glitches (1993)
Glitches in Southern Pulsars (2000)
High Time Resolution Observations of the January 2000 Glitch in the Vela Pulsar (2001)
A Study of 315 Glitches in the Rotation of 102 Pulsars (2011)