Drainage Basins

Figure 1: Graph of normal precipitation vs elevation

Figure 2: Shaded relief map of Vermont, towns and cities are displayed in red numbers, with a scale bar to the right of the map


Vermont Average Precipitation: 42.15 inches (Source: US Weather Service)

Towns in the Winooski River Basin: Montpelier (14), Waterbury (28), Burlington (3)

Average Precipitation:

Montpelier: 34.38in, Waterbury: 41.64in, Burlington: 34.47in

Average = 36.83in

Winooski River Basin Total Precipitation Volume:

Area of Basin: 1044 square miles (1680 square km)

36.83 inches = 0.000935482 kilometers

Total precipitation volume in basin: 1680 X 0.000935482 = 1.57km^3

Average Runoff Percentage:

Winooski River mean annual discharge: 1817.36cfs (0.553931328km^3)

Average precipitation volume: 1.57km^3

Average runoff percentage: (0.553931328/1.57) * 100 = 35.28%

Mean Annual Suspended Load:

Mean Annual Suspended Load: 81mg/L

1 Liter = 1*10^-12 km^3

MASL = 81*10^-12 mg/km^3

Mean Annual Discharge = 1.57km^3

81*10^-12 mg/km^3 * 1.57km^3 = 1.2717*10^-7

(1.2717*10^-7) / 2700 = 4.71*10^-11mg/km^2 per year

Mean Annual Dissolved Load:

MADL: 82mg/L

82*10^-12 mg/km^3 * 1.57km^3 = 1.2874*10^-7

(1.2874*10^-7)/2700 = 4.77*10^-11mg/km^2 per year

Rainfall vs Runoff in the Winooski River Basin

Of the annual average 36.83 inches of rain that falls on the Winooski Basin, only 35.28% of it ends up as runoff. The remaining 64.72% is either absorbed by the environment, whether by plants, permeable soil, or animals, or it evaporates into the atmosphere.

Mass Flux of the Winooski River Basin

The values for dissolved load and suspended load (in mg/km^2 per year) were very close to each other based on my calculations. However, when looking at the rate of mass removal for basins in Cuba, I found that those values were much greater than those of Vermont. This may be due to the climate of Cuba. Since it is tropical, there is most likely more biomass near the river banks to get transported as load. Additionally, Cuba is susceptible to hurricanes, which produce large floods and subsequently an increase in load. Additionally, Vermont was previously under a glacier, while Cuba was not. Glaciated landscapes typically have less suspended sediment than other areas.