Your next steps

What now?

This website has demonstrated how Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" can be viewed as an Open Education Practitioner.

Open practice has enabled him to extend his reach across the globe, delivering learning content and creating a community to help learners meet personal fitness goals as part of lifelong learning. Embracing technology and an innovative approach has led to "The Body Coach" becoming a sustainable, profitable education business in the health and fitness industry.

Your next step is to decide how openness can work for you and your education business. Change is never going to be easy, but the benefits for both educators and learners are clear.

To help you get started, I have included a downloadable pack of blank tables below for you to analyse your own education business and practice against Cronin's definition and Hegarty's 8 Attributes of Open Pedagogy. You might create two - one for where you are, and one for where you would like to be. There are also a selection of Open Education websites and forums linked from the Resources section of this website.

I would love to hear your thoughts and any changes you make as a result of this website - connect with me online or add a comment or new resource below.

Twitter: @SarahAlcock19

LinkedIn: Sarah Alcock

Self Analysis Cronin and Hegarty.docx