Using Social Media

Understanding the risks

Throughout this site we have demonstrated how Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" has used social media to operate as an OEP, sharing learning resources and engaging with the health and fitness community. It is hard to find criticism of Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" across popular media, but it does exist - for example "10 Reasons why Joe Wicks embodies everything that is wrong with humanity" (and apologies in advance for the swearing).

So if you choose to become an OEP, what are the risks? Tony Coughlan's article "Five risks for educators using social media" (2017) is a great starting point in identifying these.

Coughlan's Five risks:

The risk of exposure, criticism and polarisation

The risk of online abuse

The risk of being in conflict with your role or institution

The risk of reduced privacy and security

The risk of it consuming too much time


You need to decide, weighing the risks above, how open you are willing to be in your practice as an educator. Which platform will you use, for which resources?How will you generate income? How much of your personal life will you share? Being an OEP is dynamic; decisions you take now can change or evolve. New technology and platforms will bring new opportunities and risks. But it is useful to plan out what you are, and are not, willing to do.

Image by Samir Zeka from Pixabay

Mapping openness

Here I have mapped Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" output as an OEP. I've included the platforms, output and content published.

To begin to visualise your own practice, create a similar table.

  • What does Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" publish that you would not? For example, you might not want to share images or videos of your home.

  • Is there anything you would want to share, or a platform you might use, that Joe Wicks "The Body Coach" does not? For example, perhaps more of your audience are business based, so you might use LinkedIn.

You may find it useful to map your current practice and where you would like to be. This will help you clarify the changes you need to make.