
a series of connected pieces of information or evidence.

In this section we will publish documents, studies, articles that have been subjected to review by a GroMarch trusted team . This information has been contrasted and therefore GroMarch believes that it contributes more than the opinion of the person or people who have produced the information.


The purpose of this initiative is to contribute to the creation of a set of proven information that will allow us to build an opinion based on evidence. As a result of this formed opinion, we hope that the section will help:

  1. Encourage a critical vision of political activity.

  2. Investigate and inform about the possible manipulation of citizens by means of bankruptcies, false news.

  3. Improve the decision-making of our representatives.

  4. Promote the planning and action in the medium and long term, as a way of improving the management of resources.

Legal responsibility

GroMarch can not be held responsible for the legal opinions and information published. GroMarch is confined to contribute altruistically, spreading the work that GroMarch believes is aligned with the objective of the movement, the promotion of policies based on scientific evidence.

Following the procedures of scientific journals, the material disseminated has passed a peer to peer review for a group of at least 3 people with confidence and scientific reputation.


In some cases the information published is anonymous expressly by the authors, in this case GroMarch commits itself to maintaining the will of the author / authors.

If this information is of interest, GroMarch will participate in dissemination activities such as round tables, interviews, etc. GroMarch will take the role of supporter of this information and will act in the best way and with the best will to convey the idea and information of the author / authors.

If the previous activities generated economic contributions, these would be passed entirely to the association Tecnoateneu of Vilablareix.


The Breadcrumb section is born with no history, no support from any institution and therefore today the information is born without a seal of quality that gives it some credibility beyond the authors.

We hope that if it is being developed correctly, the same selection and impact of the information will create this seal of quality. We treat it like all scientific journals, the impact of the works will mark the quality.

We hope to do well and not disappoint the people who trust us.