February 2020

One of our longest serving choristers, John Wilton, has sung with the Choir for the last time due to ill health. John will continue as a non-singing Life Member and was presented with a citation for his Loyalty and 50 years service to the Choir. We all wish John well for the future and hope he will join us on practice nights for many years to come.

Presentation of a hand painted portrait of Gerald Rogers signed by all of the Choir Members

in honour of Gerald's 92nd birthday and his service to the Choir as Organist and Accompanist.

Presentation to John Ivens

35 Years Service

Celebrity Concert 2019,

Presentation to Steve Hickman

35 Years Service

Celebrity Concert 2019,

Presentation to Roy Bishop

WW1 Remembrance Concert 2018

35 Years Service

Presentation to Gerry Oates and Clive Lawton

21 Years Service

Autumn Concert 2017

Presentation to  Gerry Oates and Clive Lawton Autumn Concert 2017 21 Years Service

Presentation to Simon Claringbull,

21 years Service

Autumn Concert 2016

Presentation to Eric Coxon

21 years Service

Autumn Concert 2016

Rev Kim Thomas leaving Gresley Male Voice Choir

August 22nd 2016

As our President sets sail and heads across the pond she leaves us this message

"Gresley Male Voice Choir – The Pride of South Derbyshire (and of a certain Vicar in Stretton) "

The Choir came into my life in 2007 when one of its choristers asked me if I would consider hosting a concert in our church, St Mary’s, Stretton. I readily agreed not knowing what the choir was like and encouraged the church members and the community to support the concert. It was a real leap of faith for I had no idea how good (or bad) they were! I was the most relieved person ever when they sang their first song and I was enthralled by the quality of singing and choice of music. I was hooked! Over the years, I have gone to France and Cornwall, attended as many concerts as work commitments would allow and compered two of the town hall concerts. To my delight, a few years ago, I was asked to be a vice-president of the choir, a real honour.

I have seen this choir grow from strength to strength, they are of a constant high quality and always a delight to hear. As well as being fine singers, they are a real family and care for each other as well as sing together. Never was this more apparent than when one of the choir was ill or sadly died. Their care and concern for each other is heart-warming, but this is no ‘closed shop’. This is a family who welcomes new members with open arms and they soon become members of the finest choir in South Derbyshire.

I became President of the choir in January ( 2016) and it is one of the proudest moments of my life.

When I agreed to be President, little did I know that events would take me to the other side of the world, so I must also have the record for the shortest servicing president! Having said that, I will miss ‘the chaps’ so much, their sense of fun, their devotion to the choir and their fine singing, playing and conducting skills.

Thank you GMVC, it has been a privilege to be your president. Here’s to an Antipodean tour – you come and I will find the venues!

Presentation to Roy Atkins

66yrs Loyal and Dedicated Service

Autumn Concert 2015

Presentation to Karl Harper

21yrs Musical Director

Autumn Concert 2015

Presentation to Ken Wildes,

35 years service

October 2015 Celebrity Concert

Presentation, Life Membership Award

to Horace Hines, October 2012 Celebrity Concert

"Life Membership"

Presentation to Gerald Rodgers

October 2012 Celebrity Concert

35 years service as Musician

Presentation to Malcolm Till

October 2012 Celebrity Concert

35 years Service

Presentation to Sarah Vernon

October 2011 Celebrity Concert

on the occasion of Sarah's last concert as pianist

Presentation to Lewis Washington

October 2011 Celebrity Concert

21 Years Service