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Gresley Male Voice Choir
Our Choir
Recent Tours and Events
History of GMVC
Choir Presentations
Historic Foreign Tours Archive
Historic Foreign Tours Page 2
Historic Foreign Tours Page 3
Historic Foreign Tours Page 4
Historic Photo Gallery
Miscellany of Photos
Gifts to GMVC
Calendar of Events
Our Members
Musical Director
GMVC Officers
Patrons of GMVC
GMVC Choir Members
New Members
Tributes to GMVC Members
Contact the Choir
Booking the Choir
Choir Contacts
Facebook Page
FAQ Page
Are choristers expected to attend every rehearsal?
What is a FAQ?
Are concert clothes provided?
Do choristers have to buy music?
Do choristers sell tickets for local concerts
Does the Choir sing from memory?
How do I find out about the Mavoro Ladies Club, our Supporters
How do I obtain tickets for Choir concerts?
Who can join?
Where can I buy CDs of the Choir?
When does the Choir rehearse?
What's involved when the Choir makes a CD?
What expenses are there as a chorister?
What costs are there for choristers for tours
Should I be able to read music?
May anyone come to a rehearsal?
Is transport provided for concerts?
I'd like to sponsor or donate to the Choir
How many concerts are there every year?
How long is the usual rehearsal?
I'd like to join the Choir, what do I need to do?
Is there an audition?
Is there a probationary period for new choristers?
Is car parking available for rehearsal nights?
Is there anyone I can contact for more information?
How do I book the Gresley Male Voice Choir for a concert or private event?
Gresley Boys Choir
Mavoro Ladies Club
Letters and Messages to GMVC
News and Web News
Our Music
Repertoire 2019
Choir Videos
Celebrity Concerts
Choir Members Page
GMVC Monthly Newsletter
External Links
Privacy Notice
Gresley Male Voice Choir
Our Choir
Recent Tours and Events
History of GMVC
Choir Presentations
Historic Foreign Tours Archive
Historic Foreign Tours Page 2
Historic Foreign Tours Page 3
Historic Foreign Tours Page 4
Historic Photo Gallery
Miscellany of Photos
Gifts to GMVC
Calendar of Events
Our Members
Musical Director
GMVC Officers
Patrons of GMVC
GMVC Choir Members
New Members
Tributes to GMVC Members
Contact the Choir
Booking the Choir
Choir Contacts
Facebook Page
FAQ Page
Are choristers expected to attend every rehearsal?
What is a FAQ?
Are concert clothes provided?
Do choristers have to buy music?
Do choristers sell tickets for local concerts
Does the Choir sing from memory?
How do I find out about the Mavoro Ladies Club, our Supporters
How do I obtain tickets for Choir concerts?
Who can join?
Where can I buy CDs of the Choir?
When does the Choir rehearse?
What's involved when the Choir makes a CD?
What expenses are there as a chorister?
What costs are there for choristers for tours
Should I be able to read music?
May anyone come to a rehearsal?
Is transport provided for concerts?
I'd like to sponsor or donate to the Choir
How many concerts are there every year?
How long is the usual rehearsal?
I'd like to join the Choir, what do I need to do?
Is there an audition?
Is there a probationary period for new choristers?
Is car parking available for rehearsal nights?
Is there anyone I can contact for more information?
How do I book the Gresley Male Voice Choir for a concert or private event?
Gresley Boys Choir
Mavoro Ladies Club
Letters and Messages to GMVC
News and Web News
Our Music
Repertoire 2019
Choir Videos
Celebrity Concerts
Choir Members Page
GMVC Monthly Newsletter
External Links
Privacy Notice
Our Choir
Recent Tours and Events
History of GMVC
Choir Presentations
Historic Foreign Tours Archive
Historic Foreign Tours Page 2
Historic Foreign Tours Page 3
Historic Foreign Tours Page 4
Historic Photo Gallery
Miscellany of Photos
Gifts to GMVC
Calendar of Events
Our Members
Musical Director
GMVC Officers
Patrons of GMVC
GMVC Choir Members
New Members
Tributes to GMVC Members
Contact the Choir
Booking the Choir
Choir Contacts
Facebook Page
FAQ Page
Are choristers expected to attend every rehearsal?
What is a FAQ?
Are concert clothes provided?
Do choristers have to buy music?
Do choristers sell tickets for local concerts
Does the Choir sing from memory?
How do I find out about the Mavoro Ladies Club, our Supporters
How do I obtain tickets for Choir concerts?
Who can join?
Where can I buy CDs of the Choir?
When does the Choir rehearse?
What's involved when the Choir makes a CD?
What expenses are there as a chorister?
What costs are there for choristers for tours
Should I be able to read music?
May anyone come to a rehearsal?
Is transport provided for concerts?
I'd like to sponsor or donate to the Choir
How many concerts are there every year?
How long is the usual rehearsal?
I'd like to join the Choir, what do I need to do?
Is there an audition?
Is there a probationary period for new choristers?
Is car parking available for rehearsal nights?
Is there anyone I can contact for more information?
How do I book the Gresley Male Voice Choir for a concert or private event?
Gresley Boys Choir
Mavoro Ladies Club
Letters and Messages to GMVC
News and Web News
Our Music
Repertoire 2019
Choir Videos
Celebrity Concerts
Choir Members Page
GMVC Monthly Newsletter
External Links
Privacy Notice
Contact the Choir
Google Sites
Report abuse
Google Sites
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