Birth date: 06/04/1978, Nationality: French, Married, Children: 2


06/2017 HDR: diploma authorizing to supervise PhD students and direct research. "From Astrochemistry to Prebiotic Chemistry: the Organic Matter Evolution". Aix-Marseille University, 2017/06/26.

10/2002-05/2006 PhD " From NCA to peptides: new reactions of prebiotic interest and applications; stacking and electro-osmotic flow control for the analysis of peptides with capillary electrophoresis." Supervisors: Pr J.Taillades, Dr L.Boiteau, Dr H.Cottet. University of Montpellier II, France. 

2000-2002 M.Sc. General Chemistry, General Chemistry, University of Nantes, France. Biomolecules Chemistry: Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity, University of Montpellier II, France.

1997-2000 B.Sc. General Chemistry, Biological Sciences, University of Angers, France.


Since September 2022, Full Professor position at the Aix-Marseille University, PIIM, UMR-CNRS 7345, ASTRO team, Marseille, France.

Since 2024 President of the Thematic Group "Chemistry of Origins" at the French Society of chemistry

Since 2024 Scientific delegate at the national CNRS-chemistry headquarter

Since 2023 Member of the user committee of Infranalytics - CNRS FR2054

Since 2022 Leader of the ASTRO team, laboratory Physique des Interections Ioniques et Moléculaires, UMR-CNRS 7345,, Aix-Marseille University/CNRS, UMR-CNRS 7345

Since 2022 Director of the CNRS Research Group Inter-Laboratory Center for Experimental Supports to the development of space missions (GdR PILSE)

Since 2020 CNRS delegate at the European Astrobiology Institute (EAI)

2021 - 2024 Deputy director of the Institute Origines at Aix-Marseille University

2020 - 2022 Member of scientific committee of CNRS inter-program INSU exoplanet (CET)

2018 - 2024 French delegate at the European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA)

Since 2017 Councilor of the International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life and Astrobiology (ISSOL)

Since 2016 Member of the scientific committee of the CNRS program Physic and Chemistry of Interstellar Medium (PCMI)

2015 - 2024 Member of the scientific committee of the French Society of Astrobiology (SFE) 

2015 - 2022 Secretary of the French Society of Astrobiology (SFE)


11/2009-09/2022, Associate Professor at the Aix-Marseille University, PIIM, UMR-CNRS 7345, ASTRO team, Marseille, France.

09/2008-09/2009 Post-doctorate position:”Developments in capillary electrophoresis: bacterial screening, analysis and characterization of grafted dendrimers of lysine”. Funds from the French government, IBMM, UMR 5247, Université de Montpellier 2, France. Collaboration with COLCOM industry.

12/2007-08/2008 Post-doctorate position:”Origin of prebiotic organic matter at the surface of telluric planets”. Funds from the CNES, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS), Orsay, France.

11/2006-10/2007 Post-doctorate position: “Development of micro-fluidic systems for ultrasensitive in situ Analysis of Biomarkers”. Funds from NASA, NIST, Gaithersburg MD, USA.

10/2002-05/2006 PhD OMEMF, UMR 5073, Université de Montpellier II, France. May 18th 2006.


2008-2009 Lecturer position funded by the French Government.

2007-2008 post-doctoral grant funded by the "Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES)".

2006-2007 post-doctoral grant funded by the "National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)".

2002-2005 PhD grant funded by the French Government.


9 Postdoctoral Fellows

02/2024-...     Dr. Adeline Garcia post-doct, Aix-Marseille University, France.

01/2024-...     Dr. Electra Kotopoulou post-doct AMIDEX Exomiole project, Aix-Marseille University, France.

10/2020-09/2022 Dr. Alexander Ruf post-doc CNES, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

10/2018-10/2020 Dr. Alexis Bouquet post-doc CNES, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

04/2018-04/2020 Dr. Alexander Ruf post-doc ANR, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

01/2017-09/2017 Dr. Thomas Gautier post-doc CNES, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

05/2016-06/2017 Dr. Ninette Abou Mrad post-doc, ANR PeptiSystems, CNRS, France.

06/2015-06/2016 Dr. Ninette Abou Mrad post-doc, Fondation Université d’Aix-Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université, France.

06/2013-06/2015 Dr. Ninette Abou Mrad post-doc on ANR VAHIIA, Aix-Marseille University, France.

8 PhD Students

12/2023-11/2026 Salomé Lagasse, PEPR Origins Microfluidics project

11/2023-10/2026 Lawry Honold, PEPR Origins MIRRPLA project/Institut Origines AMU, Codirection Alicja Domaracka (CIMAP, GANIL Caen)

11/2023-10/2026 Ricardo Carrasco, Arizona/CNRS funding, Codirections Jennifer Noble (PIIM, Marseille) and Alexis Bouquet (PIIM, Marseille)

10/2023-09/2026 Océane Lazzeroni, Inter-ED Aix-Marseille University funding, Codirections Gaël Euraso (MIO, Masreille) and Alexis Bouquet (PIIM, Marseille)

11/2020-11/2023 Laura Tenelanda,  Inter-ED Aix-Marseille University funding,Codirection Olivier Mousis (LAM, Marseille)

11/2019-11/2022 Adeline Garcia, government grant, France.

09/2019-09/2022 Thomas Javelle PhD student, ENS grant, France.

11/2013-11/2016 Aurélien Fresneau PhD student, CNES/région PACA grant, France.

17 Student internships

04/2024-07/2024 Maël Kazins. 3rd year in chemistry at the Avignon University, Analytical development in GC-MS for sample analyses.

02/2023-06/2023 Adriana Clouet. Année de césure Master 1iere année, Aix-Marseille Université. Establishment of an experimental system for monitoring the evolution of exogenous organic matter under the conditions of the early Earth and associated analytical developments.

02/2023-07/2023 Lawry Honold. Master 2ième année Chimie spécialité ACS, Aix-Marseille Université. GC-HRMS and FT-ICR-MS analyzes of gas and solid phases generated during experimental simulations to understand the origin of organic matter in the solar system.

04/2022-07/2022 Julien Marchessaux. Master 1ier année Chimie spécialité ACS, Aix-Marseille Université. UPLC-MS analyzes by online SPE of solid phase generated during experimental simulations to understand the origin of organic matter in the solar system.

03/2022-07/2022 Chloé Granjon. Master Chimie physique et analytique, UCBL, Université de Lyon. GC-HRMS and FT-ICR-MS analyzes of gas and solid phases generated during experimental simulations to understand the origin of organic matter in the solar system.

02/2021-07/2021 Audrey Perez. 2nd year at the Chemistry School of Engineer, Strasbourg, France. Development of an online SPE-UPLC-MS strategy.

04/2021-07/2020 Cloé Prat. 2nd year at the IUT Chimie Montpellier. Chemical evolution in interstellar and cometary ice analogues.

06/2020-08/2020 Coline Serra. 2nd year at the Chemistry School of Engineer, Toulouse, France. Hydrothermal alteration of organic matter in the context of astrophysical environment.

04/2020-07/2020 Achille Rousseau. 2nd year at the IUT Chimie Rennes. Chemical evolution in interstellar and cometary ice analogues.  

01/2019-07/2019 Yohann Layssac. Master 2 chimie Université Grenoble Alpes. Chemical evolution in interstellar and cometary ice analogues.

02/2019-08/2019 Thomas Javelle. Master 2 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. GC-orbitrap as organic matter analyzer for future space missions.

01/2018-07/2018 Steven Werner. Master 2 recherche et développement en stratégies analytiques Université Parix XI. GC-MS analyses of volatil organic compounds analyses coming from cometary ice analogs.

02/2017-07/2017 Julie Mouzay. Master 2. Organic matter in astrophysical environments from volatile organic compounds to refractory residues.

06/2017-07/2017 Coralie Carrier. Licence 3. GC-MS optimization for volatile organic compound analyses.

03/2016-06/2016 Robin Isnard. Master 2. GC-MS analyses of volatile organic compound coming from cometray analogs. Implication for the Rosetta mission.

02/2012-06/2012 Oumaima Abbas. Master 2. Activating agent in prebiotic chemistry for the C-terminal eleongation of oligopeptides.

02/2011-06/2011 Marion Chomat. Master 2. Aminoacetonitrile formation through the Strecker reaction at the surface of interstellar grains.

06/2011-07/2011 Arthur Michaut. Licence 3. Carbodiimides as activating agents of -COOH.


11/2022-...     Full professor position, Analytical Chemistry, Aix-Marseille Université, France. Higher education: 192h/year.

11/2009-09/2022     Associate professor, Analytical Chemistry, Aix-Marseille Université, France. Higher education: 192h/year.

09/2008-09/2009 Assistant professor, Analytical Chemistry, University of Montpellier, France. Higher education: 192h.


05/2024 1st national workshop on GC-Orbitrap and data analysis, 15 mai 2024, Diderot University, Paris.

05/2024 Atelier " Quelle chimie pour quelles missions?". 14 mai 2024, CNES, Paris.

01/2024 Workshop GdR PILSE, 22-23 janvier 2024, Paris, France.

11/2023 Atelier « La matière organique dans tous ces états » GdR PILSE, 22-24 novembre 2023, Fréjus, France.

01/2023 Kickoff GdR PILSE, 23-24 janvier 2023, Paris, France.

03/2022 Ecole thématique LabAstroMolec, 13-18 mars 2022, Centre CNRS Les Houches, France.

10/2021 Conférence Nationale d'Exobiologie. 11-14 octobre 2021, Marseille, France. ~100 participants.

07/2020 Atelier au colloque PCMI " Exobiologie & PCMI". 6 juillet 2020, Le Havre, France.

05/2020 Atelier " Quels liens unissent la chimie des objets interstellaires et la chimie prébiotique ?". 28 mai 2020, CNES, Paris.

03/2020 LOC member for Défi 2 de la prospective CNRS-INSU " habitabilité planètes & exoplanètes". 16-17 mars 2020, Marseille, France.

09/2019 Co-convener session SB2 "Laboratory measurements and models for cometary, asteroidal, dwarf planet and meteoric material studies including organic matter studies" EPSC, Genève, Switzerland.

06/2019 Workshop with Astrochemistry Lab, NASA, Goddard, USA "Bridging the Gap between Astrochemistry and Cosmochemistry". Marseille, France. 20 participants.

09/2018 Co-convener of the session SB17/AB3 " Organic Matter in Space" at European Planetary Science Congress 2018, Berlin, Germany. ~30 participants.

06/2018 Congress of the CNRS (INSU) national program "Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire" (PCMI). Marseille. France ~130 participants.

05/2017 Workshop "In-situ delivery of meteoritic organic matter". CNES, Paris. France. 110 participants.

06/2016 Workshop "Exogenous delivery and the origin of Life". SF2A, Lyon. France. 20 participants.

05/2016 Workshop "De la diversité moléculaire du milieu interstellaire à l’homochiralité du vivant". CNES Paris. 76 participants.

09/2015 Covener session AB4 "The importance of organic matter evolution from the Interstellar medium to planetary systems" European Planetary Science Congress, Nantes, France. ~30 participants.

04/2015 Workshop “The Astrobiology in present and future missions”. CNES Paris. 96 participants

09/2014 Co-convener of the session LF3 "Planetary analogue samples and environmental simulators" at European Planetary Science Congress 2014, Cascais, Portugal. ~30 participants.

03/2013 Workshop on the evolution of the organic matter in interstellar and interplanetary environments. CNES Paris. France. 63 participants.

11/2011 Workshop on photochemistry in terrestrial orbit. CNES Paris. France. 96 participants.


2018 Elected as a Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2018-2023), Teaching leave of 75%, 15 k€/y for research and personal bonus 6 k€/y

2008 Award of the Best poster, ISSOL, Florence, Italy, August 24-29, 2008


Expert at Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France

Reviewer for the DIM-ACAV+, région Ile de France, France.

Reviewer for the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, Netherlands)

Reviewer for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, USA)