Global EM Fellowships

General Information
Global Emergency Medicine (GEM) fellowships provide emergency medicine-trained physicians specialized training to develop a career niche in GEM. It is important to research different GEM fellowship programs as they vary in duration, project locations and special focus. Duration of programs may vary depending on offering of masters degrees in public health, translational research, global health, etc. Programs range from 1-2 years in duration.

Timeline for Application
August Match opens
September Ranking open
Early November Ranking closes
Mid November Match day
July Fellowship begins

Application Process
Applicants must register on the GEMFC website. Applicants then upload all application information to the programs of their interest.
Applicants submit match lists through the NRMP.

Required Application Materials
Personal statement
Letter of interest (program specific)
Letters of recommendation (recommend minimum of 2)
Curriculum Vitae

Additional Resources