
UPP is not only for teaching English skills but also for expanding our knowledge. The science course was a great opportunity to discover information about some important and interesting topics in the life such as weapons, Olympic sports, cancer, forensic science... This class was motivating, enjoyable, and inspiring. The teaching method is totally different to the one I used to receive at school. Learning isn't passive and boring anymore. We are now participating in finding the information about almost every topic. For instance, presentations, games, role play, and outdoor activities were making us independent happy leaders while studying.

"Science today is the technology of tomorrow"

-Edward Teller

The science In this course, we were working in teams. I have discovered the importance of working with peers to discuss about the topics, gather each one's opinion, and finally come up with a perfect job. I learned how to divide the roles fairly among all the members.

The presentations were a place where we can take the role of the teacher and provide the information to our classmates. It has helped me enhance my public speaking skills. Also, It let me feel responsible about every information I find on the Internet because it will be discussed and acquired by my peers. I was enjoying every time finding the correspond visual aid for letting the lesson easy to understand and study.

Here are two of my presentations:

While preparing for my presentation about the biological weapons, I have discovered that the world isn't a safe place and some people can use scientific discoveries to kill others. They use their minds which are supposed to help the humanity in order to find the most lethal technique.

biological weapons new.pptx

The presentation about Lung Cancer has taught me scientific information about Cancer which is the nightmare of people nowadays. It have discovered that sometimes the death of someone is caused by his own body when some chromosomes want to be disobey the rules.

"Be creative" was the advice of my instructor every time she asks to present about a certain topic. While preparing to a presentation about Diving, an Olympic game, I wanted to give something new and different to what we are every time used to do. Thus, I suggested to my teammates to act as if we don't want to present. I still can remember my words," Because we have a lot of assignments, because we hate oral presentation and because we didn't have time to prepare, today we are not going to present; we are going to watch a movie." We have watched a movie, eaten chips and presented our information through a comic conversation. Eventually, the presentation has turned into a beautiful "role play".

The creativity was also obvious in our project on chemical elements. We have used the art as a smooth and attractive way to present the information.

The outdoor activities were transforming my theoretical information to reality. In fact, the visit to “Naef Bassile” has transformed the lessons and information into experience. I have realized how much patients are affected by the doctors. The words of the latter are the best way to release the stress and anxiousness of sick people and encourage them to continue their fight against death. I was inspired to follow their pace in helping people; it can be easily done through words before actions.

Our visit to the laboratory let me remember how much I am lucky to study in such developed university. It has reminds me of my passion which is working in laboratories, discover, and innovate. These machines were motivating me to finish my semester at UPP to start taking courses of my major.