Integrated skills

The integrated skills course was a good chance to express our thoughts and beliefs about many interesting topics. These topics were from different fields such as freedom, stereotypes, and alternative therapies… They have enhanced my critical thinking and my tolerance by discussing with my friends political issues. Indeed, everyone posts his opinion, so I could read, analyze and link it with my thoughts. Moreover, the teaching method was very enjoyable and captivating. Furthermore, as a procrastinator, the deadlines have taught me a little about time management. In fact, although I was enjoying the assignments, limiting my time to accomplish a task was the best punishment I deserved. It has changed my opinion about cramming which makes finish a lot of work in a short time; now I realize the amount of stress I used to feel during my studying.

Who doesn't like the Simpsons?! In fact, with two of my colleagues, I have used these lovely characters to make fun from some confusing words in English. It was a good entertainment to get rid of the stress of the progress tests. Also, I have discovered new words which were difficult to understand easily.

Road boards, television, magazines, advertisements are full of gender, nationalities, races stereotypes. I wanted to delete the image that shows woman as a sexual objects and the one that shows black people as dirty ones. This assignment has increased my curiosity to know more about the intention behind every advertisement and the method that the companies use to encourage people to buy their products. I have discovered that the life isn't safe regarding other people's thinking like this.

These are the advertisements I have worked on:

My optimistic mind couldn't be hidden in my work. After creating these two haiku, i have discovered how much they relate to my personality and principles.

Moreover, preparing a poster about my village let me discover an environmental issue that I’ve never noticed before. I’ve thought about the causes and solution that I’m going to apply with the help of my friends and municipality. This develops my civic engagement. Also, this activity has offered me the chance to use the art to express my ideas knowing that art delivers the information in a smooth way.

This was my persuasive method to let my friends change their lifestyle in order to save our environment.

The alternative therapies was related my life. I have discovered some therapies which are beneficial for me.

shiatsu (2).pdf

Here are other assignment which I have posted on moodle.