Giselle Marroun


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First Steps to Success

18 years ago, my parents named me Giselle. In the cedars country, I was born, and in a small village in Zgharta-North Lebanon, I started my life adventure. Born in Ardeh, I’ve been educated in bravery, generosity, and passion for food. My parents always work hard to give me the best education; they support me to be the little star that should shine around the world. Being the youngest in my family, my sister and brother call me the butterfly that shares with them happy moments. I pray to God to bless them and keep them always around me.

This year was the first step to my adulthood. Today, life is opening her arms to me and U.S.A.I.D. gave me the “golden” opportunity to learn at one of the most prestigious universities. As an A.U.B USP scholar, I feel that I have the potential to succeed in my studies and later my career. I’m receiving high level of academic knowledge and civic engagement. I’m majoring in mechanical engineering and my plan is to continue for a master's degree in biomedical engineering. I love the mixture between engineering and medicine. I love giving dead materials, such as metal and plastic, a purpose to improve the health of suffering people. Also, I am willing to minor in business to discover its world, to satisfy the needs of my country, as well as to create job opportunities. Moreover, I’m inspired by Paulo Coelho, who said, “When you really want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” For this reason, I never give up in the face of any trouble in the life. Every time a problem arises, I swallow my tears, wipe my sweat and continue. I always accept challenges and work hard until I fulfill my targets. Also, I believe that every person is born to accomplish a mission. Thus, I don’t want to leave this world without keeping my fingerprint in it.

In ten years, I see myself living my dream as a brilliant engineer and passionately working in the field of engineering for the development of my country Lebanon.

My life was never empty of entertainment; I always find simple actions to make fun. Here are some interesting and exciting goals I would like to realize:

Scuba diving in order to explore the sea world

Sky diving to break some fear and live the maximum of freedom

Attending a festival for my favorite singer Garou and the list is going on...

Some interesting facts about me:

My blood type is coffee :O

My Marroun genes are homo-zygote ;)

Procrastinator till the deadline :S

Perfectionist :(

Organ donor :)

On the left is my picture with my siblings

Above is a picture of my village

Above are two of my honorary shields

For more information, here are the links for my pages on facebook and instagram: