
The math course was the chocolate after my lunch at UPP. Two hours weren’t enough to please my interest throughout all the hard literature's subjects as math is my passion for all my academic years. It is the link between all the subjects in the life because it is the common basic of existence.

During these two semesters, I have learned interesting topics such as logic, function, and series. Logic is the one which I like the most because it doesn't need memorizing only thinking to be able to solve all the problems. I believe that solving exercises in math is not only about finding the right answer; the process of solving is to improve my critical thinking. Also, it is the basic material for improving all other sciences and technologies.

Finally, this course was the link between the math in school and the one later in the university. I have recognized the mathematical vocabulary in English so that I won't face this challenge later.

MATH can say everything

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