
Read, read, and read were the words that I have heard the most from my teachers since the beginning of my first semester at the University Preparatory Program (UPP). Every time I hear these words, my face became red, green, and blue. No, I wasn’t sick, but I hated reading especially whole texts to discover what the author want; I like the short statements in which the ideas are simple and straight forward. Although they kept saying that reading is the most helpful method to improve my English language, I wasn't motivated because I couldn't understand the book I'd bought until my instructor has given me a book suitable to my level.

Once I accepted this fact, I decided to go ahead and fight this challenge. My opinion on reading has totally changed. Indeed, when I started analyzing what the author wants in each word, I started enjoying reading. Today after the whole two semesters, I find myself ready to analyze, comprehend and criticize not only texts but also novels and books. I have learned some steps in reading which allows me read critically. I have learned to read between the lines and beyond the lines and understand wisely the intention of the author as well as to relate his ideas to my life nowadays .In addition, the duration it used to take me read a text has decreased progressively throughout the semester. I have practiced so much that my eyes and brain have been working together to read and comprehend faster although I wasn't and still I am not a fast reader. In other words, I spend time to analyze more than just to read. I have discovered that at school I didn’t read books not because I hated reading but because I didn’t know what to read and how to do it.

Reading has become my new hobby. Also, books have been transformed in my mind from phantoms to friends. They are the source of culture and information which enrich my soul and lightened my mind. I have recognized that reading can take my thoughts to a wiser and opener world.

I want to read as much as I can, I want to finish reading all the stories.....

"You Know you have read a good book when you turn the last page and feel as if you have lost a friend"

-Paul Sweeney

I can relate these words which said Hazel Grace in the books to this book itself. “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books like An Imperial Affliction, which you can't tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like betrayal”

John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

There is no more inspiring than reading about a person who travels miles and miles to reach this goal.This book motivates me to never give up in the face of any trouble in the life. Every time a problem arises, I should swallow my tears, wipe my sweat and continue. I have to always accept challenges and work hard until I fulfill my targets.

“Tuesdays with Morrie” Book Review

Imagine that you are living an abundant life full of work and responsibilities. Imagine that you have spent your life doing tasks to reach high posts and missed very important moments. Also, you have lived a life that you couldn’t throughout all the years identify its true meaning and value. These questions are the keys for me to recognize the significance of “life” and the people I meet every day. Thinking and thinking were keeping my mind all the time agitated. However, I couldn’t find any answers because I still didn’t finish my life; the only way to know the reply is to benefit from the experience of old people whom life is about ending, their minds still thinking, and their heart is still beating.

At first, I was annoyed, for I was forced to read a story which I haven’t chosen by my own. However, after I have bought it, the cover inspired me to discover what the pages are hiding. Indeed, “an old man, a young man, and a life greatest lesson” has released my interest and given me a general view about the book. I wanted to know which lesson an old person can give me and which words can lighten my pace. My curiosity didn’t let me ignore the book, so I started reading deeply.

“Tuesdays with Morrie” is a realistic novel written by Mitch Albom and published in 1997. Morrie was a person full of energy and love of life. The disease ALS has stopped him from his source of happiness which was dancing. Mitch is the student of Morrie who was a sociology professor. Mitch promised his teacher to keep in touch with him after the promotion. However, Mitch had always a crowd of works, engagements, deadlines, so he forgot his promise. After seeing a TV report about the Morrie and noticing his bad health situation, he decided to travel every Tuesday to see his teacher because Tuesdays were his office hours. And there started the story of the old man giving lessons to the young one until the death of the first.

Although Mitch has promised his teacher, he forgets the promise for 16 years. This part has let me think about how I, as a human, can keep promising others without having a sense of responsibility toward my words. Then, my promises sink in the ocean of work and duties until I receive a signal reminds me about them. At that time, I may recognize the power of life which has taken me away from my significant people. I have realized how much I might miss during my engagements and commitments. It is hard to change my lifestyle and my overloaded work because I am trying to keep up my personal satisfaction and financial benefits. However, it is always necessary to devote a time to spend it with my lovely people. My problem has started since I have been living in the dorms of my university, I can’t see my family, relatives, and friends whenever I or they want. I keep promising that on the weekends I will make up my absence, but what happens is that on weekends I am so tired that I can do nothing other than staying at home. I might live a short life and spend it quickly without taking into consideration that I am losing the chance to see and spend time with these people who love me and are waiting for me. Moreover, although Mitch has failed his promise for 16 years, Morrie didn’t hesitate to hug him deeply. This reflect the tenderness of my parents and friends who ignore my faults and forgive me whenever I go to them. Hence, I don’t want to keep time and distances as obstacles in front my target of seeing some people.

Some quotes which I have highlighted were very touching and left a positive impact on me such as: “All younger people should know something. If you’re always battling against getting older, you’re always going to be unhappy, because it will happen anyhow.” This quote has taught me not to be afraid from getting old and dying. I always must benefit from my present and plan to live my future full of projects which make me happy. The fact that I can’t escape from death should be a motivator for me to start now doing what I want and love to accomplish. Since the life has its end, I should make it powerful and happy. Also, since my time of living is limited, I should benefit from every second and moment I can live.

Throughout all my academic years I used to reach the highest grades and be the number one at school; however, the question of Morrie, “What’s wrong if we’re number 2?” has let me stop, rethink, and rebuild my beliefs about any post or level I am trying to get. In fact, knowing our true level and accepting it are the key of improving to finally reach the number 1. This was related to my situation at the University Preparatory Program (UPP). I was very choked for I was not still the first one in the college as I used to be at school. Finding the topics hard and getting low grades were ruining my self-confidence unless I told myself that I have two choices either to give up and fail my courses or work hard to improve. In other words, accepting the fact that my English level was a bit low and working to improve my language skills were my first steps to progress. My ambition can’t be limited by numbers; it is all about keeping improving.

Another quote said by Morrie, “It’s not too late to … ask yourself if you really are the person you want to be, and if not, who you do want to be” has let me think about me, my desires, and ambitions. It has encouraged me to dare and change whatever I dislike in my personality and my plans.

He also added, “You’re not a wave; you’re a part of the ocean”. This quote has inspired me to believe in my capacities; that I am not a coming to the world and leaving it as if I didn’t come. I am a part of the world itself. My presence should make a difference. Also, every person is born to accomplish a mission. Thus, I don’t want to leave this world without keeping my fingerprint in it.

The book has let me ask some questions about death and people dying. Why we always want to escape from death? Is it the fear of oblivion? When people find someone dying, they become more interested in him; at this point of their lives, they want to correct their relationships with him. I think that as death couldn’t remove Morrie from the memories of others, nor from the impact he has left, it should not remove my dead people from my memory; they will be always a part of my soul. Furthermore, my people should me my priority when they are alive before their death. I have detected how much my presence besides them is important and makes a difference as much as the presence of Mitch next to his teacher was. Also, I should benefit from the opportunity to say goodbye for people I love. I must keep in touch with them and find a way to see them regularly. Old people are precious; aging is growth since the mind develops. If I am afraid from aging, it is because I am not profiting from every single moment now.

Another important lesson I have learned is that happiness is found in the simplest actions filled of love in the life. I just should live the simple moments such as eating ice cream, having a simple lunch, walking in the nature… with great passion. I have also changed my opinion toward my feelings. According to the experience of Mitch with Janine, I should not be afraid of giving everything to the ones I love because I might lose the chance of being with them. I should always show my affections and feelings without suppression.

This is a story of life. I recommend it to all people: children, youth, adults, and even old people because everyone need these lessons to benefit from the time he/she still has. It has filled my soul by a mixture of feelings. Every time I was reading the quotes of Morrie and his paroles I was smiling for learning new lessons in the life. However, at the end, I couldn’t stop myself from crying. Although the death of Morrie was expected, my tears went down and wet the pages.

“Flowers for Algernon” Book Review

Imagine that you are mentally disordered. How would you feel if you are considered as an object, an animal, or maybe nothing? What would be your reaction when you are treated as a burden to your family and society? How do you reply to each word which is trying to destroy you? One day I was thinking and asking myself these questions. Of course, I will very sad and demotivated to do anything. My reactions and feelings would be very negative and pessimistic. However, are all people with low IQ depressed? The only way to answer my question is to see the life of a mentally disordered person.

“Flowers for Algernon” is a science-fiction story written by “Daniel Keyes” and published in April 1959. The book tackles the story of a thirty-two years old man who was working in a bakery. Unfortunately, he was mentally disordered and he was struggling with the harsh comments and bullying. Upon a suggestion from a doctor who wanted to apply a discovery on a human, Charlie decided to undergo the same surgery applied successfully on a mouse Algernon to become intelligent. Since the operation, Charlie becomes so intelligent that he can read, understand, and memorize books. Although he became smart, he was still bullied. Then, he fell in love with his teacher, so they kicked him out of the bakery. Thus, he discovered progressively that what had happened to him is just an experience to prove the excellence of the psychiatrist. Also, the death of the mouse made him aware of the side effects of the surgery. After, he returned to his low level of IQ because decided to stop the treatments.

What am I reading? Does a famous author write in such bad way? I am reading to improve my English language skills not to destroy my vocabulary. Why should I correct most of the words? These were all my thoughts when I have started reading the first pages of Flowers for Algernon. Otherwise, when I have detected the main idea of the story, I loved the idea of transforming the book from a usual writing method to interactive daily journals. The method which the writer used to show the progress of Charlie is so motivated that I wanted to read more to know his final writing level. Also, after I have noticed that the book is starting by chapter 2, I started turning the papers to detect where the first one is written. However, I have noticed that the writer is also trying to show the accurate level of the man who doesn’t know the numbers very well. It was very creative. Moreover, seeing the progress tests of Charlie reminds me of the progress I have done throughout the two semesters at the University Preparatory Program (UPP). These progress tests motivate other students to be confident, accept their weaknesses, and work hard until they touch their improvement.

This story has made more aware of the situation of mentally disordered people in the workplaces, especially in Lebanon. Unfortunately, the boss gives them a high workload with a low salary. Charlie was working very well and more than the other workers, but they always low estimated his capacities because of his disease. This attitude hasn’t changed when he became intelligent; although he proved an excellent work, he wasn't promoted. Also, they have simply kicked him out of the work. These actions such as maltreating handicap people and expulsion are very related to my country. I believe that the government should establish laws to support them in their work. Moreover, after reading this book, I feel that I have the responsibility to help such people. I am going to work with NGOs which sustain them, as well as I am encouraged to create job opportunities adequate to their abilities.

Looking to Charlie as an object without feelings was unacceptable. This story has let me stop, think, and rebuild my beliefs toward the scientific progression. Nowadays, scientists are trying all the methods to become famous and gather a huge wealth. Nevertheless, they miss the most important thing which is saving their ethics. I have discovered how much a scientist can destroy the morals and values to show their achievements. They don’t care about the things they are working on. In the future, as a mechanical engineer and biomedical engineer, my first aim is going to be reducing the suffering of ill people and save their lives. I am going to devote my efforts and power for helping people not destroy them. I promise that I keep my soul and mind full of humanity and sympathy toward others.

I have learned to look at others with a point of view different from what others do. Personally, I see that Charlie isn’t idiot because he knew his weaknesses and he wanted to improve them. He didn’t see himself a smart person, but he tried all the way to become so. Unfortunately, nowadays, most people believe that they are geniuses; they see themselves smart enough not to work on their skills. Being smart is to know how to improve not to keep on what we are.

Another important lesson I have learned is to take care about our actions and reactions toward the children. He said, “If I could reach out into the past of my memories, I would make her see how much she was hurting me”. This quote best presents the feeling of kids when their parents maltreat them because of the lack of awareness of the parents. His mother wasn’t aware of her actions; she hit him fiercely. These memories are still in his mind after he grows up harmful impact left on children until his grown up. Indeed, according to a study, a child can't forget easily the bad scenes or treatments happened to him. For this reason, if one day I become a mother, aunt, or a teacher, I am going to take care on every claim or action I'll do toward the kids. I believe that to build a good and healthy society, the first step is to provide an idol upbringing to the children since they are the future generation and future leaders.

This story has a significant lesson. I recommend it to everyone, starting from children ending with old people to reduce the level of the bullying and its damaging impact on the bullied people especially children. More important, I recommend it to all the students who are going to study in the scientific fields to feed their soul with values and ethics. Finally, it has filled my soul with a mixture of feelings. Every time I was reading the improvement of Charlie, I was smiling for he deserved it. However, at the end, I couldn’t stop myself from weeping. Although his setback was expected since he stopped the treatment, I was very touched.

“The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Nighttime” Book Review

Merriam Webster, a defines autism as a condition or disorder that begins in childhood and that causes problems in forming relationships and in communicating with others. This definition has let me ask a few questions; are these problems limiting the capacities of autistic people? Do they demotivate them from working and discovering? My curiosity has let search more to answer my questions. What if Throughout the history, many people have come, succeeded in their lives, and gathered a huge wealth. However, if we go deeply through their biography, we find that they were suffering from autism disease. For instance, the inventor of the electricity Thomas Edison and the artist Leonardo Da Vinci are the best proofs. Unbelievably, they have been considered as burden regarding their autism and psychological problems. Here, we should stop, think, and rebuild our beliefs about some psychological illnesses which are keeping us away from the people who are suffering. Although they are autistic, they can excel in their work and achievement.

The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Nighttime is a mystery novel written by Mark Haddon and published in May 2003. It tackles the experience of a fifteen years old boy who was autistic. He was living with his father since his mother was dead. One day he found a dead dog lying on the road, his curiosity has let him investigate to find the criminal. After finding some pieces of evidence, his father tried to stop him because the child couldn’t well communicate with others. However, the kid didn’t stop, but he wrote everything in his notebook. Suddenly, while he was searching, he found a letter from his mother so that he discovered that she is still alive and his father had lied to him. Then, he could difficulty travel to her and chose to stay with her and leave his father because the latter had hidden the truth throughout many years. What happened after is that the mother and her husband (Mr. Shear) quarreled, so they returned and lived alone. Because he wanted to solve his problem with his son, Mr. Ed Boone presented his son a dog. Eventually, the child forgave his father.

This book has enforced in my mind the famous quote “disability is not inability”. It is about having different abilities and living the life with other perspectives. The work which Christopher has done is amazing and maybe impossible for ordinary children. The writing style of the book proves his low level in writing, structure, and vocabulary. Sometimes, he couldn’t show and express his ideas clearly. Also, he has a lack in understanding others. However, what is very genuine is that he was using wisely mathematical equations to discover the crime scene. This let me think increasingly and recognize that everyone in the life has his own understanding method and his success field. This also is related to our society when all the people want their children to become doctors and engineers without taking into consideration what the latter like.

Another important critic on this story is the relationship between the parents and children. the parents should have the sense of responsibility toward the children. They must keep away their conflicts. First, I see that Mrs. Judy Boone was very selfish when she decided to leave her son for her pleasure and for starting a new life with a new husband. Moreover, having a child with autism disorder might be a challenge. However, it is not acceptable to treat him differently than other children. Although Christopher was autistic, his father wasn’t allowed to lie to him and hide away from him the truth that his mother is still alive. Most important is that the lovely child finally forgave him.

Finally, I recommend this book to the students who love mathematics and are trying to read book. Although this book is long, the writing style motivated me to read it fully. In other words, the book wasn’t just about long texts. Including drawings and mathematical equations is wonderful method to make more interested in reading it. In fact, the mathematical thinking and creativity is my passion and my major success throughout all my academic years. This story also has supported my opinion toward math; it is not just on theories. I believe that solving exercises in math is not only about finding the right answer; the process of solving is to improve my critical thinking. Also, it is the basic material for improving all other sciences and technologies.

It is awesome to find a book which summarizes all people's behaviors and actions. It is very interesting and written in a simple and easy way; however I didn't have the chance to finish it.