Challenge Two

Page 52-53

Visual Storytelling

This challenge will have you exploring a tool that we did not have in the book (bonus!) We will be exploring digital storytelling using Adobe Spark! Adobe Spark is a free visual storytelling web app that is easy to use and beautifully stunning to watch.

Take a minute to familiarize yourself with Adobe Spark by watching this introductory video

Let's Try It Out

1. Sign into Adobe Spark

2. Choose the video option

3. Give it a title and choose “start from scratch”

4. Use this image as your inspiration to explain the 'Effective Technology Framework' using icons, multiple slides, and adding your voice.

5. Pick some music and download the video onto your laptop.

6. Upload the video onto the Flipgrid below. Grid Password is Infused18

Share your work - Password Infused18


As you delve into visual story telling this fun video will help you remember a very important shooting technique.