Challenge Six

AppSmash Smackdown

AppSmash Bonus Challenge

App Smashing is the process of using multiple apps to create a more dynamic project.

App Smashing provides students with creative ways to showcase their learning and allow you to assess their understanding and skills.

App Smashing provides a path to digital fluency as students need to critically think about the use the tools and how together they help them to better reach their end goal.

Take a minute to familiarize yourself about AppSmashing by watching this introductory video

Let's Try It

This challenge will require you to use your creativity and take some risks using some (or all) of the new tools you just learned about.

Prompt: Pick one platform that will house your end product. Then, choose another tool to create an artifact that smash into that new product.

This is a great place to take your adobe spark video and smash into a FlipGrid. See the FlipGrid below for a fun how to guide.

Or take the Canva you created and place into your Book Creator.

Or do whatever you want with whatever you want ...the world is your app-smashing oyster.

Choose from the following:

  • Book Creator
  • Adobe Spark
  • Canva
  • Seesaw
  • Screencastify
  • Flipgrid
  • Padlet

Turn it in

1) Tweet your creation to #infusedclassroom using @TanyaAvrith and/or @HollyClarkEDU

2) Depending on the format (video or link) of your creation you can choose how you turn it in. You can turn in many different formats using Padlet - including video. See THIS LINK for how- to details. Or using Flipgrid. See THIS LINK for how-to details. Grid Password is Infused18


App Smash task challenges byt Craig Badura