Program - Themes

International Geographical Union

Commission 'Geography of Governance'

International Conference

Local and Urban Governance: Trends, Challenges

and Innovations in a Globalizing World

4 - 7 September 2019

University of Cape Verde

Praia - Cape Verde

Local and Urban Governance

trends, challenges and innovations IN A GLOBALIZING WORLD

Program (Themes)

Track I - Local and Urban Governance and the New Global Urban Agendas

• Local government reforms: decentralization and re-centralization

• The challenges of multi-level governance: micro, local, regional and transnational

• Meso-level governance

• Metropolitan government

• Inter-municipal cooperation

• Municipal amalgamation reforms

• Cross-border municipal cooperation

• Local and urban governance, spatial justice and the Right to the City

• Informal institutions and hybrid local and urban governance models

• Co-Production as an urban governance model

• Alternative models for local government social policies

• Including LGBT in urban governance

• The governance of urban cultural heritage

• Re-municipalization of local public service provision

• Municipal owned corporations and local public services

• Managerialism, entrepreneurialism, public-private partnerships and privatization

• Local economic development

• Local government finance system

• Climate change and Green local governance

• The governance of protected areas

• Local governance and the new security challenges

• Participatory local and urban governance

• Local government in the digital era: democracy, participation, transparency, accountability

• Smart urban governance

• Social media in local and urban governance

• Crowdsensing / Crowdsourcing in urban governance

Track II - Local and Urban Governance in Africa

2.1 - Local and Urban Governance in Africa in the colonial period

• Local government and the governance of cities during the colonial period

• Urban governance and urban planning in the colonial period

• The impact of colonial local administration on previously existing forms of local government

• The transnational transfer of local governance ideas in Africa in the colonial period

• The role of local elites and traditional authorities in the colonial local governance system

• The local governance of urban land in the colonial period

2.2 - Learning from Local and Urban Governance in Africa

• Beyond the central state in Africa: the role of local government in urban governance

• A Southern perspective on urban governance?

• Decolonizing local and urban governance and planning

• Ruptures and continuities in local government systems in the transition to independence

• Legacies of colonialism in the post-independence local/urban governance systems

• Transfer of local governance principles from socialist countries to Africa

• Unlearning the colonial urban governance and planning cultures in Africa

• Local and Urban Governance in 'fragile democracies' in Africa

• The limits of policy transfer in local public policy and in urban planning in Africa

• The role of traditional authorities in the current local and urban governance systems in Africa

• The governance and planning of suburbs, metropolitan areas, capital cities, and mega-urban regions in Africa

• The links between urban and rural governance and planning in Africa

• The local / urban governance of the informal economy in Africa

• The local / urban governance of land markets in Africa

• The local / urban governance and planning of mobility in Africa

• The local / urban governance and planning of solid waste in Africa

• The local / urban governance of heritage in Africa

• The governance of pre-colonial and colonial urban heritage

• The local / urban governance of environmental risks

• The local / urban governance of climate change challenges in Africa

• The local / urban governance of energy transitions in African cities

• Implementation challenges of the New Urban Agenda Goals and SDG in Africa

• Local governance in Island States

• Smart urban governance in Africa

• Smart Urban Planning in Africa

• Crowdsensing / Crowdsourcing Spatial Information for urban governance and urban planning in Africa

• Web-based Citizen Participation for urban governance and urban planning in Africa

• Social media for urban governance and urban planning in Africa

• Participatory Mapping for urban governance and planning in Africa

Conference endorsed by

International Society of City and Regional Planners

With the collaboration of

African Urban Planning Research Network
Local Government and Local Governance Research Network
Urban e-Planning Research Network