Post-Conference Excursion

Post-Conference Excursion - The Island of Santiago

Saturday, 7 September 2019

The Post-Conference Excursion in the Island of Santiago provides the opportunity to visit the remaining 7 municipalities of the Island (9 in total), to discuss issues of decentralization versus centralization, central-local relations, the plan for the introduction of a meso-government tier in Cape Verde ('Regionalização'), as well as issues of urban governance, urban planning, urban-rural relations, local development, the governance of natural protected areas, and issues of urban cultural heritage governance. The program of the excursion includes short walking study visits in some of these 7 municipalities, namely in Santa Cruz, Santa Catarina, and Tarrafal.

Coordination: José Maria Semedo; Sílvia Lopes Monteiro; Vera Alfama; Romualdo Barros Correia.

  • Timetable (indicative / provisional)
    • 8:00 - departure from Cidade da Praia (UnivCV - Palmarejo Campus)
    • 13:00 - lunch in Tarrafal
    • 18:00 - arrival in Cidade Praia (UnivCV & Hotels)

  • The cost (25 €uros or 2,500 CVE) includes transport and lunch
  • The cost of the excursion is not included in the conference fee
  • The excursion will be made only if we have a least 25-30 bookings
  • More information about booking, program and practical aspects will be sent to participants in the conference
  • For additional information and booking, contact us: