
Title: A system to develop the Somnifericin Phyto molecule growth inhibitor of the SARS COV-2

Granted By- German Patent and Trade Mark Office (3rd April. 2023)

The Somnifericin Phyto molecule growth inhibitor holds significant potential as an effective therapeutic approach to combat the SARS COV-2  virus, which has posed a global threat to public health. The interdisciplinary team of researchers has spent considerable time and effort in developing this cutting-edge solution, combining the expertise of virology, pharmacology, and molecular biology. This breakthrough development aims to provide a novel approach to inhibiting the growth and proliferation of the virus, potentially leading to improve treatment options and preventive measures. this phyto molecule stands out due to its ability to target multiple functional proteins thereby making it as an effective tool against the virus. this discovery has opened up new possibilities for the development of antiviral therapies and preventive measures against SARS-COV2 virus.