Round 1: Star Wars Minefield

Round 1: Star Wars Minefield

Retrieve Start Wars Heros that are imprisoned by ray shields and deliver them to safe locations each with large multipliers. Collection points will be of various sizes, and it will be operators' choice which point to bring an object to. The smaller the space the closer to safety you have placed them and the greater the reward.

All objects and mines will be within a 1.5x1.5ft square that the crane is placed at the edge of. All collection points are located at the opposite each of the crane location as shown.

The collection point in which the objects are placed will act as a multiplier of the point value of the object delivered there based on the size of the collection point chosen. The smallest collection point has the most difficult and will have the highest multiplier, whereas the largest collection point has the least difficulty and will have no multiplier. If all objects are placed before the time limit is reached, time will be recorded and used as a tie breaker if need be.