Round 1:

Straight Slide

Objective: The team must deliver a puck to targets at three different distances.

Parameters: Figure 1 shows an outline of the course; “L1”, “L2”, and “L3” distances will be given to teams on the day of competition. The first shot can only receive points from the closest target. The second shot can only receive points from the middle target. The third target can only receive points from the furthest target. The end of the course will be within 15 feet of the start line.

There will be a flat surface perpendicular to the ground that is elevated a few inches placed along the midline of each target. This may be used to “scope in” where the targets are with the provided sensor.

Scoring: The points from each shot will be summed for the challenge 1 score. The inner circle is 5 points, the middle ring is 3 points, and the outer ring is 1 point.