GAP XI — Pittsburgh



Please find below a list of hotels near the conference venue. We have special rates for the Shadyside Inn and the Quality Inn. The conference week (and August in general) will be extremely busy in Pittsburgh, so participants are advised to book as early as possible. Our special rates terminate on July 19.

For Shadyside Inn, either use the link or use the code "gap2013".

For Quality Inn, all reservations must be made on the phone, mentioning "Pitt Math Group". The rates are $109 + tax for a 1 Queen Bed Room, and $109 + tax for a 2 Double Beds Room.

Roommate Finder

Please find below a list of registered participants who might be interested in sharing a room. You can indicate next to your name whether you are looking for a roommate or not, and then get in touch with those participants who marked themselves as looking for a roommate. To contact a participant, just click on his or her name in the list (or right-click and copy the address in the clipboard).

Click here to show the Roommate Finder. You will need a login and a password that you should have received from the organizers by email if you registered for the conference.