GAP XIV — Sheffield


  1. Bruce, Andrew [PDF]

Can one linearise a graded manifold?

  1. Canlubo, Clarisson Rizzie

Noncommutative covering spaces and their symmetries

  1. Covolo, Tiffany

A generalisation of differential (super)geometry to higher gradings

  1. Cueca Ten, Miquel

A Frobenius theorem for N-manifolds

  1. Korvers, Stéphane

From quantum moment maps to deformation quantizations on bounded symmetric domains

  1. Lavau, Sylvain [PDF]

The Lie -algebroid of a singular foliation

  1. Liu, Zhangju [PDF]

Double principal bundles

  1. Park, Byungdo [PDF]

A geometric model of twisted differential K-theory

  1. Ryvkin, Leonid

Co-moments in multisymplectic geometry

  1. Xu, Xiaomeng

Stokes phenomenon and Poisson geometry