GAP XVI — Timișoara

Registration / Title submission

Registrations are closed.

Support. There will be support for housing for a limited number of participants.

For US young participants, there is travel support as well. To apply, please check the corresponding box in the registration form and subsequently upload your CV using the link below and the password you received after registration. The deadline for support applications is Friday February 15, 2018.

Poster session. A poster session will be organized. For organizational purposes, please tell us at registration or as soon as you have decided whether or not you intend to present a poster. You may submit the title of your poster using the link below and the password you received after registration.

No contributed talks. The schedule being already full, it will not be possible to propose contributed talks this year.

Titles and abstracts. If you are a plenary or mini-course speaker, please send us your title and abstract using the link below and the password you received after registration.