Vectors are an important concept in game development

They are used to represent a position or direction in code. 

In 2D a vector would represent the X and Y axes 

While in 3D, it would represent the X, Y and Z axes.

2D Vectors

2D Vectors represent the X and Y axis values of something. An example of this is a node’s position property, 

which can be modified in the Inspector with any 2D node selected.

Create a New Scene

Call it TestVector2D

Add a Node2D

Add a Sprite Node

Set texture as Player.png

Add a Script to the Sprite

Save it as

Moving the player with code

To modify a node’s position in code, 

Use the global_position variable 

to get and set the node’s position. 

Now access the X and Y values individually 

by placing a dot in between the name and the property. 

We can try this by setting the x position to 200 in the _ready function:

Running the scene now will start the game with the Player Sprite 200 pixels to the right.

We can also create our own vectors instead 

of setting the position vector individually. 

We can create our own vector variable

 and then assign this vector to the node’s 

position to move our Player node to

the desired location.

Player has moved diagonally down and to the right

This knowledge can also be transferred onto 3D, with the only difference being the additional Z axis.

You also need to use Vector3 instead of Vector2 when declaring a 3D vector, so that you can use the

additional Z value when creating it.

Moving the Player along a Vector

The _process function is a loop

any code inside it runs continuously.

If we multiply our Vector by 30 

the Player moves at 30 pixels PER FRAME

To make our Player move smoothly

 at 30 pixels PER SECOND

We multiply by Delta