Intro to 3D

Click on the Scene Menu and choose New Scene

Or Press CTRL+N

Choose 3D Scene

Press CTRL+S - Name the scene TestScene3D

To navigate the 3D environment, use the following controls:

Hold the right-mouse button to look around the scene

Use the W A S D keys to fly around the scene

Use E to go up

Use Q to go down

Use the middle mouse to orbit around the center of what is on the screen.

Creating 3D Objects

In 2D Godot, we use Sprites

In 3D we use a Mesh Instance

Add a new MeshInstance3D node

In the Inspector

Select a New BoxMesh

This 3D Cube can be moved, rotated and scaled using our tools.

Units of Measure

Note that in 2D units are measured in Pixels.

In 3D units are measured in meters.