Wellness Groups

Support & Empowerment Groups

Interested in joining a group and want to learn more? Swing by room 151 and speak with Auxi, the Wellness CHOW!

Wellness Groups for Fall 2022

Provide academic assistance, peer leadership training, 1:1 check-in (on an as-need basis), and community service opportunities to youth who are English Language Learners by equipping them with life skills

A weekly safe and supportive space for our LGBTQIA+ students.

Topics like identity, healthy relationships, family and partners, self-care, and we'll learn tools to communicate and advocate for ourselves will be discussed!

A program that strives to prevent, reduce, and delay the use and abuse of alcohol amongst youth in San Francisco. We provide workshops and activities that enhance participants' abilities to make informed decisions about alcohol as well as other risk behaviors using a community-based approach called Environmental Prevention

Young Men's Health Group (YMHG)

Weekly group focused on mental and physical health, for any young men or masculine-of-center non-binary students who are interested. Group activities and conversations address toxic masculinity, relationships, sex and consent, drugs and risk, social pressure and negotiation, stress and anger, and other topics that come up.

Wellness Groups for 2021 22

Provide academic assistance, peer leadership training, 1:1 check-in (on an as-need basis), and community service opportunities to youth who are English Language Learners by equipping them with life skills

A weekly safe and supportive space for our LGBTQIA+ students.

Topics like identity, healthy relationships, family and partners, self-care, and we'll learn tools to communicate and advocate for ourselves will be discussed!

A weekly space for our Spanish Speaking Newcomer male-identified/non-gender confirming students . Topics discussed and explored include identity exploration and formation, life skill development, trauma informed care and cultural competency best practices.

A program that strives to prevent, reduce, and delay the use and abuse of alcohol amongst youth in San Francisco. We provide workshops and activities that enhance participants' abilities to make informed decisions about alcohol as well as other risk behaviors using a community-based approach called Environmental Prevention

Wellness Groups from 2020-2021

Wellness Groups from 2019-2020

Young Men's Health Group (YMHG)