Housing & Employment

Please look below for housing & employment  resources available! 

Resources/ support 

Tenant resources, current housing information and housing programs

Resources, essential items, and services for those experiencing homelessness

Bayview Access Point

Resources, essential items, and services for those experiencing homelessness

Mission Access Point

Resources, essential items, and services for those experiencing homelessness

Referrals, essential items pick up, support services and more

Helps San Francisco families achieve economic self-sufficiency through occupational training and employment opportunities.

Their COVID-19 relief fund includes rental assistance, cash assistance, motel vouchers, groceries and childcare.

SF Office of Economic and Workforce Development

Provides updates and resources on employment, benefits and other helpful information

Provides safety net services for folks experiencing homelessness, struggling financially or living on the margins in San Mateo County. 

Provides food, medical services, shelter, counseling and referral services for those in San Mateo County!

For help, call (650) 347-3648