Sexual Assault

Below are resources and information regarding sexual assault. Please remember, if you need someone to talk to, Wellness is always available to support you and your loved ones.

Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination (Title IX)

For information on what is Title IX, how to file a complaint, what counts as sexual harrassment under SFUSD Title IX and how complaints are investigated, click below.

La Casa de Las Madres

24/7 hotlines at (877) 503 - 1850

24/7 Text line at (415) 200-3575.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)

24-hour Hotline: (800) 656-4673

SF Women Against Rape

24-hour Hotline: (415) 647 - 7273

California Victims Compensation Board

Resources and information for victims and survivors of sexual assault

Victim Connect Resource Center

The VictimConnect Resource Center is a referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence.


WEAVE is the primary provider of crisis intervention services for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Sacramento County

The Trevor Project

LGBTQ Crisis Support hotline open 24/7!

Phone: 1-866-488-7386

Text: START to 678-678


ValorUS is a national organization committed to advancing equity and ending sexual violence