Galileo Wellness Center

The Galileo Wellness Program offers free & confidential support to all Galileo students.

  • Stressed?

  • Fighting with friends or family?

  • Feeling sad and don’t know why?

  • Have questions about sex or drugs?

  • Need to get tested for STIs, pregnancy or get Plan B?


Everything in Wellness is confidential which means that whatever you share with a Wellness person is kept private and won’t be shared with teachers, parents or anyone else. There are 4 exceptions to this rule that you should know about:

  1. If you tell us someone is hurting you physically, emotionally, sexually, etc.

  2. If you tell us that you plan on hurting someone, getting into a fight, etc.

  3. If you tell us that you are going to hurt yourself.

  4. If you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while you are at school.

If we do have to share your information in order to keep you safe, we will do our best to let you know first.

Come by during Drop-In Hours!

Drop in to the Galileo Wellness Center

WHERE: Room 151

TIME: 8:40am - 4:00pm

Come say hello to Wellness Staff, check in about what's going on, get support, or to get more information about resources through the Wellness Center and in San Francisco.

Self-Referral Wellness Form

Wellness Referral Form for a student

Wellness Center FAQ's

Title IX - Harassment Information