Music Ministry

Chancel Choir

Our Chancel Choir meets for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm from September through May. We present an anthem each Sunday morning during the traditional worship service (2nd & 4th Sundays). The choir meets on the second and fourth Thursday. The highlight of the year is the Christmas Cantata presented on the first Sunday of December.  

If you enjoy singing and praising God, we'd love to have you join us for fun and fellowship. 

Praise Team

Our Praise team leads music at the 9:00am worship service 1st & 3rd Sundays. Instrumental musicians include: piano, keyboard, guitar, and drums. The vocal and instrumental musicians practice one night per week. During the school year, practice is usually on Thursday nights. In the summer months, practice time varies, depending on individual schedules. If you are interested in playing or singing with the praise team, please contact - Worship Leader, or the church office.

Joy Singers and Joy Ringers -- See Children's Ministry