Children's Ministry

Wonderful Wednesday each Wednesday from September 6, 2023 - April 24, 2023

There is no Wonderful Wednesday when the children are not in school--this includes scheduled Wednesdays off and Wednesdays off due to inclement weather (ex. snow days).

5:15-6:00pm Meal and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall

6:00-7:15pm Bible Study for Preschool and Elementary

Wonderful Wednesday is a great way to involve your children in learning about the Lord and developing their faith.  We will have bible studies for children this year from 6:00-6:30pm then a game time from 7:00-7:15 after children's music (See below). There is a class for Preschool and Elementary age children age 3 thru grade 5. Children's Bible study is led by  Karen Miller. 

Children's Music Meets during Wonderful Wednesday.  

This group will sing songs, may do plays, and may use puppets in their ministry. Practice is held on Wednesday nights in the Sanctuary from 6:30-7:00pm. The children learn songs with a focus on God and faith to help them in their development. It is our hope that the messages of these songs will be internalized and will stay with them in their hearts forever. Children will perform at church several times a year.     

The Children's music group are under the direction of Karen Miller, and are accompanied by Janet Heim.


Puppet ministry is an opportunity to learn how to use puppets and give our congregation a Bible message through our puppet ministry. The puppet crew usually perform every 4-6 weeks in both services. It is open to older elementary students and youth. This group is led by Karen Miller. This group meets during the school year and takes a break during the summer. We will be starting again soon. If your child is interested, call Karen at  636-359-5757.