It is hard to believe we have already placed several litters of puppies in their forever homes. I have enjoyed seeing pictures of the puppies after they leave me because it is so difficult to say goodbye and it is quite reassuring to see how happy they are with their new families! They are just beginning to be full of personality and playfulness when they go to their forever homes, it is really sad to see them go.

Past Litters

Ziggy with his new best friends!

Ziggy at puppy training class. Good Boy, Ziggy!

This is Teddy with his new best friend, Daisy. These two are so amazing together! I have loved seeing the updated pictures and videos.

Here is Nicholas all cuddled up with his new toy. He is just getting cuter and cuter! He is also learning lots of tricks: sit, shake, down, and more!

Trixie getting some special girl time!

Maya loving life!

Annabelle in a doll buggy.

Annabelle napping in the buggy after her first haircut! Exhausting!

Phynli with her new family member. Both girls look pretty content!

Mousse shortly before heading home. Our little stuffed puppy.

Mei has joined her family soccer team, she also plays basketball!

I just love this picture of Mousse! He was quite the instigator having had five sisters!

Phynli, just looking great and showing us how to enjoy life!

Guess who? I am Samson, the proud papa of all of these puppies! Now, I have turned silver and I have a heart of gold!

I am so adorable!! Just remember I am a magician! I have changed color due to a special fading gene. Your puppy may do the same thing.

Brio is now living in Madison, Wisconsin!

Winnie is living in Minnesota!

Grover moved to Vermont!

Puccini lives in Minnesota!

Lucy lives north of Milwaukee.

Flint lives in Wisconsin.

My sincere thanks to all of the new owners of our first litter for sharing the following pictures! The puppies all look so happy and loved in their forever homes! To see more pictures and videos, please check out our Facebook page.

Brio LOVES to play outside and chase fireflies! He enjoys sitting in the grass and people watching. Brio and his fur are growing like crazy; he is already 7 pounds.

Check out more pictures of Brio_the_cockapoo on Instagram.

He is looking very comfortable in his new home!

Wood floors can't compete with a good bag!

Puccini is loved!

Our Moo, now Puccini, with one of his best friends!

Lucy, our Magic, in her new pink and white polka dot bed.

Lucy is now truly a Princess!

Winnie going for a car ride with her new family!

Winnie looks so precious!

I guess they can sleep anywhere!