
Kim and Glen Phillips

Please contact us at: 

262-716-4002 through text message only

or email to:  Kim and Glen


You can use this link to open the Google Form and complete it. Click here to open the form. Or you can copy and paste the form and email it to Glen and Kim  or  Kristin . Please do not apply for a puppy unless there is one available and you have email or phone confirmation.

Contact information

Application for a puppy from Fox River Cockapoos Switch accoun

* Indicates required question


Your email

Name and Date*

Your answer

You are completing this application so you can apply for a cockapoo!

Phone number*

Your answer


Your answer

You will watch them grow with every picture and video sent to you!

What is your living situation (home/yard)?

*Your answer

How many hours would your puppy/dog be on its own?

*Your answer

Who will be the main caregiver for the puppy/dog?

*Your answer

Are you able to meet the financial cost of owning a cockapoo (good food, emergency vet care, regular grooming, etc.)?

*Your answer

Are you willing to enroll and take your puppy to obedience class? This has proven to be quite successful for the puppies, since they are very intelligent!

*Your answer

Do you plan on your puppy/dog living indoors or outdoors?

*Your answer

Have you recently lost a pet?

*Your answer

Are you sure you are ready for the lifelong commitment of owning a dog? 

*Your answer

Why do you believe a cockapoo is the right fit for you?

*Your answer

Is getting a puppy something you are just wanting to try out, and if it's not for you, plan to return or re-home the puppy/dog?

*Your answer

What is your work schedule?

*Your answer

Could you please tell me a little about yourself and your family?

Your answer


Thank you very much! You are one step closer to proving to us you will be a responsible puppy owner!