Chin Village


Chin Village is a small village located in the southern Earth Kingdom. It was founded by Chin the conqueror in around 270 BG, and still stands to this day. After founding the village, Chin set his sights upon the Yokoya Peninsula (the home of Avatar Kyoshi) where he was defeated in a deadly duel.

Chin village was also encountered by Avatar Aang's travels In the episode "Avatar Day", where Aang becomes the great Avatar Kyoshi and confesses to having killed him. Although aang was to be "Boiled in Oil", after the Rough Rhino's attacked, he had to do "Community Services" instead.


Chin Village's most notable festival was Avatar Day. In Avatar day, they Burn statues of the past avatars as Avatar Kyoshi killed their founder, Chin.

Burning the Avatars

Prior to Team Avatar's visit, the Law system system of the village was very unfair. Defendants were not given a trial and instead were placed in front of a gathering of villagers where their punishment would be decided. The accused were not allowed to hire lawyers or call in any witnesses. Instead, the village's mayor served the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Both the mayor and the defendant recount their version of the events before the mayor issues his verdict. If the defendant was found guilty, punishments were decided by the defendant spinning the Wheel of Punishment, which included community service to several methods of execution. Members of the crowd often called out their preferred type of punishment.

The reason behind their strange trying method was the fact that it is called "justice". Just us.

Funny video about their very silly mayor. Go to 1:29.