106)[ENG](NGS) Preah Sisowath Highschool:Face Recognition/Face Detection

(NGS) Preah Sisowath Highschool - Soma Nith.jpg

Using OpenCV(cv2), we can code the FACE DETECTION in so rectangle(s) will appear and follow if there is/are face(s) in the camera’s eye.

Secondly, we need to define the code by using pip library to install the FACIAL RECOGNITION LIBRARY in order to use its algorithm. After importing the library, we will be able to define the image and map out the face.

Finally, after analyzing the information that was fed, the image will be converted into data which will be essential for finding the face in real time (or a video and picture as well).



This project is created in order to make our life better and easier. We saw a lot of big tech industries create some of the smart devices and it’s really interesting, so we decided to combine all of those technology and recreate another version of it. Moreover, we are in industry 4.0 which everything has to be smart and control by the power of technologies. As we see everything developed as most people see so this could be our opportunity to recreate and present it to everyone. We spend months to create and perfect this project to make sure that every user gets the best experience out of it and satisfy with it. We use materials such as relay, ESP8266, temperature sensor and junction box to contain the components. This project work by transferring data from app on smartphone or other devices to our control board which again transfer electricity to electronic device in order to connect components in certain conditions. From now on we can just do simple clicks on our smartphone and we can control electronic components in our house such as lamp, fan…etc. It can also check and control house temperature too. This project will continue to develop in the future and we are planning to increase the accessibility to more components in the house and make it out as a product that could help people in the future. We hope this first version of our recreated home assistant help most people.

108)[ENG]Liger Leadership AcademyProtecting Endangered Species Cooperation

Liger leadership Academy - Pollak Raksa Chea.jpg
liger leadership academy project - Pollak Raksa Chea.jpg

Our team is dedicated to life on land, which is the 15th SDGs. This topic itself is broad, so we decided to break it down into different categories that are common in our region. We came to a conclusion for our first project with “endangered species”, which not many people have raised enough awareness about. Our main goal is to integrate an awareness program with a fun and educational system. We would like to start our first step with running a campaign on social media page and post public awareness regarding this issue. To make it more diverse, we also want to have people of different age ranges to interact. That being that, we will create puzzles and games for younger people to also know more about this issue (specially, middle schoolers). For teens and adults, we have different plans. Podcast is one of the options. It is a widely known strategy to reach more audiences which can make a greater impact. Another one is to host a seminar where students and passionate individuals can take part in discussing specifically endangered species and what we can do.

Again, this would be our debut project. By offering FOCUS 2021 our idea, we hope to make the most out of it. If it goes well, we can go as far as recruiting members from different regions for a diverse impact.

109)[ENG]Philippine Science High School Caraga Region CampusPanaghiusa: The Essential 21st Century Strategic Action Plan for Fostering Civically-Engaged Individuals in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in STEM Fields

Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus - school - Ysabella Juliet C. Geolingo.jpg
Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus - Project - Ysabella Juliet C. Geolingo.png

Because of the collective efforts that are continuously being made to bring about harmonious communication and cooperation both locally and globally, there have been significant changes in the workplace pertaining to an increase in diversity in terms of nationality, culture, religion, and ethnicity. However, despite the progress made, challenges such as racism and discrimination still arise as a result of the lack of balance that may develop within unfamiliar and marginalized groups composed of individuals originating from different cultures and backgrounds. Even in areas wherein development in science and technology abounds, negative attitudes and behaviors still lead to a variety of misinterpretations among heterogeneous groups. This dilemma prompted the proponents of this project to develop a feasible approach to promote diversity and inclusion within workplaces as well as the academe through Panaghiusa, a well-devised action plan that targets learning environments particularly in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields. Primarily, the program is composed of a series of phases which involve different strategies: firstly, a pre-implementation phase to assess the state of inclusivity in an area or group; secondly, the implementation phase which will enact culturally-responsive activities and seminars for the participants to adopt; and lastly, a post-implementation phase which will involve further engagement of the individuals to maintain their developed cultural awareness and proficiency. All in all, Panaghiusa aims not only to recognize, but also embrace the innate potential and abilities of every individual regardless of any aspect of their identity. It is through this that solutions to the world’s biggest problems can be established - progressively and through a global perspective.

110)[ENG]Philippine Science High School-Caraga Region CampusIn Defense of the Land: A Sustainable Program for Indigenous Peoples’ Resilience

Philippine Science High School-Caraga Region Campus - Judd Christian Bañas.jpg
Philippine Science High School-Caraga Region Campus - Judd Christian Bañas.png

The Philippines is a culturally diverse country with an estimated amount of 100 Indigenous Peoples (IPs), exclusive of the Muslim groups. IPs in the Philippines play a major role in preserving the country’s rich history and culture. However, IPs and ethnic minorities are a community that has been subject to historical discrimination and exclusion for a long time. Thus, addressing this issue is a must.

Our team's project will focus on educating and spreading awareness about what IPs are continuously facing. This will be achieved by conducting social media campaigns, engaging in educational discussions, and creating donation drives that will help provide basic education support to these communities. Through social media campaigns, people will get to know what situation the IPs are in. When people get to know about this, educational discussions will erupt, urging more people to discuss and spread about these issues. Finally, when IPs get access to basic education, corporations and state agencies will no longer take advantage of taking their ancestral lands and exploiting them because they will be able to learn and exercise their rights.

Our team believes that through education and awareness, the exploitation of IPs will lessen. Moreover, their identity and culture will be preserved.

111)[ENG]Leyte Normal UniversityBreathe Room

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Breathe Room - LNU ILS' - Mae Valerie Montallana.jpg

An Interactive Break Room Program that values Students' Mental Health and offers free counselling in school. A pleasant environment where students can BREATHE by bonding online through games and peer counselling in the safety of their homes and the convenience of their phones. The disparity of access in communication in online platforms becomes a harbinger of academic stress in students who would find themselves unable to avail online classes or submit their assignments, thus falling behind their peers in their curriculum. This has led to reports of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and in severe cases suicidal attempts in children and adolescents triggered by academic stress and apprehensions regarding the future (Fegert et al., 2020).

It is important for students to have coping mechanisms for the stress that they experience in school. It has been shown that leisure activities can be considered a coping mechanism to stress (Qian, Yarnal, & Almeida, 2014).


~ Supervised conversations by teachers

~ Mandatory for Junior Highschool Only

~ With licensed therapist or counselor