36)[JPN]松商学園高等学校: 本当の自分であるために〜学校生活から考えるジェンダー問題 〜Gender issues with~ School life in order to be true self ~

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This time, we are focusing on achieving the gender equality set forth in the goals of the SDGs, and are working to close the gender gap in school life.

The activity we are working on is to first take a survey of how many people at school know and are worried about gender.

In addition, we will talk to companies that are working on gender issues and summarize the issues based on the results of the questionnaire and the stories heard by the companies.

And I would like to work on improving the issues in cooperation with the Student Organization.

37)[JPN][ENG]神戸市立葺合高等学校:高齢者ドライバーの事故を減らすには?How to reduce accidents caused by elderly drivers?

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 現代の日本における自動車事故は年々減少傾向にあります。しかし、高齢運転者の事故 割合は増加しています。国民の4人に1人は65歳以上という超を付けるほどの高齢化社会に直面する今、高齢者ドライバーによる事故をなんとしてでも防がなければなりません。

 これは極めて重要な問題です。内閣府によると、高齢者の人数が2036年には、33.3%と 3人に1人となり、2065年には38.4%に達すると推計されています。高齢化における動体視力の低下や情報の同時処理能力の低下を免れる事は難しいでしょう。

 この問題に国はいち早く取り組んでいました。現在では75歳以上のドライバーは3年ご とに認知機能検査を受けて免許を更新する必 要があります。さらに、高齢者は先進自動ブ レーキ装置搭載の自動車のみ利用可能にする という案もあるようです。


We researched about the traffic accidents caused by elderly drivers. We define people over 65 years-old people as elderly people. And we will show you why we select this topic.

First of all, the number of accidents caused by elderly drivers is increasing year by year. In 2012, there were about 500 cases but in2014, there were 650 cases. From this data, we can expect the number of those accidents will be much bigger. And we felt we have to take actions to prevent traffic accidents. This is why we started to research about this topic.

Actually, Japan has already made solutions and acted on them. For example, improve quality of cars and make new laws. But these could not reduce the number of the accidents dramatically. So we thought those solutions are not enough. Then, we started to think what makes the traffic accidents. According to website of AXA Direct, main reasons for this issue are careless driving, operation mistakes and not checking safety. And we found that they are from their aging and they are inevitable. Therefore, our research question is “What should be done to reduce the accidents caused by elderly drivers?”

We will make change from current status!!

38)[JPN]精華女子高等学校:おいでよ那珂川市 Come on Nakagawa City

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The main purpose of my activity is to get to knew my home town, Nakagawa City. I worked on two activities. First, I run an Instagram account called "come on Nakagama City." I have posted photos taken at events about Nakagama City with that account. I often go to an event called "Hakata Minami Moon Night Market". I started to get involved with Mr. Ryota Kito there. He is called "Regional Revitalization Contractor". When I talk to him, I realize that I increase to think about Nakagawa City. Recently, I also started to get involved with people who make eco-friendly straws, fertilizers and charcoal. All of them were made from bamboo from Nakagama City. I learned that it is used to reduce natural disasters. Second, I participated in My Project Award 2020. High school students working on various problems gathered there. I met various people there. By discussing a lot of topics, I was able to confirm my love for my home town. So I was interested in the regional revitalization SDGs that I often hear recently. I think my small action makes big difference. So, I want to act on the regional revitalization SDGs.

39)[JPN][ENG]聖光学院高等学校:Seiko SDGs Food Ambassador

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私たちは、Seiko SDGs Food Ambassadorです。聖光学院の文化祭「聖光祭」の食品部門の企画で、コロナ禍のフードロス削減と地方創生への貢献を目標に掲げています。



We are “Seiko SDGs Food Ambassador” from the Food Department of Seiko Festival 2021. Our goal is to contribute to reduction of Food Waste and render financial support to the places where their economy is heavily relying on tourism.

Before the pandemic, I really loved trips. I frequently went on trips and ate many local cuisines there. Local food industries are not only for local people but also for people like me who enjoyed trips.

However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, people couldn’t go on trips frequently as much as before the pandemic. Many souvenir shops and regional food industries in sightseeing spots are facing economic difficulties due to visitors going there decreasing drastically and not buying their products. It is a huge problem for all of us. When I have heard this, I strongly thought that I needed to do something to deal with it. Eventually I found I could solve this problem by selling these foods at a cheaper price than market price in the Seiko Festival.

In addition, our project would be valuable in terms of SDGs. For instance, these shops have too many extra food stocks since they couldn’t sell all of their stocks during vacation seasons. Therefore our project can help to reduce food waste at these shops.

What I feel is difficult while proceeding with the project is how to select the shops and products effectively with considering marketing tactics, negotiation techniques, food sanitation, and SDGs.

Anyway, I strongly believe that our project can recover prosperities of sightseeing spots by promoting SDGs.

40)[JPN]青翔開智中学校・高等学校:『星取県』魅力発信プロジェクトSpace entertainment「CATCH the STAR」

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Tottori's space industry has been active with "Hoshitoriken", a prefecture-led initiative to promote astronomical observation. Recently, The prefecture hosted a symposium regarding space.

Tottori on the other hand is also known for the prefecture with the lowest population and the decrease is expected to continue. "Inshu washi", a local traditional Japanese paper, has been affected by the decrease, losing both its demand and bearer. These are the problems that relate to SDGs two goals, which are goal 8, "creating jobs for all to improve living standards and providing sustainable economic growth" and goal 9, "generating employment and income through innovation".

This project is going to use the power of entertainment, something I believe has unlimited potential, and propose "a space entertainment with Insu washi" utilizing Tottori's booming space industry and its traditional Japanese paper. We have come up with an idea of creating a pop-up book featuring familiar space technology. This book will have a story that combines familiar space technology with Tottori's tourist spots. We also plan to have people who are currently working in Tottori's space industry as a character of the book.

Let's create "space entertainment" together!

41)[JPN]石川県立金沢泉丘高等学校:数学って楽しい!Mathematics is Fun!

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Our team started to do research on children's education in April. Our initial research question was how we can increase the number of elementary and junior high school students who can truly enjoy studying math. According to the national survey on academic performance, the older students get the less they like math. Compared with other countries, Japan has a much smaller number of students who like math.

This result has then turned our attention to how we can make it possible for children who are not good at math to become interested, however remotely, in the subject and then, hopefully, find enjoyment in learning it in their own way. We hope that children, if autonomously motivated, will even try to play an active role in tackling social issues as a whole.

Now we are only at the beginning of our project, racking our brains to make our vision more concrete. Yet one plan we have in mind is to make some kind of “small private classroom” where those children and students can come after school and get some help from their seniors in learning math so that they will find out math is not just about numbers and equations but also about learning to think better.

42)[JPN][ENG]大妻中野高等学校:環境のために小さくても確実なアクションを!An Action We Take for the Environment

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Otsuma Nakano School Team Photo - Yuri Tsukamoto.jpg




Throughout the recent years, plastic waste is becoming a severe threat to the environment; not only in Japan but also worldwide. In addition, Japan is also known as the second-largest generator of plastic packaging waste, which consists of straws and PET bottles and even more. WE are the ones that cause these results, as well as the ones to stop this movement.

In order to halt the flow of this cycle, we would like to conduct a project called “Redastic”: a word combined from reduce and plastic, to ensure the decrease of plastic use all around the world. Recycling plastic may be a beneficial method to stop the plastic from flowing into the sea and prevent marine waste. However, that does not decrease the actual amount of plastic being used and thrown away. Therefore, we decided to put the FOCUS on reducing the actual use of plastic. Life without plastic is impossible to think of but by trying out different methods, negotiating with different teachers and corporations during the upcoming months we will launch a plastic-free community at our school.

We must cause an action towards Japan, and that starts with our own community. “Start off small, cause redastic within our community” The build-ups of our small movement will lead to a plastic-free world and save our beautiful planet in the long run, which we are aiming for through this project. FOCUS will be our first step!

43)[JPN][ENG]大妻中野高等学校:子ども食堂みんなで応援プロジェクトChildren Food Assistance Program

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私たちは大妻中野高校ING部です。INGとはInfinity Next Generationの略で、持続可能な社会の実現のために自分たちができることを考え、様々なボランティア活動を実施しています。




We are the student representatives from the ING club of Otsuma Nakano. ING is the abbreviation for “Infinity Next Generation”, and we are engaged in various volunteer activities while thinking about what we can do to realize a sustainable society.

Every year, we pick up trash in Enoshima. This year, we plan to search for overlooked poverty as a new challenge and expand our activities in the surrounding area in Nakano. As an example, we will volunteer at the Nakano children’s food assistance program.

The children’s food assistance program is a facility that offers nutritious meals for free or at low prices to disadvantaged children. The purpose this program is to alleviate hunger and loneliness of children and to establish food security.

Through this participation in FOCUS, we would like to take on the challenge of various initiatives so that we can contribute to solving social problems by incorporating the innovative perspectives of high school students nationwide and the practical ideas of companies.


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As a result of the spread of the new coronavirus, more and more families are finding it difficult to make ends meet due to unemployment and reduced income. There have been many reports on TV and in the newspapers about parents complaining that they cannot provide enough food for their children.

In Nakano Ward, Tokyo, where our school is located, the local government is calling for cooperation in a "food pantry". This is a project which people donate foods which are stored as reserves in their homes, or they donate money to buy foods to the government, so it distributes all of collected foods to needy families and charitable canteens free of charge.

We are trying to find a better way to implement this food pantry in our school, but we cannot do it without the understanding and cooperation of the students, parents and teachers of the school.

We aim to build a better community, as our school can live in harmony with the local community. We hope we can get the better way, so we can contribute to the world as well as our community.

45)[JPN]大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎:全ての人と地球にやさしいコスメを作ろう Let's make cosmetics that are friendly to all people and the earth.

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これは、SDGsの中の、「3.すべての人に健康と福祉を」と「12.つくる責任 つかう責任」の二つの目標に当てはまります。 




 We would like to promote our research activities under the theme of "Let's make cosmetics that are friendly to all people and the earth.This applies to the two goals of the SDGs, "3.Good health and well-being" and "12. Responsible consumption, production"

 Do you use up the last of your various cosmetics before disposing of them? In fact, a survey showed that about 80% of people have disposed of their cosmetics without using them up. However, However, by throwing away cosmetics that contain various chemicals, as much as twice the amount of carbon contained in incinerator ash is leached out, resulting in the emission of a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

 So why do we throw away our cosmetics without using them up?Among the various possible cause, we decided to focus on the interruption of use due to allergic reactions.It is natural to stop using a product if an allergic reaction occurs.However, if there were a cosmetics that could be selected to match your allergies, fewer people would suffer from allergies, and we could reduce the number of allergy-related discontinuations.

 Through this research, our goal is to reduce the number of people suffering from allergies and prevent environmental pollution caused by cosmetics.

46)[JPN]大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎:エシカル素材のリメイクでジェンダー教育を広めよう Let's promote better gender education and better understanding of sexual minorities.

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大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎 - 織茂珠貴.HEIC


We are students of Hirano Senior High School Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University.Our school has about 360 students. We study about SDGs in a program of WWL.

The theme of our team is “Let's promote better gender education and better understanding of sexual minorities ”.

Today, gender education is often conducted in junior high school. However, the idea of ​​dividing gender into two is said to be acquired in their early life.I think they have to learn to respect LGBTQs people who choose a different way of life before we grow up.

I am trying to find a way of providing gender education using dress-up doll.

I think that we can broaden their horizons by having small children learn that there is a way of life that is not bound by gender.

I am looking forward to discussing with a lot of students and deepening our understanding.

47)[JPN]大阪教育大学附属高等学校平野校舎:男女共に育児のしやすい社会づくり Building a society where both men and women can raise their children easily

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大阪教育大学附属平野高校 - mizuki katayama.HEIC



Despite the fact that many companies have adopted the childcare leave system, the utilization rate in Japan is about 6 percent for men, 83 percent for women, and one-fourteenth of that for men. Japan’s gender gap index ranks 121st out of 153 countries, and many women have to quit there jobs to raise children. On the other hand, Iceland, which has ranked first in the gender equality ranking for 10 years in a row, has created a society where men use the system at 74 percent making it easy to balance work and childcare.

In Japan, there is still an idea that men work outside and women raise their children at home. Getting a clue from the system in Iceland, plan to write our original rule book on childcare leave, so that more men and women can easily take their childcare leave. Furthermore, I think we can contribute greatly to the realization of gender equality in Japan in SDGs No.5.

48)[JPN][ENG]長崎県立長崎東高等学校:発展途上国においての授業の様態 the state of a class in developing countries

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As part of the WWL "World Wide Learning" project, our school is conducting exploratory activity on the basis of theme of SDGs. Our team is looking at the state of the teaching system in developing countries. Because of the recent COVID-19, we can`t concentrate in one place because we refrain from going out and avoid the dense. On the other hand, in developing countries, spread of infection are constantly spreading, and the teaching method must be changed. So our team is thinking about how to keep our classes at a certain distance in developing countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19 . One of the abstract ideas is whether classes can be brought online in developing countries. I think this will avoid human-to-human contact and reduce infection. Also, when the COVID-19 calms down and becomes After-COVID-19, various things will be done online, and I think it will lead to improved academic ability.

49)[JPN]長野日本大学高等学校:アップルタウン Apple Town

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We are a member of Nagano nichidai World Club.We have five groups,Apple,Seven spice blend, Oyaki, Goheimoti, Studying of Economy.Our goal is spreading the appeal of Nagano.One year have passed since our team was lauched. I will introduce our activity.Our team supported apple farmer who suffered heavy losses from typhoon.In Nagano, the big typhoon hit in 2019.Our vision for this big project is to propagate the apples in Nagano.We discover charm of apple. We are going to go to the farm to learn how to grow apples this year.We learned that it takes a lot of work to grow an apple. Furthermore, we felt more motivated to do this project by knowing the damage of typhoon. Besides, we will sell apple around the Nagano City.We strive to get closer to our goals by constantly checking each other's progress and current status.As we repeated this process, our team is getting more and more united. But, we don’t know the how to export and advertising so we have to learn them willingly and find solutions to achieve the aim.Thank you for reading.

50)[JPN]東京都立南多摩中等教育学校:小学生の学習支援×高校生 learning support from high school students to elementary school students

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“Ones” is a group that is made up of three fifth grade students in Minamitama Secondary

Education School.

We provide learning support from high school students to elementary school students suffering from poverty at an after-school children’s classroom in Hachioji city.

The after-school children’s classroom activities are held at public elementary schools in Hachioji and children can spend time in the schoolyard or multi-purpose classroom.

Its main appeal is that all children can use this service for free.

It may be necessary to provide money or supplies to solve poverty, but we believe that is not the only way to help them.

By playing and studying with high school students, children will be able to work actively on learning and increase their motivations for the future.

Because the project has just begun, there are many challenges.

At FOCUS, we would like to improve this project by listening to the perspectives of many people.

51)[JPN]東京都立南多摩中等教育学校:えこふれんどりー Eco-friendly

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東京都立南多摩中等教育学校 プロジェクト写真 - 橋本瑠美子.jpg


We are “Eco-friendly”!

Our group is made up of students who are interested in SDGs, and our targets are to encourage people to know about SDGs and to help them make sustainable choices whenever they buy things. We are mainly working on two things.

The first thing we are working on is selling bread that is made from domestic wheat at our school store. Japan’s low food self-sufficiency rate is a problem. We made fliers and posters and we chose bread that students might buy. We were planning to sell the bread regularly, but so far, we were only able to do this once. Because of that, we will promote it from now on.

The second thing we are working on is selling edible insects to resolve the food shortage problem in Japan. We visited the company MNH, which produces and sells edible insect snacks. Knowing that edible insects are nutritious, and the company has been making efforts, we had a fruitful experience. We are planning to sell edible insects at school.

Through these projects we are in the process of achieving our targets. However, it is also necessary for us to make efforts to get more attention. Our activities are still unknown to most of students, so we are going to spread this to other students and hope that “Eco-friendly” will inspire others to follow our goals.

52)[JPN][ENG]東京都立白鷗高等学校・附属中学校:Plustivity〜地球は青かった〜The earth was blue〜

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Plustivity-we act toward the positive direction to reduce plastics. This is our Declaration against

plastic waste t hrough this program. In recent years, the threat of plastic waste has also affected

humankind. I t is said that as much as 8 million tons of plastic waste are dumped from the land to

the sea, and the marine ecosystem is collapsing. This has also a negative impact on human

health and the environment. Is there anything we can do in our school or i n our houses i n order

to reduce plastic waste? What can we do t o make the use of plastic products less not only in

Hakuo High School but also i n the rest of t he world? Then, we focused on t he plastic garbage

such as plastic bottles and containers for f oods released i n our school l ife. We are now

investigating t he amount of plastic bottles consumed at school. We are putting our best t o find

out the way to reduce plastic waste.

53)[JPN]東洋大学附属牛久高等学校:先進国と発展途上国の違い The difference between developed countries and developing countries

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what is Sustainable Development Goals?

We believe that one of the goals is to get rid of the inequity of a person and the country.In other words, get rid of the difference between a developed country and developing countries.To achieve this goal, we think a developed country's contribution and a donation to the developing countries can make it better.

We researched the differences between developed countries and developing countries. In particular, we studied Nepal. We thought about what developed countries like Japan, the wealthy ones, can do to help the poor people to have a better life. For example, we can provide them with technology from developed countries. In developing countries, it is difficult to find a job even if you want to. However, by providing technology, we can increase the number of workers and raise the employment rate.

Increasing the employment rate will increase money and can lead to economic growth. This kind of support from developed countries can create a foundation for industry and innovation. We believe that this kind of economic stability will help create a sustainable nation, as stated in the SDGs. We believe that this is the first step in narrowing the gap between developed and developing countries.

54)[JPN]東洋大学附属牛久高等学校:医療保険でご長寿計画 Longevity plan with medical insurance.

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Longevity plan with medical insurance.

As many of you know, Japan is an aging society with a declining birthrate.

Medical technology is thriving in the US, but it has been announced that the average life expectancy in Japan is about 6 years longer than that in the US.

Why do yiu think? Why does this happen?

Actually, Japan has a lot of medical insurance systems.

In comparison,there is no insurance systems in the US.

Therefore, we thought that insurance and lifespan might be deeply related to each other so we decided to investigate relationship on the theme.

If the medical insurance system spreads in various countries, we belive that we will have the achievement of "health and welfare for all".

While Corona is rampant, we would like to focus on the point of medical care that is very difficult now and persuit what course of action to take for the medical industry.

55)[JPN]東洋大学附属牛久高等学校:未来の町のデザイン〜龍ケ崎市の持続可能な社会を目指して〜 To design the future city ~Aiming for sustainable society in Ryugasaki city~

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東洋大学附属牛久高等学校 - 近藤奏乃.png

私達のプロジェクトタイトルは、「未来の町のデザイン 〜龍ケ崎市の持続可能な社会を目指して〜」です。龍ケ崎市は茨城県の南部、私達の学校の近くに位置する町です。しかし、近年高齢化や少子化などにより過疎化が問題となっています。そこで龍ケ崎市を救うため、SDGsの目標の一つにも含まれている「持続可能な社会」をつくり、過疎化を解決する必要があると考えました。そのために本プロジェクトでは、龍ケ崎市の問題点を子育て、交通、市内の環境、イベント、高齢者サービスに分けそれぞれ課題を見つけ、他のまちづくりやサービスを参考にし問題解決を目指します。例えば、子育ての点では「病児・病後児保育事業を利用できる場所が少ない」という問題があります。これらの問題の原因は保育士の数が少ない、仕事量と給料がつり合っていないなどがあります。これらの解決策として「保育士手当の改善」、「保育士ボランティアをつくる」を挙げ、子育てしやすさランキング全国一位である松戸市の松戸手当を参考にしながら解決方法を考えます。このようにして他の問題点の解決方法も考え、龍ケ崎市での持続可能な社会の実現を目指します。

Our project title is “To design the future city ~Aiming for sustainable society in Ryugasaki city~”. Ryugasaki is in the south of Ibaraki prefecture, and recently there is an issue of depopulation by decreasing birthrate and aging population. Therefore we will make a sustainable society which be contained in SDGs to save Ryugasaki city. And we thought it was necessary to solve depopultion. We aim for problem solving. We have two methods. First, to find the problem which is child rearing, traffic, event, environment, and services for the elederly in Ryugasaki city. Second, referring to other town planning and services to

arrive at solutions to this problem. For example there are problem which “ there are few places to use Daycare for sick or convalescent children”. The cause of this problem is the number of child care workers is not many and the amount of work is incompatible with wages. there solutions are improving the child care worker allowance and making child care workers volunteer. Also We will consider how to solve this problem by referring to the Matsudo allowance in Matsudo City, which is ranked first in Japan for ease of raising children. In this way we will think of other problem solutions, and we aim to realize a sustainable society in Ryugasaki City. 

56)[JPN]東洋大学附属牛久高等学校:識字率 literacy rate

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東洋大学附属牛久高等学校(質の良い教育をみんなに) - 村田茉優


Literacy rate shows the ratio of people who can read or write. That enables people to choose their jobs on their own and get the information on public service.How can we raise this rate? Let us focus on three points.

First of all, the difference between the countries with the high rate and low rate is a big issue. Some studies show us that GNI and GDP are related with the literacy rate.

Second, we are interested in what the countries with low rates do to raise them. Pakistan has been struggling with this matter. Women are far behind men about this number here. JICA, with the cooperation of the government, are supporting the country, building schools and making chances to study for women in the areas apart from school.

Third, the reason for the high rate of Japanese people in the Edo era is interesting. Japan showed the highest literacy rate those days. Why did this happen? We have found two keywords like “terakoya” and “kawaraban”. This must have worked a lot.

In conclusion, the government support education in a financial way and educators attract people with cultural resources though written stories. We think the literacy rate will rise by meres of both facilities and cultures.

57)[JPN]栃木県立佐野高等学校:栃木県民健康化計画! Tochigi-prefectural citizens' plan that how to be healthy.

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栃木県立佐野高等学校 - gele Doov



In order to overcome the coronavirus crisis, in which people's immunity and basic health are emphasized. However, the current situation of unbalanced diet and lack of exercise of people who contrast with it, we are conducting research on how "kakina", a special product of Sano City, and "Farmer gymnastics", which has been passed down in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture, can improve people's blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Specifically, as for the former, there is a question, “is there actually an acute drainage effect by potassium containing kakina after taking kakina as a meal?” In addition, we would like to advance research on whether kakina has capacity to spread throughout Japan. And the latter is revealed in "Fighting Disease in the Village" (1971) written by Dr. Toshikazu Wakatsuki, a developer, regarding the prevention of hypertension. Because of these dates, this time we would like to conduct research with clarifying as a purpose whether there is an effect of diabetes prevention by comparing the degree of fluctuation of blood sugar level in both groups by each group of people who do farmer gymnastics and the group of people who do not.

58)[JPN]栃木県立佐野高等学校:足利市における商店街の活性化によるまちづくりの研究 A research on Town Development by Revitalizing Shopping Street in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture

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(資料)『「城下町村上の町屋」利活用調査による商店街魅力再発見事業』によると足利市と歴史を持つ点などから類似している新潟県村上市は商店街での事業によって新たな店舗出店や客足の増加などの成果を示した。つまり足利市にも活性化の可能性は十分にある。(内容)* 足利市の隠れた資源(織物文化等)を用いた活性化の研究*イベントによる街の活性化の研究(研究方法)*店およびお客様へのアンケート調査*空き家、営業していないお店、住宅、通行人の統計調査* 商店街の会長さん、足利で街づくり事業をしている団体の方との対話を重ねる*足利活性化に向けたアートイベントへのボランティアへの参加

[1.About this research] Ashikaga City is located in Tochigi Prefecture and has the highest rate of population decline in Tochigi Prefecture.

We began our research with the hope of making Ashikaga a more vibrant and people-oriented city. Therefore, we would like to revitalize the shopping streets based on the tourist resources such as Bannaji Temple and Ashikaga School, as well as other hidden resources. [2.Document] According to the "Project for Rediscovering the Appeal of Shopping Streets through a Survey on the Utilization of Townhouses in the Castle District," Murakami City in Niigata Prefecture, which is similar to Ashikaga City in terms of its history, has shown results such as the opening of new stores and an increase in the number of customers through its shopping district project. In other words, Ashikaga City has ample potential for revitalization. [3. Contents] First, we research on the revitalization of Ashikaga City using its hidden resources. Second, we research on revitalization of the city through events. [4.Survey method] We conduct questionnaire survey of stores and customers, survey of vacant houses, shuttered stores, and number of passers-by. We interview with the chairman of the shopping district board and people involved in the community development.

59)[JPN]栃木県立佐野高等学校:幼児教育の改善による男女差別の撤廃 Elimination of gender discrimination by improving early childhood education

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栃木県立佐野高等学校 - 飯塚莉子




Last year we conducted a collaborative study with Malaysian high school girls. There, I was able to think more deeply about the “seriousness of gender issues in Japan,” which we high school students could not notice in their daily lives.

This year we began to wonder, “What is a realistic solution that can be done to eliminate gender discrimination? “ It is because last year, we couldn’t take concrete actions just by getting information and sending it. Then, we returned to the original question: “Why does gender discrimination occur?”, and as a result of thinking, we came to the conclusion that “The prejudice that we acquire in our childhood maybe a problem”.

As we investigated the reasons from there, we felt that this assumption was probably true, so we thought that early childhood education to improve non-cognitive ability was necessary in today’s society. Therefore, from now on, we would like to make more effective teaching plants by listening to the educational materials from experts and reading treatises. In addition, we would like to act on our own and carry out fieldwork such as visiting kindergartens and interviewing university professors.

60)[JPN]栃木県立佐野高等学校:紅茶プランテーションに住む子供たちの放課後支援活動 After-school support activities for children living in tea plantations

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Our research is working to utilize the after-school support and Sri Lanka tea leaves with children in Sri Lanka, where education and the environment are completely different from Japan. The children of Sri Lankan have dreams and dreams of becoming tea plantations in the future, and they don't take a little time for us to help them from school. It's the motivation to start the study that I wanted to spend time to enjoy. We are working together with the UU-TEA project at Utsunomiya University. For interactions with children, professor of Utsunomiya University, and through Zoom once a month, we want to introduce our school, convenience stores, food and other things through origami and crafts. I want to do it. I'm thinking of making good use of tea shells, and I want the Japanese people to know about the environment of Sri Lanka, and have them to work with local cultural festivals and towns. We also want to use tea shells to make fresheners and pesticides. That is what our research is about.

61)[JPN][ENG]武蔵野大学附属千代田高等学院:ディスカスマップ Discuss Map

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The ideal future we are aiming for is to nurture children who can think and do things to improve the world in response to Society 5.0. Our members believe that the ideal education in Japan is for all children to have opinions in the classroom, to exchange ideas with each other, and give feedback to each other . Then, they can change and grow not just as a student, but as people too . We wanted to create a place where students and teachers can learn from each other, not just write sentences in a notebook, which is common in the current Japanese educational system. In order to combat this we came up with the idea “DisMap”. “DisMap” allows children to have discussions, and based on these discussions an AI will create a mindmap which will allow the students to reflect back on the discussions. We hope that this app will be the first step in creating an educational system where children can share their values with each other and create human resources that can change with the times.

62)[JPN]福岡雙葉高等学校:美しいごみたちに再び命を Breath life into beautiful rubbishes

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We started a project to reduce the amount of “FLOWER LOSS.”

Flower Loss is a problem where 30-40% of beautiful flowers distributed by flower farmers to florists are thrown away. Nowadays, most people don’t know about the problem. We would like more and more people to know there is a problem of the loss of flowers, which have been loved by all the generations. This is why we started the project.

As for our action, we are going to ask florists to provide flowers that are about to be discarded and to create cup holders with secondary processed flowers for use in cafe.

By using loss flowers and Instagramable cup holders in cafe, many young people would be able to spread the word FLOWER LOSS quickly through SNS.

By doing so, more people in all the generations will not only have a chance to learn about FLOWER LOSS but also become more aware of various environmental problems.

63)[JPN]福岡雙葉高等学校:思考回路に革命を起こそう Make the evolution your train of thought

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福岡雙葉高等学校 - AYA yamaguchi

私たちはSDGs10に基づき,少数派,多数派といった社会全体の生活のしやすさを追求した取り組みをLGBT+にフォーカスを当てて行います。国際社会において,「不平等をなくす」という風潮は随分前から生まれていますが,それでもなお,不平等が存在しているのはなぜでしょうか。私たちは「少数派の気持ちが分からないから」だと考えています。LGBT+に関する知識があっても,実生活で生かせなければ,現状は何も変わりません。私たちのプロジェクトは,2部構成になっており,多数派(LGBT+でない人々) が少数派(LGBT+の人々)の気持ちを知る機会(1部)と多数派でのLGBT+知識を広げていきます(2部)。具体的には,多数派が,ゲームやインタビューを通して少数派の気持ちを疑似体験したり,価値観の形成に深く関わる幼少期の教育におもちゃを通して関わったり,正しい最新の知識の共有をしたりしていきます。

We will pursue comfort life whole the international society based on SDGs10 focus on LGBT+. In international society, there have been existing the tendency that we should lost unfair, however, there exist this. Do you know why? We think it is because we don’t know minority’s emotion. Even if they have knowledge about LGBT+, there is no effect when they can't make use of them in reality life.Our project has two structures. One is the opportunity that majority(non-LGBT+) can realize the minority's emotion, and another is also opportunity that improve the majority's knowledge about LGBT+.For instance, by playing games or interviewing, majority can experience like minority's emotion.Also, we will have a connection to childhood education that have bid influence of formation of sense of value by using toys that we produced.

64)[JPN]福岡雙葉高等学校:Sourire Palette 〜“使わない”以外のアイデア〜an alternative to “not using cosmetics”〜

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福岡雙葉高等学校 - おと.HEIC






 What do you think of when you hear the word “cosmetics”? Making you look beautiful? Getting closer to your ideal self? There are various ideas, and I think most people have a positive image of it.

Certainly, there are many advantages to wearing makeup, such as having confidence and dignity, and being able to express your ideal self. However, the hidden disadvantages of cosmetics in modern society are not well known. In fact, depending on how they are used, cosmetics can promote child labor and environmental problems, and if we have incorrect knowledge about them, they can cause prejudice and discrimination.

So, we will focus on the background of cosmetics and relate it to three SDGs: gender issues on SDGs 5, mass production, consumption, disposal on SDGs 12, and environmental issues on SDGs 13.

The first step in the research process is to learn about the current situations regarding cosmetics in foreign countries. The next step is to identify the similarities and differences in ideas about cosmetics between Japan and other countries. Finally, based on the results of the research, we will propose an alternative to “not using cosmetics” in order to protect the environment.

65)[JPN]福岡雙葉高等学校:差別を知り、多様性を認め合える世の中へ To a world where we can know discrimination and recognize diversity.

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福岡雙葉高等学校 - あおい月生田.JPG

SDGs10番「人や国の不平等をなくそう」の人種差別と5番「ジェンダー平等を実現しよう」の男女差別について活動しています。高校1年生の時から活動しており、7月には福岡県内の中学校へ赴きSDGsや差別について知ってもらうためにプレゼンテーションをする予定です。私たちは差別について無知であるため、無意識にいろんな差別や偏見がある言動をしてしまっています。このことから差別をなくすためには、「多様性を認める」ことから始めればいいのではないかとました。今の日本は外国に比べ多様性を認める教育が遅れていると思います。幼い頃から多様性を認め、無知でなくすることでより良い未来にすることができます。After Focusでは中学校でプレゼンテーションをしたことを活かして、学校だけでなく幅広い年代にも伝え、現状を少しでも改善できるように多様性を認め、差別について考える機会をつくり、一人一人の意識を変えられるようにします。

My group is working on SDGs No.10 “Reduced Inequalities” racial discrimination and No.5 “Gender Equality” sexual discrimination. When we went out of Japan, the corona virus revealed the fact that we was a group of Asians who were lumped together and discriminated against. What I felt after investigating racial discrimination is that Japan is safe but too ignorant of discrimination and prejudice. And the words and actions we usually use can unknowingly discriminate.I think it disappears by acknowledging diversity.Racism and diversity of different countries are a part of everyday life, so need to address these issues to stop ignorance from hurting anyone. We must accept different things in an ever-diversifying society and aim first to make everyone happy.We want to create a world that "recognizes diversification" even from the younger generation.At After Focus, we will convey these things to a wide range of age groups, create opportunities to think about discrimination so that we can improve the current situation as much as possible, have them understand diversity, and do our best to change the consciousness of each person.

66)[JPN]福岡雙葉高等学校:児童虐待の啓発と状況改善 improving current status of child abuse

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We are going to change the Japan's current situation of child abuse .

In Japan there is lot of child abuse problem. We thought Japanese educstion about child abuse is not enough and the teachers understanding of child abuse is bad.

So we want to change this problem. Mainly we are going to use SDGs16and10.

First of all we are going to make site with NPO. in japsn there is tel system to consultation but it is difficult for children .

In the site ,we will set the legal knowlage page to easy to understand.

And we will make the diagnosis that children having child abuse or not.We could find the problem easily and child could know situations of their house or school.

and we will make chat that children could council with adult.

Next we will make the picture book for children and we will distribute to kindergarten and elementary school. We will caution to children to not abuse and if you are having abuse from someone please sign something or tell to adult to have the help.Also we will try to contact with lawyer and councillors .

67)[JPN]福知山成美高等学校:パートナーシップで心の国境を無くそう 〜今を生きる私たちと未来のために〜 Let’s Defeat Mental Borders Through Partnerships by living in the present and for our future

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Physical borders are disappearing around the world today. But, there are still many psychological borders. As well as solving human rights being a big issue. We want to create a world where everyone is respected regardless of skin color, language, and nationality. From August, we will have a chance to study abroad in the Czech Republic, the United States, and Canada. We will spread awareness that "everyone is the same species" not only in Japan but also in our study abroad countries.

To do this, we will do the following actions.

1.Research and analyze prejudice, discrimination, and other human rights issues and their causes in each country.

2. Spread our message and raise awareness about these issues through posters, leaflets, and conversation.

3. Organize an online discussion event between the three countries and Japan to discuss the ideals and realities of human rights issues.

4. Continue to increase people's consciousness toward the ideal state for the long term.

Taking advantage of our opportunity to study abroad, our FOCUS is to take action to make our world better. A world where everyone can respect each other as humans.

68)[JPN]福知山成美高等学校:クリーン大作戦from成美 operations for cleaning from Seibi

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Our group focused on SDGs 11 and 12,and created the slogan "Clean Operations from Seibi High School." We are working to turn our city into a better place to live. We thought of three specific actions. The first is to pick up trash in and around Fukuchiyama City. We are focusing on this and proceeding with our plan. In addition, in order to make more effective use of the shcool’s original waste paper recycling system, we will make posters that encourage students and teachers to use them and hang them up around our school. This is the second action. The third action is to bring recyclable items from each household to shool collect and recycle them, convert them into picture books and stationery. Lastly donate these newly created items to child care facilities in our city. The primary purpose of doing this is to let everyone better understand and encourage recycling and separation of garbages. I would like to review these actions from various perspectives through FOCUS and discuss them again to make them better. Let's work together!

69)[JPN]福知山成美高等学校:パラエフトゥロ(For The Future)

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 私たち福知山成美高等学校のチーム「Para el futuro」は、「未来につながるまちづくりを」をスローガンに持続可能な循環型社会を目指しています。現在、日本全体では年間600万tの食品ロスが出ています。これは一人当たり年間約47㎏の食品を捨てていることになります。これを成美高校1000人で考えると4,7万㎏のロスになります。私たちはこの現状を知ってもらい、食品ロスを減らす意識に変えるために全校生徒にパンフレットを配布します。



We team "Para el futuro"(For The Future) at Fukuchiyama Seibi High School aim to create a sustainable society by empowering our slogan, "Creating a Sustainable Town That Leads to the Future." Currently as a whole, there is an annual food loss of 6 million tons in Japan. This means that each person throws away about 47kg of food annually. Considering that Seibi High School has almost 1,000 students, it would be a loss of about 47,000kg of food. So, we will distribute flyers to all of our students to raise awareness about this situation in order to reduce food loss. In addition, we will collect kitchen waste and leftover food from the school cafeteria and dormitory. We will compose this waste into fertilizer. After that we will ask the gardening department and local farmers to use the fertilizer to grow vegetables. Then we will help harvest these vegetables. Our school cafeteria will use these vegetables to serve students in our dormitory. By embedding this sustainable cycle in our town and expand our activities to neighboring communities, we believe that we will be able to establish a recycling-oriented society without any food loss. Now, we and other young people need to take action for our future and start solving our environmental issues. Join us in making a sustainable society. Let’s do our part!

70)[JPN]福知山成美高等学校:CO2削減のために私達ができること〜循環型社会を作るために〜 What we can do to reduce CO2 ~ To create a sound material-cycle society ~

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Our group focused on environmental problems and the formation of a recycling-oriented society due to the increase in carbon dioxide accompanying the modernization of the world.

As a result of thinking about what we can do to prevent global warming, we thought it would be best to compost kitchen waste. Composting kitchen waste would turn useless waste into useful items and contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society. Compared to other countries, Japan has one of the highest rates of incinerating kitchen waste. Kitchen waste is burned together with normal garbage, but since it's about 80 to 90% water, it consumes a large amount of petroleum, and then a large amount of CO2 is emitted during incineration. This is a problem. Therefore, composting kitchen waste contributes to reducing oil consumption and CO2 emissions. It is better to provide the compost made to local parks and use it as fertilizer for flower beds at school. We thought doing so would contribute to one of the goals of the SDGs. We think we can contribute to the 13th "concrete measures against climate change" SDGs.

In the future, I would like to collaborate with Fukuchiyama City to collect fallen leaves, collect kitchen waste, and compost to create a sustainable society.

In the future, in cooperation with Fukuchiyama City, we would like to collect fallen leaves and collect kitchen waste and compost it to reduce the amount of food waste, reduce the amount of oil used at the garbage incineration plant, and reduce CO2. This will be a starting concrete measure to fight global warming. After seeing the results, we will encourage other cities to take these measures.

71)[JPN]福知山成美高等学校:ゴーヤ Goya

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福知山成美高等学校 - 山口山口





We are team ” Goya” at Fukuchiyama Seibi High School.

Doesn't it feel much hotter these days than in the past? Don't you think that the number of times we use the air conditioner has increased rapidly? In fact, air-conditioning is essential for our lives, but it is accelerating global warming. So, to fix this problem, we will grow goya curtains outside of our classrooms and lower the temperature of the classrooms. This will lead to less usage of air conditioners. We will also measure the temperatures between classrooms with and without the goya curtains. And, we will spread this activity to local communities by measuring statistics and showing them the evidence. Moreover, we will be able to give out the harvested goyas to our dormitory students at Seibi.

Through these activities, we are sure that we will increase the number of people who care about the environment. Let’s preserve the beautiful Earth one classroom at a time.

72)[JPN]宮崎県立宮崎大宮高等学校:洪水から家を守るパテ!?Putty to protect your house from floods!

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There are many people in the world today who are troubled by floods that have swept away their homes. One of the reasons why houses are washed away is because water enters through the gaps, and one of the tools used to fill the gaps is "putty". We thought that we could make putty from mango peels, cashew nut shells, and the liquid waste from growing shiitake mushrooms. Through this activity, we hope to reduce flood damage around the world. 

73)[JPN]宮崎県立宮崎大宮高等学校:飫肥天と海洋問題提起〜レクリエーションと飫肥天〜Project to Think about Ocean Issues through the Experience of Cooking with "Obi-ten"

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“Obi-Ten” is a traditional processed fish food that is grown in the area of Nichinan City, Miyazaki Prefecture. We propose a one-day Obi heaven tour. This project will give participants a chance to learn about the problem of marine pollution through fishing and cooking “Obi-Ten”.