74) [JPN] 米子北斗高校 : Project ソクラテス Project Socrates




There are a lot of things that students don't know.

We have felt it through investigate learning.

Do you know the present situation of the "donation".

Do you know the present situation of "poverty" around the world.

Our daily lives can be deeply related to several issues in the world.

So we would like to think about how to let people, especially student ,know about those present situations and issues.Of course , to take actions is important ,

but our priority is that we should know about their details.

By learning correct information , we can deepen our view toward those issues from a different perspective.

To achieve this, how about creating new methods which can have students know what is happening in our society easily. In this modern Internet society. We want to think what we can together.

75) [JPN] 法政大学国際高等学校 :「食品ロス」問題に取り組む~食料不均衡の世界地図をつくる~ Addressing the “ Food Loss”Problem ~Creating a World Map of Food Imbalances~



We tackle the issue of "food loss”.

Bored countries waste one-third of their food supply, or about 1.3 billion tons of food, every year. On the other hand, more than 800 million people, mainly in developing countries, do not have enough food and suffer from malnutrition.

We would like to create a global map of food imbalance and raise awareness of the issue of food loss among young people of our generation. Furthermore, we would like to make concrete policy proposals on how to improve this imbalance.

76) [ENG] 北海道札幌国際情報高校 : 学校からECOになろう!〜教育現場の環境問題〜Let's be ECO-FRIENDLY from school!〜Environmental problems in educational sites〜



 1つ目の取り組みは学校から配布されるプリントをICTを使って管理することです。アドビシステムズが小学生の親を対象に行なった調査によると小学生の親の半数以上が、学校からのプリン トが多いと答えています。これらをICTで管理すれば使用する紙の量を減らせます。また、紙の焼却処分により排出されるCO2を減らすことができ、SDGsの目標13の達成に貢献できます。

 2つ目の取り組みはペットボトルキャップの回収量をクラスで競わせ回収を促し、回収したペットボトルキャップをエコキャップ活動を推進しているNPO法人に寄付することです。ペットボトルキャップをゴミとして焼却処分すると430個で3,150gものCO2が発生すると言われています。 キャップを分別回収することでエコキャップとして資源の再活用ができ、持続可能な社会の実現、そしてSDGsの目標11の実現に貢献できます。


Our project is "Let's be ECO–FRIENDRY from school! ~ Environmental Problems in Educational Sites ~"

The reason we decided this project is that we want the younger generation to be more interested in the environment and take actions. We have two suggestions for this. The first suggestion is to use ICT to manage the handouts that are distributed from schools. According to Adobe Systems,! more than half of elementary school parents said they received too much handouts from their schools. If we manage them with ICT, we can reduce the amount of paper used at schools.!By doing so, we can reduce CO2 emissions from the incineration of paper and contribute to the achievement of the SDGs 13.

The second suggestion is to encourage the younger generation to collect plastic bottle caps and donate them to NPOs promoting eco-cap activities. To achieve this, we plan to hold a competition in school. It is said when plastic bottle caps are incinerated as garbage, about 430 plastic bottle caps emit as much as 3,150 grams of carbon dioxide. By separating and collecting them, resources can be reused as an eco-cap. We can also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and the achievement of the SDGs 11.

 We want to find ways to convince teachers to introduce ICT, and ways to get students actively participated in the project.

77) [ENG] [JPN] 名城大学附属高等学校 : 生理で止めるな Don’t make us stop by menstruations

私たちは、先輩方の布ナプキンプロジェクトを知ったことをきっかけにジェンダーにつ いて興味を持った。途上地域の中でも特にサハラ以南では、宗教的背景や経済的背景で 学校に通えない女児が多くいる。さらに、生理用用品事情と生理に対する考え方も原因 のひとつである。これにより、教育を受けられず雇用されにくくなる。これまでは女児の 教育の機会を少しでも増やすための布ナプキンプロジェクトと月経の正しい知識を男女 共に広めるための月経教育プロジェクトを行ってきた。私たちはそれらを引き継ぎ、最終的にはジェンダー平等と女性の自由な将来選択をできることを目指している。これまでは、布ナプキン作成会やメッセージカードとともに現地に送る活動、月経に関する理解促進等を行ってきた。私たちはそれらのプロジェクトを引き継ぎ、現地と共同で進めていけるシステムを構築していきたい。

We became interested in gender issues when we learned about our senior’s cloth napkin project. Among the developing regions, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, there are many girls who cannot go to school due to religious or economic backgrounds. In addition, the inability to buy sanitary napkins and their way of thinking about menstruation are another cause. As a result, they cannot receive education and it becomes difficult to be employment. So far, conducting a cloth napkin project to increase girl’s educational opportunities as much as possible and a menstruation education project to spread correct knowledge of menstruation to both men and women. And we take over them. Ultimately, we aim for gender equality and free future choices for women. Seniors conducting activities such as cloth napkin creation meetings, sending to the site with a message card on the spot and promoting understanding of menstruation. We would like to take over those projects and build a system that can be promoted jointly on the spot. By doing this we would have the opportunity to continue contributing to the welfare of African women. Also it would broaden our horizons for the future.

78) [ENG] [JPN] 名城大学附属高等学校 : ジェンダーの枠にとらわれない制服の在り方 The way of genderless school uniforms


In recent years, "genderless uniforms" have been introduced mainly in public high schools through out in Japan, and we aim to introduce them at our school. In addition, we would like to propose a "diversity uniform" that each person can choose, with more consideration for diversity, without being bound by gender. By doing so, we would like to create an environment where we can understand each other's diversity, so that everyone can freely choose a style that meets their feelings, we call this system as the “Meijo model”, and would like to introduce it to other schools that have not adopted such school uniforms. In addition to respecting diversity, we believe that by unifying the tops of men and women and having the freedom to choose skirts, trousers, and other items such as colors and ties, the gap between men and women not only in terms of appearance but also in terms money for expensive uniforms can be reduced. We want to create an environment through in Japan where everyone can enjoy their school life without stressing out about their uniforms that students wear every day.

79) [ENG] [JPN] 名城大学附属高等学校 : Vinculum〜マスキングプロジェクト〜Vinculum - Masking tape Project -

私が主催しているvinculumは商品のお印などサービス業等の企業で使われているOPPテープを 、紙のマスキングテープに変えてプラスチック削減に貢献しようというプロジェクトです。現 在、テープの製造を行っているbandeの方と協力して、従来の小さいテープだと軽量で使い勝 手が良くないため、テープカッターに入るサイズのものを製品化しようとしています。しかし 現状はどのように資産を運用するのか、たくさんの企業にどうやったら使っていただけるのか を考え切れていない状況です。Focusではこのような問題をみんなで考えていきたいです。近 年、多くのお店でレジ袋が有料になったりプラスチックストローが紙ストローに変わったりし て、環境に多少配慮されるようになっていますが、マイバックを必ず持参しないといけなかっ たり紙ストローがふやけたりするなど、不便を感じるようになりました。環境のために人が我 慢するのではなく、生活に溶け込んだ環境に良いものを普及させたいです。

I am organizing a project called vinculum, which aims to contribute to the reduction of plastic by replacing OPP tape used by companies in the service industry for marking products with paper masking tape. We are currently working with bande, a tape manufacturing company, to commercialize a tape that is small enough to fit into a tape cutter, as the traditional small tape is too lightweight to be useful. However, at present, we have not fully thought out how to manage our assets and how to make them available to many companies. At Focus, we would like to think about these issues together. In recent years, many stores have started charging for plastic bags and replacing plastic straws with paper straws, making them a little more environmentally friendly, but I still feel inconvenienced by the fact that I have to bring my own bag, and paper straws get blistered. I want to promote environmentally friendly products that are integrated into our daily lives, rather than people having to endure for the sake of the environment.

80) [ENG] 和光国際高等学校 : すべての人に健康と福祉を GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING by Wakoku Team B





We will focus on the third goal of the SDGs, " good health and

well-being for everone." This goal is to secure health and welfare to

all ages and promote welfare. We chose this goal because medical

disparity has been getting bigger due to COVID-19.Many people have

passed away by some diseases that we really might had avoided by

prevention and medical treatmen.

Medical disparity is partly difined as the number of doctors. There

are 1.804 doctors per 1000 people in a world avarage. There are 7

doctors per 1000 people in some countires. On the other hand, there

are only one doctor per 12000 in other countires. The countries that

have a lot of doctors are mainly developed countires and those which

have few doctors are developing countires. As this gap is as serious

as gaps in economy and education, we would like to take this topic at

the FOCUS.

81) [ENG] 和光国際高等学校 : きれいな水を世界中に!Let's drink clean water !!

私たちはSDGsの1つである『 安全な水とトイレを世界中に』をテーマに何か出来ることはないかと話し合いました。皆さんは水ストレスを知っていますか?これは水により日常生活に不便を感じる状態を指します。私たちは注目すべき需要な問題だと認識しています。






We discussed what we can for one of the SDGs "clean water and sanitation. "Do you know about WATER STRESS? It means state of feeling inconvenience to daily life by water.We think that is the important problem which we should pay attention to.

According to UNICEF, dirty water is drunk by 1.8

billion people.Besides, many childrens die by water pollution.

From these figure, we can find that Asian and African children are threatened with water problem. They keep doing civil war and conflict and ,there aren’t reservoir, which causes water problem.

In the world, we can use only 0.01% of water on the earth.To make tap water which we can drink with safety, we have to take a lot of time and work. So countries which can provide that water is quite limited.

If the people from developing countries can secure safety water, women and children who have to work to secure clean water can have more free time. Then, women will make their carrier. Besides, the standard of children's educational will get high,too.I think that is linked to economic development.

Every one, let's think about future of earth!

82) [ENG] 和光国際高等学校 : みんなお腹いっぱいに食べよう!! Everyone let's be full!!



Hello, we are from Wako International High School.We decided to select " zero hunger" as the topic of the FOCUS. The reason why we are interested in this topic is that we have known that one in eleven people are suffering from this problem. We don't often hear hunger in Japan, but when you hear the number above, you can know that so many people are suffering. Many people from the young to the old die every year because of hunger. We think there are three main reasons for this problem. The first one is conflict. There are a lot of conflicts in the world, which produce refugee camps. hunger often happens in this area. The second is poverty. They don't have enough money to get food and is very difficult to break the chain of poverty. The last one is natural disaster. They can't get enough crops, then get starved. What can we do? For example, reducing food loss. About 20 % of food is thrown away in Japan. I'd like to think about this problem at the FOCUS.

83) [ENG] 和光国際高等学校 : 質の高い教育を皆に Providing quality education to everyone

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ダウンロード - 椿洋之.jpeg


Hello . We are Wako International High School Group A. We were interested in SDGs ,4 of the 17 goals,”Providing quality education to everyone.” The reason why we were interested in this task is that we are the ones who are well educated and if we aren’t educated, we cannot read, write or calculate.It will be difficult to get a job in the future and it will be difficult to live. We also thought that being able to receive high-quality education would broaden the range of jobs that could be taken and help solve the problem of poverty. Now, we can do things, as you will see in the video, is the products and the donation of miswritten scrapes. Besides, we used to put the teaching materials in plastic bags or clothes, but by donating school bags, we can carry them or our school bags and go to school.There is a limit to what we can do today, but we hope that even the smallest things can have a slight impact on solving the SDGs problem.

84) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館高等学校:フードレスキュープロジェクト Food Rescue Project

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IMG_3613 - Yoshimoto Hinata吉本 暖.heic


We plan to sell unsold food and drinks from local supermarkets or convenience stores to students after club activities in our school to reduce the amount of food waste. According to our survey, many students are hungry after club activities because the school store closes early. We will purchase food and drinks such as non-standard ones that are nearing the use-by date from local stores cheaply and sell them to students at the same prices. The benefit for students is that they have permission from the school to buy food and drinks cheaply. The advantages for stores are that they can reduce the amount of food waste and disposal costs. Plus they can advertise their food to students. However, some problems might arise from these suggestions. Firstly, it won't be easy to get permission for students to sell food. The second problem is the handling of food when it remains unsold. Finally, we are concerned that it may financially hurt the business of the school store.

85) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館高等学校:ゴミも使えばエコとなる Many a little trash makes an eco friendly world

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立命館高校. - Ookubo Haruka大久保陽果.jpg


We planned this project to focus on two environmental issues: plastic waste and clothing disposal. The first is a hands-on activity. We will visit actual sites (such as rivers where the landscape has been damaged by plastic waste) and hold workshops, where we can pick up trash in order to tell participants about the current situation of the plastic waste problem. Secondly, we are planning to collaborate with college students from a fashion design school to make eco-bags from the used clothes. By collaborating with those college students, we hope to create fashionable and practical eco-bags and let a number of people use them, stimulating those participants to notice the other environmental issue of clothing disposal. In this project, people studying different fields can also get involved. By doing so, we can make more people aware of these problems and start to think about the solution. By combining the major issue of with the minor issue of garment disposal, we aim to make people more aware of environmental issues.

86) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館高等学校:食で笑顔を Smile with food

立命館高校 - Niia Hokuto.jpeg
 立命館高校 - Niia Hokuto.jpeg

私達のプロジェクトはsmile with food


The name of our project is Smile with food.

This project is one of the 17 goals of the SDGs to no poverty. We also investigated the situation in poor areas of the Philippines and considered a project based in the Philippines that could be supported by Japan. This project will utilize Filipino specialties and combine them with famous Japanese foods. Our goal is to get more people to know and buy Filipino food, to know more about the poverty situation in the Philippines and to give Filipino children the joy of playing.

87) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館守山高等学校:SGDsボランティアサークル SDGs Volunteer Circle

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立命館守山(活動写真2) - Masanori Kimitsuki.jpg


1つ目はTable For Twoと言うシステムの導入です。一品につき、20円で発展途上国の子ども達に給食を提供します。




Hello. We are from the SDGs Volunteer Circle of Ritsumeikan Moriyama Junior High School. We are mainly divided into three groups and are working to solve social problems.

The first group research about poverty. They are introducing a system called “Table For Two”, which allows you to donate 20 yen per item to developing countries in the school cafeteria.

The second group research about health and welfare. They support various facilities such as day services around the school to revitalize the community.

The third group research about environmental issues. We are planning some activities to encourage local preschoolers to learn the SDGs through games.

Our volunteer circle has just been started. However, we thought that it will be a wonderful opportunity to let many people know about our activities. In addition, we would like to superimpose the small things that we are currently working on over bigger social problems that are occurring in the world and deepen what we can do with our own strength.

88) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:UNO~子供達のためにGender equality な社会を目指しませんか?~aim of equality of gender society for children~


皆さんこんにちは、立命館宇治高校のUNOです。UNOはイタリア語で一つという意味で、すべての人種や性別関係なく、すべての人が一つとなって社会作りをしてほしいという意味が込められています。現在日本では、男女の就労や家事負担率が偏った構図になっています。日本は、世界ジェンダー・ギャップ報告書(Global Gender Gap Report)2021(対象153か国)では、日本120位でG7の中では最下位、また、女性の管理職などの割合も低く世界でも後れを取っているのが現状です。日本には、昔から男尊女卑という考え根強くあります。それらをなくす取り組みとして、子どもの教育をします。私たちは子どものうちに価値観が形成されると考えます。だからこそ、子どものうちから男女関係ない教育や性別にとらわれない環境で自然と性差別のない教育活動をしたいと考えています。ぜひ、私たちと一緒に日本の未来を担う子供たちの教育について考えて見ませんか?

Hello everyone, Our name is UNO from Ritsumeikan Uji High School. UNO means "one" in Italian, and it is my hope that all people, regardless of race or gender, will work together as one to build a society. Currently in Japan, the ratio of men to women in terms of work and housework is skewed. In the Global Gender Gap Report 2021 (153 countries covered), Japan ranked 120th, the lowest among the G7 countries. In Japan, there has always been a deep-rooted idea of male chauvinism. As an effort to eliminate this, we educate our children. We believe that values are formed in children. That is why we would like to conduct educational activities that do not discriminate against gender naturally, by providing gender-neutral education and a gender-neutral environment from the time children are born. Why don't you join us in thinking about the education of the children who will be the future of Japan?

89) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:LAONINラオスの貧困問題をコーヒービジネスを通して解決を目指すプロジェクト A project aims to solve poverty problem in Laos through the coffee business



LAONIN consists of 8 Ritsumeikan Uji IM students. The purpose of LAONIN is to solve the issues with low quality education by Laos’s coffee business. In current Laos, the percentage of people who goes to high school is low. Also, dropout rate is 8.5% and repeat rate is 13.5%. It appears that they don’t receive good education due to economical and cultural reasons. For the solution of this issue, we sell the Laos coffee on the school festival, and asked our partnership café to sell the Laos coffee. We donate these profits to children in Laos. The problem of our project is the name value of Laos coffee is low, and we don’t have brand power. Through FOCUS, we are expecting you to discuss about the good way to get name value of Laos coffee, and brand power. Please join us for Laos children

90) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:LGBTQ+ LGBTQ フレンドリーな学校に! to create a LGBTQ+ friendly school!


私たちは立命館宇治高校のLGBTQ+の問題をテーマとして活動を行っているALIEです。ALIEというチーム名は All Love Is Equal(全ての性は平等である)の頭文字を取ってつけた名前です。ALIEというチームは去年立ち上げられたばかりです。そのため先輩方はできることに限りがあり、満足の行く結果に至りませんでした。私たちは先輩方の意思を引き継ぐ身として、より活動の規模を拡大し目標達成に近づけるように活動を進めていきたいと考えています。私たちの最終的な目標は、学校全体としてLGBTQ+に対しての理解を深めてもらうことです。それを達成するためにこれからの活動としてアンケートの実施やコースを跨いだ講演会の実施、サークル活動の展開、イベントの開催を行っていきたいと考えています。FOCUSでは他校と交わり立命館宇治以外の学校がLGBTQ+の問題にどのように取り組んでいるかなどを共有しあい知識を増やす機会にし、それぞれの学校で何が必要かなどを一緒に考えていきたいです。

We are ALIE, a group working on the LGBTQ+ issue in Ritsumeikan Uji high school. ALIE stands for All Love Is Equal, which stands for all love is equal. The group ALIE was created last year. Last year, our seniors had limits to what they could achieve and were not able to get satisfied results. This year we want to expand the scale of activities and get closer to the goal for this team, which is to gain the school's understanding towards lgbtq+. To achieve this, we are planning to take questionnaires, lectures not only for us IM students but beyond the course to the whole school, circle activities and hold events. Within FOCUS we are thinking of connecting with other schools about LGBTQ+ and make it a chance to gain each other's knowledge and think deeper about what we can do from now on.

91) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:Pla_earth 琵琶湖のプラスチックを減らそう / Let’s save our Biwako from plastics



We are pla-earth! We aim to solve the marine plastic problem based in Lake Biwa. Especially, we focus on reducing the number of plastics that flows into the ocean from now on, not the plastic already be flown. Plastics end up in the ocean due to the littering and rain. It threatens not only lives of the creatures below water such as sea turtles, seabirds and fish but also that of humans. The actions that we are currently thinking to solve this situation are ① Plan an event with people who volunteer at the Lake Biwa ② Think out the place to collect plastics ③ Set up a trash can around the livers that are frequently littered Let's work on this issue with us and get a safe and beautiful ocean! We are looking forward to make a successful movement by involving everyone through the FOCUS.

92) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:Wakka ラオスと日本の架け橋Unite Laos with Japan


立命館宇治高校IMコース3年生4人のグループ、Wakkaです。Wakkaは2016年に発足し,過年度生から継続しているプロジェクトです。「教育で世界を変える」を目指して東南アジアの子供達に金銭面での支援活動を行ってきました。昨年からはラオスの中等教育に焦点を置いて活動を行っています。 主として行っている活動はNGOクワトロさんと共同で行っている坂雲寮への支援です。クラウドファンディングを通して沢山の人に坂雲寮の事を知ってもらいたいです。 これからの展望としては、坂雲寮生との交流、オンラインラオス研修、ベイクセールを行う予定です。FOCUSでは坂雲寮生との金銭面以外の交流のアイデアや、クラウドファンディングを我が校だけでなくもっと大きい規模で行うためのアイデアを一緒に考えたいです。坂雲寮生の生徒と、コミュニケーションを取ることができる素晴らしい機会なので、ぜひWAKKA に参加してみてください!

Hello, everyone. We are the team WAKKA. Our group has four members, and all of us are in the third grade of high school. Wakka has been started since 2016 with senior students, then we took over this project from them this year. We support the children in the Southeast Asia by raising funds to achieve this goal “to change the world with the education”. We have been focusing on the secondary education in Laos since last year. Our main activity is to support the Sakagumo dormitory in Laos cooperated with NGO Quatoro. We want more people to know the Sakagumo dormitory through doing the cloud funding. We are planning to have these activities in this year such as the communication with Sakagumo students, online Laos tour, and doing the bake sales. In this event FOCUS, we want to consider the idea together to discover the best way to support Sakagumo students with not only the funding but also through the communication, and the idea to achieve the cloud funding with bigger scales. We would like to have the great discussion and to get the new perspectives in the FOCUS with you!

93) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:FOOJOY 食べ物を通してみんなに幸せを Food makes happiness for everyone


立命館宇治高等学校IMコースではGLS(Global Leadership Studies)の授業を3年間通して行います。高校3年時には、自分達が解決したい社会問題の解決に向けて活動を行い、私たちFOOJOY(フージョイ)は今フードロスに焦点を当てて活動しています。フードロスは本来食べられるのに捨てられてしまう食品のことで、特に先進国で大きな問題になりつつあります。私たちの住む日本でも、多くのフードロスを廃出しているので、日本人はこの問題を他人事と考えることはできません。私たちは問題を解決するために、生産者側と消費者側の視点どちらからも考えて、自分たちのできる解決向けた方法を考えています。

Hello, all! We are FOOJOY. This project is created in Global Leadership Studies class (GLS) which is special for Ritsumeikan Uji. FOOJOY focuses on food waste problem. Food waste is defined as the food that not eaten, and it is a significant problem especially among developed countries. Japan has generated enormous amount of food waste, and we should care about it. To solve this problem, FOOJOY is considering what we can do from both procedure’s and consumer’s perspective. We would like more people to know about the problem and hope we can find good solutions.

94) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:ホームレス社会復帰支援 Homeless reintegration support

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We are UTOPIA, a group of 4 of IM third-year students from Ritsumeikan Uji High School. we are working on issues of homeless people in japan, and aiming to support homeless people reintegrating into the society. Nowadays, there are some homeless people who already gave up to get back into the society. Those people are likely in the situation, such as having no one to rely on, completely lost connections with others and isolated from society. In order to support homeless people, we set a goal which making chances for homeless people who are isolated from society, to build human connections again and eventually reintegrating into society. As the next step of our activity, we are planning to cooperate with NPO organizations, which are approaching to homeless problems in Japan. Also, we are planning to join volunteer and supportive activities, and we are aiming to support homeless people getting back to society by interacting with them. In FOCUS, we want to find and come up with ideas, what we can do to approach to the problems by exchanging ideas together.

95) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:観光地の環境問題 はんなり京都で環境革命! Let's environmental revolution in Kyoto!



We are fulfilling the project which theme is “environmental problem about tourist spot”. We are trying to make environmental problem better. Our school is in Kyoto, where there are many places to visit. However, even in Kyoto, the most famous place to visit, the landscape is getting worse because of lots of different reasons. One of these is littering. Have you seen any places which has bad landscape before? We usually concern about the landscape every time without even notice it. Although, we will have more bad effects when that is happening on tourist spot. For example, people who are living in those areas will be bothered by the stinks, and they will have trouble with money due to the decreasing of number of tourists. We started this project to introduce many people our town with our big proud for the place. Nowadays, over-tourisms are getting serious problem around the world. Our goal is to make the places where people can rest physically and mentally for tourists and local people after the COVID-19 has ended by starting this project now. If you are interested in tourism, have knowledges about environmental problem or curious about many things, let’s work together to make the society better! We are looking forward to seeing you and discuss about environmental problem about tourist spot!

96) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:子ども食堂〜地域の子ども食堂に通う子ども達へ食育を/Food education to children in local children cafeteria〜


私たちは、立命館宇治高等学校IMコースの3年生徒7人で構成されたプロジェクチーム、「ぱくもり」です。私たちは子供の孤食によって起こる問題を解決したいと考えています。孤食をなくすことは、それぞれの家庭状況の違いもあるので難しいです。従って、孤食によって発生する問題のうちの一つである、子どもの食事の栄養バランスの偏りに注目して問題解決に取り組んでいます。幼少期の栄養バランスの悪い食事は、子どもたちが将来、糖尿病や高血圧などの生活習慣病にかかる原因になります。そこで私たちは、この課題を解決するために学校付近にある子ども食堂で、今後子どもたちの助けになるような食事に関する知識を伝える機会を設けることを考えています。子ども食堂に実際に行くことで、その子ども食堂とそこに通う子ども達の現状を知り、一番適切なアプローチを行っていきます。FOCUS に参加することで、幅広い視点からのアイデアを得て、子供達が食への意識を高めるための一番良い食育の方法を見つけるきっかけにしたいです。

“Pakumori” is a group that is consisted of 7 third year students in Ritsumeikan Uji

High School IM course.In this project, issues caused by children's solitary eating has aimed. Eliminating solitary eating from the world is difficult because each family situation is involved. Therefore, the team focuses on one of the problems caused by solitary eating, the nutritional imbalance of the child's diet, and work on it. An unbalanced meal in childhood will cause of get lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure in the future. Then we came up with the idea to solve this problem, to go to the children’s cafeteria near to our school. Also, we would like to create an opportunity to tell the knowledge about a meal that will help children in the future.

We can know the current situation of the children’s cafeteria and children through going to children’s cafeteria. The current situation let us know the best approach to the children and children’s cafeteria. In Focus, we would like to get many ideas from different perspectives. Furthermore we would like to find a method of the best food education that children are conscious about their diet.

97) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:児童労働 ラオス どもたちへ学べる当たり前を Build Rainbow Bridge over children


立命館宇治高等学校IMコースでは探求科目としてGLS(Global Leader Studies)の授業を3年間にわたり実施しています。私たちIrisは立命館宇治高等学校IMコースの3年生7人で構成されたグループで、焦点をあてている社会問題は児童労働です。現在、世界では約10人に1人が児童労働者といわれていて、学校に行けない子供たちがたくさんいます。さらに自動労働の問題はSDGs8.7の項目に当てはまっていて、現在達成の見通しが弱い項目の一つとされています。この現状を解決するために、私たちが現在計画しているアクションは、既存の団体と協力することによって、アフリカで苦しむ児童労働者をサポートしていこうと思っています。この活動をすることによって、児童労働の深刻さを多くの人に知ってもらうのよう広報活動に力を入れていくと同時に、SDGsの項目8.7の解決にも貢献していきたいです。

Iris is the team that is intended to solve the issues mainly about Child Labor. Which also is stated within the lists of SDGs, but is said that it is unlikely to be solved by 2030. Considering that fact, we established the group consisted with 7 classmates in IM course as an activity of GLS class, hoping to encourage this issue to be ended. Currently, there are approximately 152 million of children, which is almost one out of ten, are being forced to work illegally, especially in Asia and Africa. They off course are not able to go to school as they like, which is one of the elements preventing it to develop as society there. What we are vaguely thinking to do at the moment is to have a connection with an already active organization in the field and contribute on their activities cooperating with them. Also, we want to make sure bigger number of people will know about the current situation about Child Labor all over the world.

98) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:人身売買問題 PARVUS MICO(小さな閃光)~人身売買で売られていく子供達に少しでも明るい未来を~PARVUS MICO(little flash)~To give brighter future for victims of human trafficking


私たちは立命館宇治高校IMコースの3年生、4人で構成されたPURVUS MICOです。PURVUS MICOは ラテン語で小さな閃光という意味で、少しでも人身売買の被害者になってしまった子供達に明るい未来を見せたいという思いからつけられた名前です。私たちの目標は、日本でも実際に起こっている人身売買の問題について、ターゲットになりやすい若者の意識を高め、自分たちの身をしっかり守れるようにすることです。世界的に人身売買は今や麻薬取引に次ぐ第二の違法ビジネスになっており、日本でも年に40件以上人身売買が起こっています。しかし、それに対する日本人の意識は18.7%ととても低いです。その問題を解決するために、私たちからの提案は、学校内で自分たちで行う講演会や実際に人身売買に対し活動している方々との対談などを考えています。これらを成功させるために、今回のFOCUSで日本や世界中の仲間と情報の選び方や新たに生まれるかもしれない様々な提案を探していきたいと思っています!!よろしくお願いします!!

We are PURVUS MICO, a group of 4 IM course student from Ritsumeikan Uji High School. PURVUS MICO means small flash in Latin which means we want victims of human trafficking especially children to see brighter future. Our aim is to give teenagers raise more awareness for human trafficking also happening in Japan and make them protect themselves. These days, human trafficking is second largest illegal business next to drug trading. In japan, 40 trafficking occur annually. However, Japanese awareness of human trafficking is very low at 18.7%. To solve this issue, we would like to talk with people who are working on the issue of human trafficking and propose to ourselves to hold lectures for our students. We would like to find out the way to choose right information and new suggestions with you all through FOCUS. Why don’t you join us!!

99) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:動物愛護 Tierhome 傷つけられてしまっている犬猫たちを一匹でも多く救おう!Let's try to save dogs and cats that are hurt by people as much as possible!


みなさん、こんにちは!私たちは立命館宇治高校の動物愛護に取り組んでいるTierhomeです。現在の日本では一年に約4万4000匹もの犬猫をはじめとする動物が殺処分されていて、世界の中でも悪い状況です。このグループはこのように可愛いと言ってペットを飼う人が増えている一方で、様々な理由が原因で殺処分されてしまう犬猫を1匹でも多く助けるということを目標に取り組んでいます。そのために私たちはこれから、保護されている犬猫の里親を見つけたり、その子達を送り出せるようにお手伝いしたりすることをメインとして活動していきたいと考えています。私たちのグループ名である“Tierhome” はドイツ語で”Tierheim“、「動物の家」という意味の単語を少し変化して付けました。”Tierheim”は実際に世界1の動物愛護先進国と呼ばれるドイツの愛護センターの名前にも使われています。動物に安心できる家族を見つけて幸せになって欲しいという想いを込めてこの名前にしました。高校生の私たちでも何か動物たちのためにできることを考えて頑張ります。よろしくお願いします。

Hello, everyone! We are Ritsumeikan Uji High School students and our project name is “Tierhome” which is working on the animal protection.

In Japan today, about 44,000 dogs and cats are slaughtered each year, and it is the worst situation in the world. This group is trying to help as many dogs and cats as possible which are slaughtered for human selfishness. For that reason, we would like to focus on finding foster parents for protected dogs and cats and helping them to be sent to their new family happily. Our group name “Tierhome” was arranged a little by German word for “Tierheim”, which means “animal home”. "Tierheim" is actually used in the name of the German animal welfare center, which is called the best advanced animal welfare in the world. Our group chose this name with the hopes to find a new family where animals such as dogs and cats can feel warm and happy. Even thought we are high school students, we will do our best to think about what we can do for animals. Thank you!

100) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:難民問題 Amica 日本における、難民問題に対する意識向上のためのプロジェクト Project to raise awareness towards refugee issues in Japan



When you see the word "refugee," what image comes to your mind? Someone who is a burden? Or do you feel sorry for them? Amico is a team of three high school seniors who attend the IM course at Ritsumeikan Uji High School. Amico is a team of three high school seniors attending the IM course at Ritsumeikan Uji High School. Our goal is to change the way people think about refugees, especially in Japan, which is a serious global problem. Currently, the refugee status recognition rate in Japan is 0.4%. This figure is significantly lower than Germany's 25.9% and the US's 29.6%. We believe that the refugee problem in Japan is caused by the indifference, lack of awareness, and misunderstanding of refugees among the Japanese people due to the Japanese national character, education, and media. We are planning to take concrete actions to address this issue, such as reading picture books to children in kindergartens and nursery schools.

101) [JPN] [ENG] 立命館宇治高等学校:Quon 高校生に日本文化を!!Japanese Culture For High School Students









Hello everyone!!! We are ”Quon”, a group of 4 IM course third-year-students from Ritsumeikan Uji High School. Our goal is spreading the charms of Japanese traditions and trying to take them into high school students’ daily life.

Have you ever come up with the question below?

“How much do youI know about Japanese traditions?”

We experienced studying abroad in Canada, and faced this question. It was a good chance to tell people what Japan is, but we couldn’t explain about Japan and Japanese traditions because we didn’t know so much about them. We stand up to learn the beauty of traditions and share them with high school students. We think the easiest way to touch on traditions is “food” rather than learning about Japanese traditional crafts, so we focus on “Japanese food”.

We are looking forward to sharing ideas with you about questions we have, such as “what are the good points each region of Japan has?” and “What interests do high school students have?”.

102) [JPN] 立命館宇治高等学校:PR Uji 宇治の観光を楽しんでもらおう!

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私たちPR Ujiは、立命館宇治IGコースの3年生徒3人で結成されたグループです。私たちの目的は、観光を楽しんでもらうことを目的としています。そのために私たちは、リピーターを増やしていく必要があると考えました。なぜならリピーターが増えるということは観光客を増やすことにも繋がり、さらに楽しいからもう一度来たいと考えるようになるからです。



PR uji is a group that is made out of four third year students in Ritsumeikan Uji High School IG course. Our purpose of action is to make enjoyable to the tourists in Uji. We thought to achieve our purpose, that is “we should increase the repeaters that come to see the sights in Uji”. Because of this opinion, if the repeaters increased, tourists coming to Uji would increase, and could make more repeaters than before.

These days, we can get to the destination only to use the direction app like Google map on iPhone. However, we sometime lost the way to destination even use the direction app. So, we are going to suggest the plan which use videos and many pictures and introduce some scenic routes on Uji’s sight-seeing area. For instance, “local rout” and “walking rout”, “relaxing rout”. This plan can choose some type of routs which the tourists want, and we hope we can support for the tourist’s best sight-seeing. Also, we are going to do the discussion again and again and want to make many routs for tourist and, we think that this plan can help not only the tourist but also local people.

103) [JPN] 立命館宇治中学校:海洋プラスチック問題 QUEST with Maipla



The current state of the sea has a bunch of plastic garbage, and marine organisms are strongly damaged by them. The reason why the sea is polluted is that most of the plastics won’t be recycled. Unfortunately, 90% of plastics which are manufactured by humans in a year aren’t recycled. The garbage that flew in the place that cannot be cleaned, and people couldn’t clean them all up. These sea pollution have adverse effects on humans; it must be dangerous to eat polluted fish because you may include many chemical substances. To solve the problem, it’s very important to follow 5R’s. They are Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse, and Repair. Our team’s goal is focusing on collecting pet bottles. We are thinking of having some help from the Suntory company to collect them, and recycle them 100%. Besides them, we’re going to collect our school’s pet bottles and provide them to the company, and spread how to classify pet bottles to schools, and to cities.

104) [JPN] 立命館宇治中学校:LGBTQ問題 Rainbow Supporter








Currently, in Japan, there are many inconveniences because the term "LGBTQ" and its meaning are not widely known in the public eye.

For example, some people cannot get jobs even if they want to, or people around them do not understand them and are prejudiced against them.

In fact, in our daily conversations with our parents, we feel that they have old-fashioned ideas about gender.

These problems create a society that is difficult for many people to live in.

The solution we have come up with is to make sure that the educators (teachers) who will be raising the children who will make up Japan's society in the future have the correct knowledge about LGBTQ and pass it on to them. To do this, we would like to give lessons to "teachers" via video and online.

Our goal is to change the world to a place where it is normal for people to have a variety of sexualities by the time they reach adulthood.

105) [JPN] 立命館宇治中学校:REI ~貧しい暮らしで困っている人たちが社会において力を発揮できる場を作る~



We, REI’s goal is to create a place where poor people can exert their strengths in society. We want to improve the current situation where poor people cannot receive good medical care and education. 5.6 million children that’s younger than 5 years old are dying because they cannot receive good quality medical care, and half of those children are newborn babies. There are 120 million children, who are 6~14 years old, who cannot receive good education. Main reasons why people cannot receive good medical care, are because the hospital is too far, the medical bills costs too much, and because there’s only few doctors. The reasons people cannot receive good education, is because their school is too far away, the quality of educations is low, and because they cannot buy textbooks. Some ideas to solve these problems, on the medical side, is to put medicine boxes for each house, with pictures of how to use those medicine (for people who cannot read). On the educational side, we can use Zoom to connect with children’s in Kenia and have some teachers come to teach those children.