Feb 10, 2021

Aaron and Moses are good servants.

Open your bible to Exodus 4-39, Numbers12-20

Moses relied on Aaron his brother to help him bring God's message to the Israelites.

John 14:6

Jesus said to him "I am the way and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Moses wrote the book of Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy 10:12: 12 And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul,

When the Bible says to fear the Lord it means to have great reverence or respect for God.

How would you answer each of these after reading Deuteronomy 10:12?

If you were watching a ballgame on TV and your little brother asked you to play ball with him in the backyard, how would you feel? How could you still your best to God?